
Class: ActiveModel::SecurePassword::InstanceMethodsOnActivation

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ::Module
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Module
  • ::Object
Defined in: activemodel/lib/active_model/secure_password.rb

Constant Summary

::Module - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

::Module - Inherited


A module may or may not have a name.

Instance Method Summary

::Module - Inherited


Allows you to make aliases for attributes, which includes getter, setter, and a predicate.


Declares an attribute reader and writer backed by an internally-named instance variable.


Declares an attribute reader backed by an internally-named instance variable.


Declares an attribute writer backed by an internally-named instance variable.


Returns a copy of module or class if it’s anonymous.


Provides a delegate class method to easily expose contained objects’ public methods as your own.


When building decorators, a common pattern may emerge:


deprecate :foo, deprecator: MyLib.deprecator


Defines both class and instance accessors for class attributes.


Defines a class attribute and creates a class and instance reader methods.


Defines a class attribute and creates a class and instance writer methods to allow assignment to the attribute.


Returns the module which contains this one according to its name.


Returns the name of the module containing this one.


Returns all the parents of this module according to its name, ordered from nested outwards.


Replaces the existing method definition, if there is one, with the passed block as its body.


Replaces the existing singleton method definition, if there is one, with the passed block as its body.


Removes the named method, if it exists.


Removes the named singleton method, if it exists.


Marks the named method as intended to be redefined, if it exists.


Defines both class and instance accessors for class attributes.

#attr_internal_define, #as_json, #method_visibility,

Defines a per-thread class attribute and creates class and instance reader methods.


Defines a per-thread class attribute and creates a class and instance writer methods to allow assignment to the attribute.

::Module::Concerning - Included


A low-cruft shortcut to define a concern.


Define a new concern and mix it in.

Constructor Details

.new(attribute) ⇒ InstanceMethodsOnActivation

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/secure_password.rb', line 149

def initialize(attribute)
  attr_reader attribute

  define_method("#{attribute}=") do |unencrypted_password|
    if unencrypted_password.nil?
      instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}", nil)
      self.public_send("#{attribute}_digest=", nil)
    elsif !unencrypted_password.empty?
      instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}", unencrypted_password)
      cost = ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost ? BCrypt::Engine::MIN_COST : BCrypt::Engine.cost
      self.public_send("#{attribute}_digest=", BCrypt::Password.create(unencrypted_password, cost: cost))

  attr_accessor :"#{attribute}_confirmation", :"#{attribute}_challenge"

  # Returns self if the password is correct, otherwise false.
  #   class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  #     has_secure_password validations: false
  #   end
  #   user = User.new(name: 'david', password: 'mUc3m00RsqyRe')
  #   user.save
  #   user.authenticate_password('notright')      # => false
  #   user.authenticate_password('mUc3m00RsqyRe') # => user
  define_method("authenticate_#{attribute}") do |unencrypted_password|
    attribute_digest = public_send("#{attribute}_digest")
    attribute_digest.present? && BCrypt::Password.new(attribute_digest).is_password?(unencrypted_password) && self

  # Returns the salt, a small chunk of random data added to the password before it's hashed.
  define_method("#{attribute}_salt") do
    attribute_digest = public_send("#{attribute}_digest")
    attribute_digest.present? ? BCrypt::Password.new(attribute_digest).salt : nil

  alias_method :authenticate, :authenticate_password if attribute == :password