
Class: ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasManyReflection

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

AssociationReflection - Inherited


Returns true if self is a belongs_to reflection.


Returns whether or not this association reflection is for a collection association.

#foreign_type, #has_inverse?,

Returns true if self is a has_one reflection.

#has_scope?, #nested?,
#polymorphic?, #type,

Returns whether or not the association should be validated as part of the parent’s validation.

MacroReflection - Inherited

#active_record, #autosave=,

Returns the name of the macro.


Returns the hash of options used for the macro.

#scope, #plural_name

AbstractReflection - Inherited


Returns whether this association has a counter cache and its column values were backfilled (and so it is used internally by methods like size/any?/etc).


Returns whether this association has a counter cache.

#inverse_updates_counter_in_memory?, #strict_loading?, #through_reflection?

Instance Method Summary

AssociationReflection - Inherited

#active_record_primary_key, #add_as_polymorphic_through, #add_as_source, #add_as_through, #association_class, #association_foreign_key, #association_primary_key, #association_scope_cache, #check_eager_loadable!, #check_validity!,

This is for clearing cache on the reflection.


A chain of reflections from this one back to the owner.

#compute_class, #extensions, #foreign_key, #join_foreign_key, #join_id_for, #join_primary_key, #join_primary_type, #join_table,

Returns the macro type.

#polymorphic_inverse_of, #polymorphic_name, #source_reflection, #through_reflection,

returns either nil or the inverse association name that it finds.


Checks to see if the reflection doesn’t have any options that prevent us from being able to guess the inverse automatically.

#derive_class_name, #derive_fk_query_constraints, #derive_foreign_key, #derive_join_table,

Attempts to find the inverse association name automatically.


Scopes on the potential inverse reflection prevent automatic inverse_of, since the scope could exclude the owner record we would inverse from.


Checks if the inverse reflection that is returned from the automatic_inverse_of method is a valid reflection.

MacroReflection - Inherited


Returns true if self and other_aggregation have the same name attribute, active_record attribute, and other_aggregation has an options hash assigned to it.


Returns the class for the macro.

#scope_for, #derive_class_name, #normalize_options, #_klass

AbstractReflection - Inherited


Returns a new, unsaved instance of the associated class.

#build_scope, #chain, #check_validity_of_inverse!,

Returns the class name for the macro.

#constraints, #counter_cache_column, #inverse_of,

We need to avoid the following situation:

#join_scope, #join_scopes, #klass_join_scope,

Returns a list of scopes that should be applied for this ::ActiveRecord::Reflection object when querying the database.

#strict_loading_violation_message, #table_name,

FIXME: this is a horrible name.

#ensure_option_not_given_as_class!, #predicate_builder, #primary_key

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection

Instance Attribute Details

#collection?Boolean (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activerecord/lib/active_record/reflection.rb', line 890

def collection?; true; end

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activerecord/lib/active_record/reflection.rb', line 892

def association_class
  if options[:through]


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activerecord/lib/active_record/reflection.rb', line 888

def macro; :has_many; end