
Class: RSpec::Core::AnonymousExampleGroup Private

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
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Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup
Defined in: rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/example_group.rb


Unnamed example group used by ‘SuiteHookContext`.

Constant Summary

Pending - Included


ExampleGroup - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

ExampleGroup - Inherited


Returns true if a ‘before(:context)` or after(:context) hook is currently executing.


Class Method Summary

ExampleGroup - Inherited


Adds an example to the example group.

.before_context_ivars, .children, .declaration_locations, .define_example_group_method,


.define_nested_shared_group_method, .delegate_to_metadata, .descendant_filtered_examples, .descendants, .description, .each_instance_variable_for_example, .ensure_example_groups_are_configured,

Defines an example within a group.


Shortcut to define an example with ‘:focus => true`.

.filtered_examples, .find_and_eval_shared,

Shortcut to define an example with ‘:focus => true`.


Shortcut to define an example with ‘:focus => true`.


Shortcut to define an example with ‘:focus => true`.


Define a singleton method for the singleton class (remove the method if it’s already been defined).


Includes shared content mapped to ‘name` directly in the group in which it is declared, as opposed to it_behaves_like, which creates a nested group.


Includes shared content mapped to ‘name` directly in the group in which it is declared, as opposed to it_behaves_like, which creates a nested group.

.initialize, .inspect,

Defines an example within a group.


The [Metadata](Metadata) object associated with this group.

.next_runnable_index_for, .ordering_strategy, .parent_groups,

Shortcut to define an example with ‘:pending => true`.


Removes an example from the example group.


Clear memoized values when adding/removing examples.


Runs all the examples in this group.

.run_after_context_hooks, .run_before_context_hooks, .run_examples, .set_it_up, .set_ivars,



Shortcut to define an example with ‘:skip => true`.


Defines an example within a group.

.store_before_context_ivars, .subclass,


.superclass_metadata, .top_level_description,

Traverses the tree of groups, starting with ‘self`, then the children, recursively.


Temporarily replace the provided metadata.


Shortcut to define an example with ‘:skip => ’Temporarily skipped with xexample’‘.


Shortcut to define an example with ‘:skip => ’Temporarily skipped with xit’‘.


Shortcut to define an example with ‘:skip => ’Temporarily skipped with xspecify’‘.


See additional method definition at line 742.

SharedExampleGroup - Extended

MemoizedHelpers::ClassMethods - Extended


Generates a method whose return value is memoized after the first call.


Just like ‘let`, except the block is invoked by an implicit before hook.


Declares a ‘subject` for an example group which can then be wrapped with expect using is_expected to make it the target of an expectation in a concise, one-line example.


Just like ‘subject`, except the block is invoked by an implicit before hook.

Hooks - Extended


Declare a block of code to be run after each example (using ‘:example`) or once after all examples n the context (using :context).


Adds ‘block` to the back of the list of after blocks in the same scope (`:example`, :context, or :suite).


Alias for Hooks#before.


Declare a block of code, parts of which will be run before and parts after the example.


Declare a block of code to be run before each example (using ‘:example`) or once before any example (using :context).


Holds the various registered hooks.


Alias for Hooks#after.


Adds ‘block` to the front of the list of before blocks in the same scope (`:example`, :context, or :suite).

Instance Attribute Summary

MemoizedHelpers - Included


should just be placed in private section, but Ruby issues warnings on private attributes.

Instance Method Summary

ExampleGroup - Inherited


Returns the class or module passed to the ‘describe` method (or alias).

Pending - Included


Marks an example as pending.


Marks an example as pending and skips execution.

MemoizedHelpers - Included


Wraps the ‘subject` in expect to make it the target of an expectation.


When ‘should` is called with no explicit receiver, the call is delegated to the object returned by subject.


Just like ‘should`, should_not delegates to the subject (implicit or explicit) of the example group.

#subject, #__init_memoized, #enforce_value_expectation, #initialize, #matcher_supports_value_expectations?

Class Method Details


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# File 'rspec-core/lib/rspec/core/example_group.rb', line 776

def self.