
Class: ActionView::StreamingTemplateRenderer

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: ActionView::TemplateRenderer
Defined in: actionview/lib/action_view/renderer/streaming_template_renderer.rb



  • Support streaming from child templates, partials and so on.

  • Rack::Cache needs to support streaming bodies

Constant Summary

AbstractRenderer - Inherited


Class Method Summary

AbstractRenderer - Inherited

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

TemplateRenderer - Inherited


Determine the template to be rendered using the given options.


This is the method which actually finds the layout using details in the lookup context object.


Renders the given template.

#render_with_layout, #resolve_layout

AbstractRenderer - Inherited

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActionView::AbstractRenderer

Instance Method Details

#delayed_render(buffer, template, layout, view, locals) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/renderer/streaming_template_renderer.rb', line 57

def delayed_render(buffer, template, layout, view, locals)
  # Wrap the given buffer in the StreamingBuffer and pass it to the
  # underlying template handler. Now, every time something is concatenated
  # to the buffer, it is not appended to an array, but streamed straight
  # to the client.
  output  = ActionView::StreamingBuffer.new(buffer)
  yielder = lambda { |*name| view._layout_for(*name) }

    identifier: template.identifier,
    layout: layout && layout.virtual_path,
    locals: locals
  ) do
    outer_config = I18n.config
    fiber = Fiber.new do
      I18n.config = outer_config
      if layout
        layout.render(view, locals, output, &yielder)
        # If you don't have a layout, just render the thing
        # and concatenate the final result. This is the same
        # as a layout with just <%= yield %>
        output.safe_concat view._layout_for

    # Set the view flow to support streaming. It will be aware
    # when to stop rendering the layout because it needs to search
    # something in the template and vice-versa.
    view.view_flow = StreamingFlow.new(view, fiber)

    # Yo! Start the fiber!

    # If the fiber is still alive, it means we need something
    # from the template, so start rendering it. If not, it means
    # the layout exited without requiring anything from the template.
    if fiber.alive?
      content = template.render(view, locals, &yielder)

      # Once rendering the template is done, sets its content in the :layout key.
      view.view_flow.set(:layout, content)

      # In case the layout continues yielding, we need to resume
      # the fiber until all yields are handled.
      fiber.resume while fiber.alive?

#render_template(view, template, layout_name = nil, locals = {})

For streaming, instead of rendering a given a template, we return a StreamingTemplateRenderer::Body object that responds to each. This object is initialized with a block that knows how to render the template.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/renderer/streaming_template_renderer.rb', line 45

def render_template(view, template, layout_name = nil, locals = {}) # :nodoc:
  return [super.body] unless layout_name && template.supports_streaming?

  locals ||= {}
  layout   = find_layout(layout_name, locals.keys, [formats.first])

  Body.new do |buffer|
    delayed_render(buffer, template, layout, view, locals)