# File 'lib/ruby_installer/build/ca_cert_file.rb', line 14
def download_ssl_cacert_pem
require 'open-uri'
require 'csv'
require 'openssl'
require 'stringio'
csv_data = OpenURI.open_uri(MOZILLA_CA_CSV_URI)
fd = StringIO.new
fd.write <<-EOT
## Bundle of CA Root Certificates
## Certificate data from Mozilla as of: #{Time.now.utc}
## This is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate Authorities (CA).
## These were automatically extracted from Mozilla's root certificates CSV file
## downloaded from:
## Further information about the CA certificate list can be found:
## https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:IncludedCAs
## This file is used as default CA certificate list for Ruby.
## Conversion done with rubyinstaller-build version #{RubyInstaller::Build::GEM_VERSION}.
CSV.parse(csv_data, headers: true).select do |row|
row["Trust Bits"].split(";").include?("Websites")
end.map do |row|
pem = row["PEM Info"]
end.sort_by do |cert|
[cert.subject.to_a.sort, -cert.serial.to_i]
end.each do |cert|
sj = "#{ OpenSSL::X509::Name.new(cert.subject.to_a.sort) } - #{cert.serial.to_i}"
fd.write "\n#{ sj }\n#{ "=" * sj.length }\n#{ cert.to_pem }\n"