
Class: ActionDispatch::TestResponse

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Response
Instance Chain:
self, Response, MonitorMixin, Http::Cache::Response, Http::FilterRedirect, Rack::Response::Helpers
Inherits: ActionDispatch::Response
Defined in: actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/test_response.rb


Integration test methods such as Integration::RequestHelpers#get and Integration::RequestHelpers#post return objects of class TestResponse, which represent the HTTP response results of the requested controller actions.

See Response for more information on controller response objects.

Constant Summary

Http::FilterRedirect - Included


Http::Cache::Response - Included


Response - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Response - Inherited


Returns the content of the response as a string.


Allows you to manually set or override the response body.


The charset of the response.


Sets the HTTP character set.


Content type of response.


Sets the HTTP response’s content MIME type.

#default_charset, #default_headers,

Alias for Response#headers.


The headers for the response.


The request that the response is responding to.

#sending?, #sending_file=, #sent?,

The HTTP status code.


Sets the HTTP status code.


The underlying body, as a streamable object.

Http::Cache::Response - Included

#cache_control, #date, #date=, #date?,

This method sets a weak ETag validator on the response so browsers and proxies may cache the response, keyed on the ETag.

#etag?, #last_modified, #last_modified=, #last_modified?, #strong_etag=,

True if an ETag is set, and it isn’t a weak validator (not preceded with W/).


True if an ETag is set, and it’s a weak validator (preceded with W/).

Http::FilterRedirect - Included

Instance Method Summary

Response - Inherited

#[], #[]=,

Aliasing these off because AD::Http::Cache::Response defines them.

#_cache_control=, #abort, #await_commit, #await_sent, #body_parts, #close,

Returns a string to ensure compatibility with Net::HTTPResponse.


Returns the response cookies, converted to a ::Hash of (name => value) pairs.

#delete_header, #each, #get_header, #handle_no_content!, #has_header?,

Location of the response.


Sets the location of the response.


Media type of response.


Returns the corresponding message for the current HTTP status code:


Alias for Response#to_a.


The response code of the request.


Send the file stored at path as the response body.

#sending!, #sent!, #set_header,

Alias for Response#message.


Turns the Response into a Rack-compatible array of the status, headers, and body.

#write, #assign_default_content_type_and_charset!, #before_committed, #before_sending, #build_buffer, #munge_body_object,

Small internal convenience method to get the parsed version of the current content type header.

#set_content_type, #parse_content_type

Http::Cache::Response - Included

Http::FilterRedirect - Included

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActionDispatch::Response

Class Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/test_response.rb', line 14

def self.from_response(response)
  new response.status, response.headers, response.body

Instance Method Details


Returns a parsed body depending on the response MIME type. When a parser corresponding to the MIME type is not found, it returns the raw body.

#### Examples

get "/posts"
response.content_type         # => "text/html; charset=utf-8"
response.parsed_body.class    # => Nokogiri::HTML5::Document
response.parsed_body.to_html  # => "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n..."

assert_pattern { response.parsed_body.at("main") => { content: "Hello, world" } }

response.parsed_body.at("main") => {name:, content:}
assert_equal "main", name
assert_equal "Some main content", content

get "/posts.json"
response.content_type         # => "application/json; charset=utf-8"
response.parsed_body.class    # => Array
response.parsed_body          # => [{"id"=>42, "title"=>"Title"},...

assert_pattern { response.parsed_body => [{ id: 42 }] }

get "/posts/42.json"
response.content_type         # => "application/json; charset=utf-8"
response.parsed_body.class    # => ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
response.parsed_body          # => {"id"=>42, "title"=>"Title"}

assert_pattern { response.parsed_body => [{ title: /title/i }] }

response.parsed_body => {id:, title:}
assert_equal 42, id
assert_equal "Title", title
[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/test_response.rb', line 50

def parsed_body
  @parsed_body ||= response_parser.call(body)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/test_response.rb', line 54

def response_parser
  @response_parser ||= RequestEncoder.parser(media_type)