
Class: Arel::Nodes::Count

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Function - Inherited

Node - Inherited

Instance Method Summary

Function - Inherited

::Arel::FilterPredications - Included

::Arel::WindowPredications - Included

::Arel::Math - Included

#&, #*, #+, #-, #/, #<<, #>>, #^, #|, #~@

::Arel::OrderPredications - Included

::Arel::AliasPredication - Included


::Arel::Predications - Included

::Arel::Expressions - Included

Node - Inherited


Factory method to create an And node.

#fetch_attribute, #invert,

Factory method to create a Nodes::Not node that has the recipient of the caller as a child.


Factory method to create a Grouping node that has an Or node as a child.


FIXME: this method should go away.

::Arel::FactoryMethods - Included

Constructor Details

.new(expr, distinct = false, aliaz = nil) ⇒ Count

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activerecord/lib/arel/nodes/count.rb', line 6

def initialize(expr, distinct = false, aliaz = nil)
  super(expr, aliaz)
  @distinct = distinct