
Class: ActiveStorage::Reflection::HasAttachedReflection

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

::ActiveRecord::Reflection::MacroReflection - Inherited

#active_record, #autosave=,

Returns the name of the macro.


Returns the hash of options used for the macro.

#scope, #plural_name

::ActiveRecord::Reflection::AbstractReflection - Inherited


Returns whether this association has a counter cache and its column values were backfilled (and so it is used internally by methods like size/any?/etc).


Returns whether this association has a counter cache.

#inverse_updates_counter_in_memory?, #strict_loading?, #through_reflection?

Instance Method Summary

::ActiveRecord::Reflection::MacroReflection - Inherited


Returns true if self and other_aggregation have the same name attribute, active_record attribute, and other_aggregation has an options hash assigned to it.


Returns the class for the macro.

#scope_for, #derive_class_name, #normalize_options, #_klass

::ActiveRecord::Reflection::AbstractReflection - Inherited


Returns a new, unsaved instance of the associated class.

#build_scope, #chain, #check_validity_of_inverse!,

Returns the class name for the macro.

#constraints, #counter_cache_column, #inverse_of,

We need to avoid the following situation:

#join_scope, #join_scopes, #klass_join_scope,

Returns a list of scopes that should be applied for this ::ActiveStorage::Reflection object when querying the database.

#strict_loading_violation_message, #table_name,

FIXME: this is a horrible name.

#ensure_option_not_given_as_class!, #predicate_builder, #primary_key

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActiveRecord::Reflection::MacroReflection

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activestorage/lib/active_storage/reflection.rb', line 10

def named_variants
  @named_variants ||= {}

#variant(name, transformations)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activestorage/lib/active_storage/reflection.rb', line 6

def variant(name, transformations)
  named_variants[name] = NamedVariant.new(transformations)