
Class: Rails::Command::DevcontainerCommand

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Base, Thor
Instance Chain:
self, Base, Actions, Thor
Inherits: Rails::Command::Base
Defined in: railties/lib/rails/commands/devcontainer/devcontainer_command.rb

Class Attribute Summary

Base - Inherited

.bin, .bin?,

Returns true when the app is a Rails engine.


Class Method Summary

Base - Inherited


Sets the base_name taking into account the current class namespace.


Return command name without namespaces.


Default file root to place extra files a command might need, placed one folder above the command file.


Tries to get the description from a USAGE file one folder above the command root.


Convenience method to hide this command from the available ones when running rails command.


Convenience method to get the namespace from the class name.


Path to lookup a USAGE description in a file.


Allow the command method to be called perform.

.namespaced_name, .resolve_path, .class_usage,

Override Thor’s class-level help to also show the USAGE.

.inherited, .perform

Instance Method Summary

Actions - Included

#boot_application!, #load_environment_config!,

See additional method definition at line 36.


See additional method definition at line 31.


Change to the application’s path if there is no config.ru file in current directory.

Instance Method Details

#database (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'railties/lib/rails/commands/devcontainer/devcontainer_command.rb', line 33

def database
  adapter = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_db_config.adapter
  adapter == "mysql2" ? "mysql" : adapter

#devcontainer_options (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'railties/lib/rails/commands/devcontainer/devcontainer_command.rb', line 22

def devcontainer_options
  @devcontainer_options ||= {
    app_name: Rails.application.railtie_name.chomp("_application"),
    database: !!defined?(ActiveRecord) && database,
    active_storage: !!defined?(ActiveStorage),
    redis: !!(defined?(ActionCable) || defined?(ActiveJob)),
    system_test: File.exist?("test/application_system_test_case.rb"),
    node: File.exist?(".node-version"),


[ GitHub ]

# File 'railties/lib/rails/commands/devcontainer/devcontainer_command.rb', line 10

def perform(*)

  say "Generating Dev Container with the following options:"
  devcontainer_options.each do |option, value|
    say "#{option}: #{value}"

  Rails::Generators::DevcontainerGenerator.new([], devcontainer_options).invoke_all