Class: ActionView::RenderParser::PrismRenderParser
Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
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Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: |
Defined in: | actionview/lib/action_view/render_parser/prism_render_parser.rb |
Class Method Summary
Instance Method Summary
- #render_calls
Accept a call node and return a hash of options for the render call.
Accept the node that is being passed in the position of the template and return the template name and whether or not it is an object template.
- Inherited
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from ActionView::RenderParser::Base
Instance Method Details
#render_call_options(node) (private)
Accept a call node and return a hash of options for the render call. If it doesn’t match the expected format, return nil.
# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/render_parser/prism_render_parser.rb', line 43
def (node) # We are only looking for calls to render or render_to_string. name = return if name != :render && name != :render_to_string # We are only looking for calls with arguments. arguments = node.arguments return unless arguments arguments = arguments.arguments length = arguments.length # Get rid of any parentheses to get directly to the contents.! do |argument| current = argument while current.is_a?(Prism::ParenthesesNode) && current.body.is_a?(Prism::StatementsNode) && current.body.body.length == 1 current = current.body.body.first end current end # We are only looking for arguments that are either a string with an # array of locals or a keyword hash with symbol keys. = if (length == 1 || length == 2) && !arguments[0].is_a?(Prism::KeywordHashNode) { partial: arguments[0], locals: arguments[1] } elsif length == 1 && arguments[0].is_a?(Prism::KeywordHashNode) && arguments[0].elements.all? do |element| element.is_a?(Prism::AssocNode) && element.key.is_a?(Prism::SymbolNode) end arguments[0].elements.to_h do |element| [element.key.unescaped.to_sym, element.value] end end return unless # Here we validate that the options have the keys we expect. keys = .keys return if !keys.intersect?(RENDER_TYPE_KEYS) return if (keys - ALL_KNOWN_KEYS).any? # Finally, we can return a valid set of options. end
#render_call_template(node) (private)
Accept the node that is being passed in the position of the template and return the template name and whether or not it is an object template.
# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/render_parser/prism_render_parser.rb', line 97
def render_call_template(node) object_template = false template = if node.is_a?(Prism::StringNode) path = node.unescaped path.include?("/") ? path : "#{directory}/#{path}" else dependency = case node.type when :class_variable_read_node node.slice[2..] when :instance_variable_read_node node.slice[1..] when :global_variable_read_node node.slice[1..] when :local_variable_read_node node.slice when :call_node else return end "#{dependency.pluralize}/#{dependency.singularize}" end [template, object_template] end
[ GitHub ]# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/render_parser/prism_render_parser.rb', line 6
def render_calls queue = [Prism.parse(@code).value] templates = [] while (node = queue.shift) queue.concat(node.compact_child_nodes) next unless node.is_a?(Prism::CallNode) = (node) next unless render_type = ( .keys & RENDER_TYPE_KEYS)[0] template, object_template = render_call_template( [render_type]) next unless template if .key?(:object) || .key?(:collection) || object_template next if .key?(:object) && .key?(:collection) next unless .key?(:partial) end if [:spacer_template].is_a?(Prism::StringNode) templates << partial_to_virtual_path(:partial, [:spacer_template].unescaped) end templates << partial_to_virtual_path(render_type, template) if render_type != :layout && [:layout].is_a?(Prism::StringNode) templates << partial_to_virtual_path(:layout, [:layout].unescaped) end end templates end