
Class: ActionCable::Connection::TestRequest

Constant Summary

::ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Request - Included


::ActionDispatch::Http::MimeNegotiation - Included


::ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters - Included


::ActionDispatch::Http::FilterParameters - Included


::ActionDispatch::Http::URL - Included


::ActionDispatch::ContentSecurityPolicy::Request - Included


::ActionDispatch::PermissionsPolicy::Request - Included


::ActionDispatch::Request - Inherited


::ActionDispatch::TestRequest - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

::ActionDispatch::Request - Inherited


Returns the parameter parsers.

Class Method Summary

::ActionDispatch::TestRequest - Inherited


Create a new test request with default env values.


::ActionDispatch::Request - Inherited

Instance Attribute Summary

::ActionDispatch::TestRequest - Inherited

::ActionDispatch::Request - Inherited


Determine whether the request body contains form-data by checking the request Content-Type for one of the media-types: application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.


True if the request came from localhost,, or ::1.


Returns the IP address of client as a ::String, usually set by the RemoteIp middleware.


Returns the unique request id, which is based on either the X-Request-Id header that can be generated by a firewall, load balancer, or web server, or by the RequestId middleware (which sets the action_dispatch.request_id environment variable).


Returns the HTTP method that the application should see.


Returns the URI pattern of the matched route for the request, using the same format as ‘bin/rails routes`:


Returns true if the X-Requested-With header contains “XMLHttpRequest” (case-insensitive), which may need to be manually added depending on the choice of JavaScript libraries and frameworks.

#controller_instance, #controller_instance=, #request_id=, #request_method=, #route_uri_pattern=, #routes, #routes=, #session=

::ActionDispatch::Flash::RequestMethods - Included


Access the contents of the flash.


::ActionDispatch::PermissionsPolicy::Request - Included

::ActionDispatch::ContentSecurityPolicy::Request - Included

::ActionDispatch::Http::URL - Included


Returns the standard port number for this request’s protocol.


Returns whether this request is using the standard port.


::ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters - Included


Returns a hash with the parameters used to form the path of the request.


::ActionDispatch::Http::MimeNegotiation - Included


Sets the formats by string extensions.

#should_apply_vary_header?, #variant,

Sets the variant for template.

#params_readable?, #has_content_type?

Instance Method Summary

::ActionDispatch::Request - Inherited


Returns the authorization header regardless of whether it was specified directly or through one of the proxy alternatives.


The request body is an ::IO input stream.

#commit_csrf_token, #commit_flash,

Returns the content length of the request as an integer.

#controller_class, #controller_class_for,

Returns the ::String full path including params of the last URL requested.


Override Rack’s GET method to support indifferent access.


Provides access to the request’s HTTP headers, for example:


Returns the IP address of client as a ::String.


Returns true if the request has a header matching the given key parameter.


The ::String MIME type of the request.


Returns the original value of the environment’s REQUEST_METHOD, even if it was overridden by middleware.


Returns a symbol form of the #method.


Returns a ::String with the last requested path including their params.


Returns the original request URL as a ::String.


Override Rack’s POST method to support indifferent access.


Read the request body.


Returns a symbol form of the #request_method.

#reset_csrf_token, #reset_session,

Early Hints is an HTTP/2 status code that indicates hints to help a client start making preparations for processing the final response.


Returns the lowercase name of the HTTP server software.

#check_method, #default_session, #read_body_stream, #reset_stream, #body_stream, #commit_cookie_jar!, #engine_script_name, #engine_script_name=, #inspect, #raw_request_method

::ActionDispatch::Flash::RequestMethods - Included

::ActionDispatch::ContentSecurityPolicy::Request - Included

::ActionDispatch::Http::URL - Included


Returns the domain part of a host, such as “rubyonrails.org” in “www.rubyonrails.org”.


Returns the host for this request, such as “example.com”.


Returns a host:port string for this request, such as “example.com” or “example.com:8080”.


Returns a number port suffix like 8080 if the port number of this request is not the default HTTP port 80 or HTTPS port 443.


Returns the port number of this request as an integer.


Returns a string port suffix, including colon, like “:8080” if the port number of this request is not the default HTTP port 80 or HTTPS port 443.


Returns ‘https://’ if this is an SSL request and ‘http://’ otherwise.


Returns the host and port for this request, such as “example.com:8080”.


Returns the requested port, such as 8080, based on SERVER_PORT.


Returns all the subdomains as a string, so “dev.www” would be returned for “dev.www.rubyonrails.org”.


Returns all the subdomains as an array, so ["dev", "www"] would be returned for “dev.www.rubyonrails.org”.


Returns the complete URL used for this request.

::ActionDispatch::Http::FilterParameters - Included


Returns a hash of request.env with all sensitive data replaced.


Returns a hash of parameters with all sensitive data replaced.


Reconstructs a path with all sensitive GET parameters replaced.


Returns the ::ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter object used to filter in this request.

#env_filter, #filtered_query_string, #parameter_filter_for

::ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters - Included

::ActionDispatch::Http::MimeNegotiation - Included


Returns the accepted MIME type for the request.


The MIME type of the HTTP request, such as [Mime](:xml).


Returns the MIME type for the format used in the request.


Sets the format by string extension, which can be used to force custom formats that are not controlled by the extension.


Returns the first MIME type that matches the provided array of MIME types.

#format_from_path_extension, #use_accept_header, #valid_accept_header

::ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Request - Included


Check response freshness (‘Last-Modified` and ETag) against request If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match conditions.

#if_modified_since, #if_none_match, #if_none_match_etags, #not_modified?

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActionDispatch::Request

Instance Attribute Details

#session (rw)

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# File 'actioncable/lib/action_cable/connection/test_case.rb', line 54

attr_accessor :session, :cookie_jar