Active Job Basics
This guide provides you with all you need to get started in creating, enqueuing and executing background jobs.
After reading this guide, you will know:
- How to create and enqueue jobs.
- How to configure and use Solid Queue.
- How to run jobs in the background.
- How to send emails from your application asynchronously.
What is Active Job?
Active Job is a framework in Rails
designed for declaring background jobs and
executing them on a queuing backend. It provides a standardized interface for
tasks like sending emails, processing data, or handling regular maintenance
activities, such as clean-ups and billing charges. By offloading these tasks
from the main application thread to a queuing backend like the default Solid
Queue, Active Job ensures that time-consuming operations do not block the
request-response cycle. This can improve the performance and responsiveness of
the application, allowing it to handle tasks in parallel.
Create and Enqueue Jobs
This section will provide a step-by-step guide to create a job and enqueue it.
Create the Job
Active Job provides a Rails
generator to create jobs. The following will create
a job in app/jobs
(with an attached test case under test/jobs
$ bin/rails generate job guests_cleanup
invoke test_unit
create test/jobs/guests_cleanup_job_test.rb
create app/jobs/guests_cleanup_job.rb
You can also create a job that will run on a specific queue:
$ bin/rails generate job guests_cleanup --queue urgent
If you don't want to use a generator, you could create your own file inside of
, just make sure that it inherits from ApplicationJob
Here's what a job looks like:
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform(*guests)
# Do something later
Note that you can define perform
with as many arguments as you want.
If you already have an abstract class and its name differs from
, you can pass the --parent
option to indicate you want a
different abstract class:
$ bin/rails generate job process_payment --parent=payment_job
class ProcessPaymentJob < PaymentJob
queue_as :default
def perform(*args)
# Do something later
Enqueue the Job
Enqueue a job using perform_later
and, optionally, set
. Like so:
# Enqueue a job to be performed as soon as the queuing system is
# free.
GuestsCleanupJob.perform_later guest
# Enqueue a job to be performed tomorrow at noon.
GuestsCleanupJob.set(wait_until: Date.tomorrow.noon).perform_later(guest)
# Enqueue a job to be performed 1 week from now.
GuestsCleanupJob.set(wait: 1.week).perform_later(guest)
# `perform_now` and `perform_later` will call `perform` under the hood so
# you can pass as many arguments as defined in the latter.
GuestsCleanupJob.perform_later(guest1, guest2, filter: "some_filter")
That's it!
Enqueue Jobs in Bulk
You can enqueue multiple jobs at once using
For more details see Bulk Enqueuing.
Default Backend: Solid Queue
Solid Queue, which is enabled by default from Rails version 8.0 and onward, is a database-backed queuing system for Active Job, allowing you to queue large amounts of data without requiring additional dependencies such as Redis.
Besides regular job enqueuing and processing, Solid Queue supports delayed jobs, concurrency controls, numeric priorities per job, priorities by queue order, and more.
Set Up
In development, Rails provides an asynchronous in-process queuing system, which keeps the jobs in RAM. If the process crashes or the machine is reset, then all outstanding jobs are lost with the default async backend. This can be fine for smaller apps or non-critical jobs in development.
However, if you use Solid Queue instead, you can configure it in the same way as in the production environment:
# config/environments/development.rb
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :solid_queue
config.solid_queue.connects_to = { database: { writing: :queue } }
which sets the :solid_queue
adapter as the default for Active Job in the
production environment, and connects to the queue
database for writing.
Thereafter, you'd add queue
to the development database configuration:
# config/database.yml
<<: *default
database: storage/development.sqlite3
<<: *default
database: storage/development_queue.sqlite3
migrations_paths: db/queue_migrate
NOTE: The key queue
from the database configuration needs to match the key
used in the configuration for config.solid_queue.connects_to
You can run the migrations for the queue
database to ensure all the tables in
queue database are created:
$ bin/rails db:migrate:queue
TIP: You can find the default generated schema for the queue
database in
. They will contain tables like
, solid_queue_scheduled_executions
, and more.
Finally, to start the queue and start processing jobs you can run:
bin/jobs start
Solid Queue is already configured for the production environment. If you open
, you will see the following:
# config/environments/production.rb
# Replace the default in-process and non-durable queuing backend for Active Job.
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :solid_queue
config.solid_queue.connects_to = { database: { writing: :queue } }
Additionally, the database connection for the queue
database is configured in
# config/database.yml
# Store production database in the storage/ directory, which by default
# is mounted as a persistent Docker volume in config/deploy.yml.
<<: *default
database: storage/production.sqlite3
<<: *default
database: storage/production_queue.sqlite3
migrations_paths: db/queue_migrate
The configuration options for Solid Queue are defined in config/queue.yml
Here is an example of the default configuration:
default: &default
- polling_interval: 1
batch_size: 500
- queues: "*"
threads: 3
processes: <%= ENV.fetch("JOB_CONCURRENCY", 1) %>
polling_interval: 0.1
In order to understand the configuration options for Solid Queue, you must understand the different types of roles:
- Dispatchers: They select jobs scheduled to run for the future. When it's
time for these jobs to run, dispatchers move them from the
table to thesolid_queue_ready_executions
table so workers can pick them up. They also manage concurrency-related maintenance. - Workers: They pick up jobs that are ready to run. These jobs are taken
from the
table. - Scheduler: This takes care of recurring tasks, adding jobs to the queue when they're due.
- Supervisor: It oversees the whole system, managing workers and dispatchers. It starts and stops them as needed, monitors their health, and ensures everything runs smoothly.
Everything is optional in the config/queue.yml
. If no configuration is
provided, Solid Queue will run with one dispatcher and one worker with default
settings. Below are some of the configuration options you can set in
Option | Description | Default Value |
polling_interval | Time in seconds workers/dispatchers wait before checking for more jobs. | 1 second (dispatchers), 0.1 seconds (workers) |
batch_size | Number of jobs dispatched in a batch. | 500 |
concurrency_maintenance_interval | Time in seconds the dispatcher waits before checking for blocked jobs that can be unblocked. | 600 seconds |
queues | List of queues workers fetch jobs from. Supports * for all queues or queue name prefixes. |
* |
threads | Maximum size of the thread pool for each worker. Determines how many jobs a worker fetches at once. | 3 |
processes | Number of worker processes forked by the supervisor. Each process can dedicate a CPU core. | 1 |
concurrency_maintenance | Whether the dispatcher performs concurrency maintenance work. | true |
You can read more about these configuration options in the Solid Queue
There are also additional configuration
that can be set in config/<environment>.rb
to further configure Solid Queue in
your Rails Application.
Queue Order
As per the configuration options in the Configuration section,
the queues
configuration option will list the queues that workers will pick
jobs from. In a list of queues, the order matters. Workers will pick jobs from
the first queue in the list - once there are no more jobs in the first queue,
only then will it move onto the second, and so on.
# config/queue.yml
- queues:[active_storage*, mailers]
threads: 3
polling_interval: 5
In the above example, workers will fetch jobs from queues starting with
"active_storage", like the active_storage_analyse
queue and
queue. Only when no jobs remain in the
-prefixed queues will workers move on to the mailers
NOTE: The wildcard *
(like at the end of "active_storage") is only allowed on
its own or at the end of a queue name to match all queues with the same prefix.
You can't specify queue names such as *_some_queue
WARNING: Using wildcard queue names (e.g., queues: active_storage*
) can slow
down polling performance due to the need for a DISTINCT
query to identify all
matching queues, which can be slow on large tables. For better performance, it’s
best to specify exact queue names instead of using wildcards.
Active Job supports positive integer priorities when enqueuing jobs (see Priority section). Within a single queue, jobs are picked based on their priority (with lower integers being higher priority). However, when you have multiple queues, the order of the queues themselves takes priority.
For example, if you have two queues, production
and background
, jobs in the
queue will always be processed first, even if some jobs in the
queue have a higher priority.
Threads, Processes, and Signals
In Solid Queue, parallelism is achieved through threads (configurable via the
parameter), processes (via the processes
parameter), or horizontal scaling. The supervisor manages
processes and responds to the following signals:
- TERM, INT: Starts graceful termination, sending a TERM signal and waiting
up to
. If not finished, a QUIT signal forces processes to exit. - QUIT: Forces immediate termination of processes.
If a worker is killed unexpectedly (e.g., with a KILL
signal), in-flight jobs
are marked as failed, and errors like SolidQueue::Processes::ProcessExitError
or SolidQueue::Processes::ProcessPrunedError
are raised. Heartbeat settings
help manage and detect expired processes. Read more about Threads, Processes
and Signals in the Solid Queue
Errors When Enqueuing
Solid Queue raises a SolidQueue::Job::EnqueueError
when Active Record errors
occur during job enqueuing. This is different from the ::ActiveJob::EnqueueError
raised by Active Job, which handles the error and makes perform_later
false. This makes error handling trickier for jobs enqueued by Rails or
third-party gems like Turbo::Streams::BroadcastJob
For recurring tasks, any errors encountered while enqueuing are logged, but they won’t be raised. Read more about Errors When Enqueuing in the Solid Queue documentation.
Concurrency Controls
Solid Queue extends Active Job with concurrency controls, allowing you to limit how many jobs of a certain type or with specific arguments can run at the same time. If a job exceeds the limit, it will be blocked until another job finishes or the duration expires. For example:
class MyJob < ApplicationJob
limits_concurrency to: 2, key: ->(contact) { contact.account }, duration: 5.minutes
def perform(contact)
# perform job logic
In this example, only two MyJob
instances for the same account will run
concurrently. After that, other jobs will be blocked until one completes.
The group
parameter can be used to control concurrency across different job
types. For instance, two different job classes that use the same group will have
their concurrency limited together:
class Box::MovePostingsByContactToDesignatedBoxJob < ApplicationJob
limits_concurrency key: ->(contact) { contact }, duration: 15.minutes, group: "ContactActions"
class Bundle::RebundlePostingsJob < ApplicationJob
limits_concurrency key: ->(bundle) { }, duration: 15.minutes, group: "ContactActions"
This ensures that only one job for a given contact can run at a time, regardless of the job class.
Read more about Concurrency Controls in the Solid Queue documentation.
Error Reporting on Jobs
If your error tracking service doesn’t automatically report job errors, you can
manually hook into Active Job to report them. For example, you can add a
block in ApplicationJob
class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base
rescue_from(Exception) do |exception|
raise exception
If you use ActionMailer, you’ll need to handle errors for MailDeliveryJob
class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob.rescue_from(Exception) do |exception|
raise exception
Transactional Integrity on Jobs
By default, Solid Queue uses a separate database from your main application. This avoids issues with transactional integrity, which ensures that jobs are only enqueued if the transaction commits.
However, if you use Solid Queue in the same database as your app, you can enable
transactional integrity with Active Job’s enqueue_after_transaction_commit
option which can be enabled for individual jobs or all jobs through
class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base
self.enqueue_after_transaction_commit = true
You can also configure Solid Queue to use the same database as your app while avoiding transactional integrity issues by setting up a separate database connection for Solid Queue jobs. Read more about Transactional Integrity in the Solid Queue documentation
Recurring Tasks
Solid Queue supports recurring tasks, similar to cron jobs. These tasks are
defined in a configuration file (by default, config/recurring.yml
) and can be
scheduled at specific times. Here's an example of a task configuration:
class: MyJob
args: [42, { status: "custom_status" }]
schedule: every second
command: "DeletedStuff.clear_all"
schedule: every day at 9am
Each task specifies a class
or command
and a schedule
(parsed using
Fugit). You can also pass arguments to
jobs, such as in the example for MyJob
where args
are passed. This can be
passed as a single argument, a hash, or an array of arguments that can also
include kwargs as the last element in the array. This allows jobs to run
periodically or at specified times.
Read more about Recurring Tasks in the Solid Queue documentation.
Job Tracking and Management
A tool like
can help
centralize the monitoring and management of failed jobs. It provides insights
into job statuses, failure reasons, and retry behaviors, enabling you to track
and resolve issues more effectively.
For instance, if a job fails to process a large file due to a timeout,
allows you to inspect the failure, review the job’s
arguments and execution history, and decide whether to retry, requeue, or
discard it.
With Active Job you can schedule the job to run on a specific queue using
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low_priority
# ...
You can prefix the queue name for all your jobs using
in application.rb
# config/application.rb
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.active_job.queue_name_prefix = Rails.env
# app/jobs/guests_cleanup_job.rb
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low_priority
# ...
# Now your job will run on queue production_low_priority on your
# production environment and on staging_low_priority
# on your staging environment
You can also configure the prefix on a per job basis.
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low_priority
self.queue_name_prefix = nil
# ...
# Now your job's queue won't be prefixed, overriding what
# was configured in `config.active_job.queue_name_prefix`.
The default queue name prefix delimiter is '_'. This can be changed by setting
in application.rb
# config/application.rb
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.active_job.queue_name_prefix = Rails.env
config.active_job.queue_name_delimiter = "."
# app/jobs/guests_cleanup_job.rb
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low_priority
# ...
# Now your job will run on queue production.low_priority on your
# production environment and on staging.low_priority
# on your staging environment
To control the queue from the job level you can pass a block to queue_as
. The
block will be executed in the job context (so it can access self.arguments
and it must return the queue name:
class ProcessVideoJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as do
video = self.arguments.first
if video.owner.premium?
def perform(video)
# Do process video
If you want more control on what queue a job will be run you can pass a :queue
option to set
MyJob.set(queue: :another_queue).perform_later(record)
NOTE: If you choose to use an alternate queuing backend you may need to specify the queues to listen to.
You can schedule a job to run with a specific priority using
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_with_priority 10
# ...
Solid Queue, the default queuing backend, prioritizes jobs based on the order of the queues. You can read more about it in the Order of Queues section. If you're using Solid Queue, and both the order of the queues and the priority option are used, the queue order will take precedence, and the priority option will only apply within each queue.
Other queuing backends may allow jobs to be prioritized relative to others within the same queue or across multiple queues. Refer to the documentation of your backend for more information.
Similar to queue_as
, you can also pass a block to queue_with_priority
to be
evaluated in the job context:
class ProcessVideoJob < ApplicationJob
queue_with_priority do
video = self.arguments.first
if video.owner.premium?
def perform(video)
# Process video
You can also pass a :priority
option to set
MyJob.set(priority: 50).perform_later(record)
NOTE: If a lower priority number performs before or after a higher priority number depends on the adapter implementation. Refer to documentation of your backend for more information. Adapter authors are encouraged to treat a lower number as more important.
Active Job provides hooks to trigger logic during the life cycle of a job. Like other callbacks in Rails, you can implement the callbacks as ordinary methods and use a macro-style class method to register them as callbacks:
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
around_perform :around_cleanup
def perform
# Do something later
def around_cleanup
# Do something before perform
# Do something after perform
The macro-style class methods can also receive a block. Consider using this style if the code inside your block is so short that it fits in a single line. For example, you could send metrics for every job enqueued:
class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base
before_enqueue { |job| $statsd.increment "#{}.enqueue" }
Available Callbacks
Please note that when enqueuing jobs in bulk using perform_all_later
callbacks such as around_enqueue
will not be triggered on the individual jobs.
See Bulk Enqueuing Callbacks.
Bulk Enqueuing
You can enqueue multiple jobs at once using
Bulk enqueuing reduces the number of round trips to the queue data store (like
Redis or a database), making it a more performant operation than enqueuing the
same jobs individually.
is a top-level API on Active Job. It accepts instantiated
jobs as arguments (note that this is different from perform_later
does call perform
under the hood. The arguments passed to
will be passed on to perform
when it's eventually called.
Here is an example calling perform_all_later
with GuestCleanupJob
# Create jobs to pass to `perform_all_later`.
# The arguments to `new` are passed on to `perform`
guest_cleanup_jobs = { |guest| }
# Will enqueue a separate job for each instance of {GuestCleanupJob}
# Can also use `set` method to configure options before bulk enqueuing jobs.
guest_cleanup_jobs = { |guest| }
logs the number of jobs successfully enqueued, for example
above resulted in 3 guest_cleanup_jobs
, it would log
Enqueued 3 jobs to Async (3 GuestsCleanupJob)
(assuming all were enqueued).
The return value of perform_all_later
is nil
. Note that this is different
from perform_later
, which returns the instance of the queued job class.
Enqueue Multiple Active Job Classes
With perform_all_later
, it's also possible to enqueue different Active Job
class instances in the same call. For example:
class ExportDataJob < ApplicationJob
def perform(*args)
# Export data
class NotifyGuestsJob < ApplicationJob
def perform(*guests)
# Email guests
# Instantiate job instances
cleanup_job =
export_job =
notify_job =
# Enqueues job instances from multiple classes at once
ActiveJob.perform_all_later(cleanup_job, export_job, notify_job)
Bulk Enqueue Callbacks
When enqueuing jobs in bulk using perform_all_later
, callbacks such as
will not be triggered on the individual jobs. This behavior is
in line with other Active Record bulk methods. Since callbacks run on individual
jobs, they can't take advantage of the bulk nature of this method.
However, the perform_all_later
method does fire an
event which you can subscribe to using ::ActiveSupport::Notifications
The method
can be used to find out if a given job was successfully enqueued.
Queue Backend Support
For perform_all_later
, bulk enqueuing needs to be backed by the queue backend.
Solid Queue, the default queue backend, supports bulk enqueuing using
Other backends like Sidekiq have a push_bulk
method, which can push a large number of jobs to Redis and prevent the round
trip network latency. GoodJob also supports bulk enqueuing with the
If the queue backend does not support bulk enqueuing, perform_all_later
enqueue jobs one by one.
Action Mailer
One of the most common jobs in a modern web application is sending emails outside of the request-response cycle, so the user doesn't have to wait on it. Active Job is integrated with Action Mailer so you can easily send emails asynchronously:
# If you want to send the email now use #deliver_now
# If you want to send the email through Active Job use #deliver_later
NOTE: Using the asynchronous queue from a Rake task (for example, to send an
email using .deliver_later
) will generally not work because Rake will likely
end, causing the in-process thread pool to be deleted, before any/all of the
emails are processed. To avoid this problem, use .deliver_now
or run a persistent queue in development.
Each job uses the I18n.locale
set when the job was created. This is useful if
you send emails asynchronously:
I18n.locale = :eo
UserMailer.welcome(@user).deliver_later # Email will be localized to Esperanto.
Supported Types for Arguments
ActiveJob supports the following types of arguments by default:
- Basic types (
) Symbol
(Keys should be ofString
Active Job supports [GlobalID]) for parameters. This makes it possible to pass live Active Record objects to your job instead of class/id pairs, which you then have to manually deserialize. Before, jobs would look like this:
class TrashableCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
def perform(trashable_class, trashable_id, depth)
trashable = trashable_class.constantize.find(trashable_id)
Now you can simply do:
class TrashableCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
def perform(trashable, depth)
This works with any class that mixes in GlobalID::Identification
, which by
default has been mixed into Active Record classes.
You can extend the list of supported argument types. You just need to define your own serializer:
# app/serializers/money_serializer.rb
class MoneySerializer < ActiveJob::Serializers::ObjectSerializer
# Converts an object to a simpler representative using supported object types.
# The recommended representative is a Hash with a specific key. Keys can be of basic types only.
# You should call `super` to add the custom serializer type to the hash.
def serialize(money)
"amount" => money.amount,
"currency" => money.currency
# Converts serialized value into a proper object.
def deserialize(hash)["amount"], hash["currency"])
# Checks if an argument should be serialized by this serializer.
def klass
and add this serializer to the list:
# config/initializers/custom_serializers.rb
Rails.application.config.active_job.custom_serializers << MoneySerializer
Note that autoloading reloadable code during initialization is not supported.
Thus it is recommended to set-up serializers to be loaded only once, e.g. by
amending config/application.rb
like this:
# config/application.rb
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.autoload_once_paths << "#{root}/app/serializers"
Exceptions raised during the execution of the job can be handled with
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
rescue_from(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) do |exception|
# Do something with the exception
def perform
# Do something later
If an exception from a job is not rescued, then the job is referred to as "failed".
Retrying or Discarding Failed Jobs
A failed job will not be retried, unless configured otherwise.
It's possible to retry or discard a failed job by using retry_on
, respectively. For example:
class RemoteServiceJob < ApplicationJob
retry_on CustomAppException # defaults to 3s wait, 5 attempts
discard_on ActiveJob::DeserializationError
def perform(*args)
# Might raise CustomAppException or ActiveJob::DeserializationError
GlobalID allows serializing full Active Record objects passed to #perform
If a passed record is deleted after the job is enqueued but before the
method is called Active Job will raise an
Job Testing
You can find detailed instructions on how to test your jobs in the testing guide.
If you need help figuring out where jobs are coming from, you can enable verbose logging.
Alternate Queuing Backends
Active Job has other built-in adapters for multiple queuing backends (Sidekiq,
Resque, Delayed Job, and others). To get an up-to-date list of the adapters see
the API Documentation for ::ActiveJob::QueueAdapters
Configuring the Backend
You can change your queuing backend with config.active_job.queue_adapter
# config/application.rb
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
# Be sure to have the adapter's gem in your Gemfile
# and follow the adapter's specific installation
# and deployment instructions.
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq
You can also configure your backend on a per job basis:
class GuestsCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
self.queue_adapter = :resque
# ...
# Now your job will use `resque` as its backend queue adapter, overriding the default Solid Queue adapter.
Starting the Backend
Since jobs run in parallel to your Rails application, most queuing libraries require that you start a library-specific queuing service (in addition to starting your Rails app) for the job processing to work. Refer to library documentation for instructions on starting your queue backend.
Here is a noncomprehensive list of documentation: