
Class: ActionView::PathSet

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb


This class is used to store and access paths in Action View. A number of operations are defined so that you can search among the paths in this set and also perform operations on other PathSet objects.

A LookupContext will use a PathSet to store the paths in its context.

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

::Enumerable - Included


Returns true if the enumerable has more than 1 element.

Instance Method Summary

::Enumerable - Included


Returns a new ::Array without the blank items.


The negative of the Enumerable#include?.


Returns a copy of the enumerable excluding the specified elements.


Returns a new ::Array where the order has been set to that provided in the series, based on the key of the objects in the original enumerable.


Returns a new array that includes the passed elements.


Convert an enumerable to a hash, using the block result as the key and the element as the value.


Convert an enumerable to a hash, using the element as the key and the block result as the value.


Calculates the maximum from the extracted elements.


Calculates the minimum from the extracted elements.


Extract the given key from the first element in the enumerable.


Extract the given key from each element in the enumerable.


Returns the sole item in the enumerable.


::ActiveSupport::EnumerableCoreExt::Constants - Included

Constructor Details

.new(paths = []) ⇒ PathSet

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 18

def initialize(paths = [])
  @paths = typecast(paths).freeze

Instance Attribute Details

#each (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 16

delegate :[], :include?, :size, :each, to: :paths

#paths (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 14

attr_reader :paths

#size (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 16

delegate :[], :include?, :size, :each, to: :paths

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 35

def +(other)
  array = Array === other ? other : other.paths
  PathSet.new(paths + array)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 16

delegate :[], :include?, :size, :each, to: :paths


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 31

def compact
  PathSet.new paths.compact

#exists?(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals) ⇒ Boolean

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 53

def exists?(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)
  find_all(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals).any?

#find(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 40

def find(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)
  find_all(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals).first ||
    raise(MissingTemplate.new(self, path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals))

#find_all(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 45

def find_all(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals)
  search_combinations(prefixes) do |resolver, prefix|
    templates = resolver.find_all(path, prefix, partial, details, details_key, locals)
    return templates unless templates.empty?


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 16

delegate :[], :include?, :size, :each, to: :paths


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 22

def initialize_copy(other)
  @paths = other.paths.dup.freeze

#search_combinations(prefixes) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 58

def search_combinations(prefixes)
  prefixes = Array(prefixes)
  prefixes.each do |prefix|
    paths.each do |resolver|
      yield resolver, prefix


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 27

def to_ary

#typecast(paths) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/path_set.rb', line 67

def typecast(paths)
  paths.map do |path|
    case path
    when Pathname, String
      # This path should only be reached by "direct" users of
      # ActionView::Base (not using the ViewPaths or Renderer modules).
      # We can't cache/de-dup the file system resolver in this case as we
      # don't know which compiled_method_container we'll be rendering to.
    when Resolver
      raise TypeError, "#{path.inspect} is not a valid path: must be a String, Pathname, or Resolver"