Class: TestUnit::Generators::AuthenticationGenerator
Relationships & Source Files | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
::Rails::Generators::Base ,
Instance Chain:
::Rails::Generators::Base ,
::Rails::Generators::Actions ,
Inherits: |
Defined in: | railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/authentication/authentication_generator.rb |
Class Attribute Summary
- Inherited
Class Method Summary
- Inherited
.base_root | Returns the base root for a common set of generators. |
.default_source_root | Returns the default source root for a given generator. |
.desc | Tries to get the description from a USAGE file one folder above the source root otherwise uses a default description. |
.hide! | Convenience method to hide this generator from the available ones when running rails generator command. |
.hook_for | Invoke a generator based on the value supplied by the user to the given option named “name”. |
.namespace | Convenience method to get the namespace from the class name. |
.remove_hook_for | Remove a previously added hook. |
.source_root | Returns the source root for this generator using default_source_root as default. |
.add_shebang_option! | Small macro to add ruby as an option to the generator with proper default value plus an instance helper method called shebang. |
.banner | Use Rails default banner. |
.base_name | Sets the base_name taking into account the current class namespace. |
.default_aliases_for_option | Returns default aliases for the option name given doing a lookup in Rails::Generators.aliases. |
.default_for_option | Returns default for the option name given doing a lookup in config. |
.default_generator_root, | |
.default_value_for_option | Returns the default value for the option name given doing a lookup in Rails::Generators.options. |
.generator_name | Removes the namespaces and get the generator name. |
.usage_path, | |
.class_option | Make class option aware of Rails::Generators.options and Rails::Generators.aliases. |
.inherited | Cache source root and add lib/generators/base/generator/templates to source paths. |
.hooks | Keep hooks configuration that are used on prepare_for_invocation. |
.prepare_for_invocation | Prepare class invocation to search on |
Instance Attribute Summary
- Inherited
Instance Method Summary
- Inherited
#class_collisions | Check whether the given class names are already taken by user application or Ruby on |
#extract_last_module | Takes in an array of nested modules and extracts the last module. |
#indent, | |
#module_namespacing | Wrap block with namespace of current application if namespace exists and is not skipped. |
#namespace, #namespace_dirs, #namespaced_path, #wrap_with_namespace |
- Included
#add_source | Add the given source to |
#application | Alias for Rails::Generators::Actions#environment. |
#environment | Adds configuration code to a Rails runtime environment. |
#gem | Adds a |
#gem_group | Wraps gem entries inside a group. |
#generate | Runs another generator. |
#git | Runs one or more git commands. |
#github, | |
#initializer | Creates an initializer file in |
#lib | Creates a file in |
#rails_command | Runs the specified Rails command. |
#rake | Runs the specified Rake task. |
#rakefile | Creates a Rake tasks file in |
#readme | Reads the given file at the source root and prints it in the console. |
#route | Make an entry in Rails routing file |
#vendor | Creates a file in |
#append_file_with_newline | Append string to a file with a newline if necessary. |
#execute_command | Runs the supplied command using either |
#indentation | Returns a string corresponding to the current indentation level (i.e. 2 * |
#log | Define log for backwards compatibility. |
#match_file, | |
#optimize_indentation | Returns optimized string with indentation. |
#quote | Always returns value in double quotes. |
#rebase_indentation | |
#route_namespace_pattern, | |
#with_indentation | Increases the current indentation indentation level for the duration of the given block, and decreases it after the block ends. |
#initialize |
Instance Method Details
[ GitHub ]# File 'railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/authentication/authentication_generator.rb', line 13
def create_controller_test_files template "test/controllers/sessions_controller_test.rb" template "test/controllers/passwords_controller_test.rb" end
[ GitHub ]# File 'railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/authentication/authentication_generator.rb', line 8
def create_user_test_files template "test/fixtures/users.yml" template "test/models/user_test.rb" end