Class: ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore
Relationships & Source Files | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Strategy::LocalCache ,
Inherits: |
Defined in: | activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb |
Memcached Cache Store
A cache store implementation which stores data in Memcached:
This is currently the most popular cache store for production websites.
Special features:
Clustering and load balancing. One can specify multiple memcached servers, and
will load balance between all available servers. If a server goes down, thenMemCacheStore
will ignore it until it comes back up.
implements the Strategy::LocalCache
strategy which implements an in-memory cache inside of a block.
Constant Summary
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 45/[\x00-\x20%\x7F-\xFF]/n
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 44250
These options represent behavior overridden by this implementation and should not be allowed to get down to the Dalli client
- Inherited
Class Attribute Summary
.supports_cache_versioning? ⇒ Boolean
Advertise cache versioning support.
- Inherited
Class Method Summary
.new(*addresses) ⇒ MemCacheStore
Creates a new
object, with the given memcached server addresses. -
Internal use only
Creates a new
instance with specified addresses and options.
- Inherited
.new | Creates a new cache. |
.retrieve_pool_options |
Instance Attribute Summary
- Inherited
Instance Method Summary
#clear(options = nil)
Clear the entire cache on all memcached servers.
#decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil)
Decrement a cached integer value using the memcached decr atomic operator.
#increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil)
Increment a cached integer value using the memcached incr atomic operator.
- #inspect
Get the statistics from the memcached servers.
#write(name, value, options = nil)
Behaves the same as Store#write, but supports additional options specific to memcached.
#delete_entry(key, **options)
Delete an entry from the cache.
- #deserialize_entry(payload, raw: false) private
#normalize_key(key, options)
Memcache keys are binaries.
#read_entry(key, **options)
Read an entry from the cache.
#read_multi_entries(names, **options)
Reads multiple entries from the cache implementation.
- #read_serialized_entry(key, **options) private
- #rescue_error_with(fallback) private
- #serialize_entry(entry, raw: false, **options) private
#write_entry(key, entry, **options)
Write an entry to the cache.
- #write_serialized_entry(key, payload, **options) private
- Included
#middleware | Middleware class can be inserted as a |
#with_local_cache | Use a local cache for the duration of block. |
#bypass_local_cache, #delete_entry, #local_cache, #local_cache_key, #read_multi_entries, #read_serialized_entry, #use_temporary_local_cache, #write_cache_value, #write_serialized_entry, #cleanup, #clear, #decrement, #delete_matched, #fetch_multi, #increment |
- Inherited
#cleanup | Cleans up the cache by removing expired entries. |
#clear | Clears the entire cache. |
#decrement | Decrements an integer value in the cache. |
#delete | Deletes an entry in the cache. |
#delete_matched | Deletes all entries with keys matching the pattern. |
#delete_multi | Deletes multiple entries in the cache. |
#exist? | Returns |
#fetch | Fetches data from the cache, using the given key. |
#fetch_multi | Fetches data from the cache, using the given keys. |
#increment | Increments an integer value in the cache. |
#mute | Silences the logger within a block. |
#read | Reads data from the cache, using the given key. |
#read_multi | Reads multiple values at once from the cache. |
#silence, | |
#silence! | Silences the logger. |
#write | Writes the value to the cache with the key. |
#write_multi |
#_instrument, #default_serializer, | |
#delete_entry | Deletes an entry from the cache implementation. |
#delete_multi_entries | Deletes multiples entries in the cache implementation. |
#deserialize_entry, | |
#expanded_key | Expands key to be a consistent string value. |
#expanded_version, #get_entry_value, #handle_expired_entry, #handle_invalid_expires_in, #instrument, #instrument_multi, | |
#key_matcher | Adds the namespace defined in the options to a pattern designed to match keys. |
#merged_options | Merges the default options with ones specific to a method call. |
#namespace_key | Prefix the key with a namespace string: |
#normalize_key | Expands and namespaces the cache key. |
#normalize_options | Normalize aliased options to their canonical form. |
#normalize_version, | |
#read_entry | Reads an entry from the cache implementation. |
#read_multi_entries | Reads multiple entries from the cache implementation. |
#save_block_result_to_cache, #serialize_entry, #validate_options, | |
#write_entry | Writes an entry to the cache implementation. |
#write_multi_entries | Writes multiple entries to the cache implementation. |
#new_entry |
Constructor Details
.new(*addresses) ⇒ MemCacheStore
Creates a new MemCacheStore
object, with the given memcached server addresses. Each address is either a host name, or a host-with-port string in the form of “host_name:port”. For example:"localhost", "server-downstairs.localnetwork:8229")
If no addresses are provided, but ENV['MEMCACHE_SERVERS']
is defined, it will be used instead. Otherwise, MemCacheStore
will connect to localhost:11211 (the default memcached port).
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 77
def initialize(*addresses) addresses = addresses.flatten = addresses. if .key?(:cache_nils) [:skip_nil] = ! .delete(:cache_nils) end super( ) unless [String, Dalli::Client, NilClass].include?(addresses.first.class) raise ArgumentError, "First argument must be an empty array, address, or array of addresses." end @mem_cache_options = .dup # The value "compress: false" prevents duplicate compression within Dalli. @mem_cache_options[:compress] = false (OVERRIDDEN_OPTIONS - %i(compress)).each { |name| @mem_cache_options.delete(name) } @data = self.class.build_mem_cache(*(addresses + [@mem_cache_options])) end
Class Attribute Details
.supports_cache_versioning? ⇒ Boolean
Advertise cache versioning support.
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 38
def self.supports_cache_versioning? true end
Class Method Details
Creates a new Dalli::Client
instance with specified addresses and options. If no addresses are provided, we give nil to Dalli::Client
, so it uses its fallbacks:
ENV (if defined)
“” (otherwise)
# => #<Dalli::Client:0x007f98a47d2028 @servers=[""], @options={}, @ring=nil>
# => #<Dalli::Client:0x007f98a47b3a60 @servers=["localhost:10290"], @options={}, @ring=nil>
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 56
def self.build_mem_cache(*addresses) # :nodoc: addresses = addresses.flatten = addresses. addresses = nil if addresses.compact.empty? = ( ) if ) {, .merge(threadsafe: false)) } else, ) end end
Instance Method Details
#clear(options = nil)
Clear the entire cache on all memcached servers. This method should be used with care when shared cache is being used.
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 168
def clear( = nil) rescue_error_with(nil) { @data.with { |c| c.flush_all } } end
#decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil)
Decrement a cached integer value using the memcached decr atomic operator. Returns the updated value.
If the key is unset or has expired, it will be set to 0. Memcached does not support negative counters.
cache.decrement("foo") # => 0
To set a specific value, call #write passing raw: true
cache.write("baz", 5, raw: true)
cache.decrement("baz") # => 4
Decrementing a non-numeric value, or a value written without raw: true
, will fail and return nil
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 155
def decrement(name, amount = 1, = nil) = ( ) key = normalize_key(name, ) instrument(:decrement, key, amount: amount) do rescue_error_with nil do @data.with { |c| c.decr(key, amount, [:expires_in], 0) } end end end
#delete_entry(key, **options) (private)
Delete an entry from the cache.
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 235
def delete_entry(key, ** ) rescue_error_with(false) { @data.with { |c| c.delete(key) } } end
#deserialize_entry(payload, raw: false) (private)
[ GitHub ]#increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil)
Increment a cached integer value using the memcached incr atomic operator. Returns the updated value.
If the key is unset or has expired, it will be set to amount
cache.increment("foo") # => 1
cache.increment("bar", 100) # => 100
To set a specific value, call #write passing raw: true
cache.write("baz", 5, raw: true)
cache.increment("baz") # => 6
Incrementing a non-numeric value, or a value written without raw: true
, will fail and return nil
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 129
def increment(name, amount = 1, = nil) = ( ) key = normalize_key(name, ) instrument(:increment, key, amount: amount) do rescue_error_with nil do @data.with { |c| c.incr(key, amount, [:expires_in], amount) } end end end
[ GitHub ]# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 96
def inspect instance = @data || @mem_cache_options "#<#{self.class} options=#{ .inspect} mem_cache=#{instance.inspect}>" end
#normalize_key(key, options) (private)
Memcache keys are binaries. So we need to force their encoding to binary before applying the regular expression to ensure we are escaping all characters properly.
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 250
def normalize_key(key, ) key = super if key key = key.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) key = key.gsub(ESCAPE_KEY_CHARS) { |match| "%#{match.getbyte(0).to_s(16).upcase}" } if key.size > KEY_MAX_SIZE key_separator = ":hash:" key_hash = ActiveSupport::Digest.hexdigest(key) key_trim_size = KEY_MAX_SIZE - key_separator.size - key_hash.size key = "#{key[0, key_trim_size]}#{key_separator}#{key_hash}" end end key end
#read_entry(key, **options) (private)
Read an entry from the cache.
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 179
def read_entry(key, ** ) deserialize_entry(read_serialized_entry(key, ** ), ** ) end
#read_multi_entries(names, **options) (private)
Reads multiple entries from the cache implementation.
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 209
def read_multi_entries(names, ** ) keys_to_names = names.index_by { |name| normalize_key(name, ) } raw_values = begin @data.with { |c| c.get_multi(keys_to_names.keys) } rescue Dalli::UnmarshalError {} end values = {} raw_values.each do |key, value| entry = deserialize_entry(value, raw: [:raw]) unless entry.nil? || entry.expired? || entry.mismatched?(normalize_version(keys_to_names[key], )) begin values[keys_to_names[key]] = entry.value rescue DeserializationError end end end values end
#read_serialized_entry(key, **options) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 183
def read_serialized_entry(key, ** ) rescue_error_with(nil) do @data.with { |c| c.get(key, ) } end end
#rescue_error_with(fallback) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 274
def rescue_error_with(fallback) yield rescue Dalli::DalliError, ConnectionPool::Error, ConnectionPool::TimeoutError => error logger.error("DalliError (#{error}): #{error.}") if logger ActiveSupport.error_reporter&.report( error, severity: :warning, source: "mem_cache_store.active_support", ) fallback end
#serialize_entry(entry, raw: false, **options) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 239
def serialize_entry(entry, raw: false, ** ) if raw entry.value.to_s else super(entry, raw: raw, ** ) end end
Get the statistics from the memcached servers.
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 173
def stats @data.with { |c| c.stats } end
#write(name, value, options = nil)
Behaves the same as Store#write, but supports additional options specific to memcached.
Additional Options
raw: true
- Sends the value directly to the server as raw bytes. The value must be a string or number. You can use memcached direct operations like #increment and #decrement only on raw values.
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 102
rdoc_method :method: write
#write_entry(key, entry, **options) (private)
Write an entry to the cache.
# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 190
def write_entry(key, entry, ** ) write_serialized_entry(key, serialize_entry(entry, ** ), ** ) end
#write_serialized_entry(key, payload, **options) (private)
[ GitHub ]# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb', line 194
def write_serialized_entry(key, payload, ** ) method = [:unless_exist] ? :add : :set expires_in = [:expires_in].to_i if [:race_condition_ttl] && expires_in > 0 && ! [:raw] # Set the memcache expire a few minutes in the future to support race condition ttls on read expires_in += 5.minutes end rescue_error_with nil do # Don't pass compress option to Dalli since we are already dealing with compression. .delete(:compress) @data.with { |c| !!c.send(method, key, payload, expires_in, ** ) } end end