
Class: ActiveRecord::Type::Time::Value

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ::Time
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Time
Defined in: activerecord/lib/active_record/type/time.rb

Constant Summary

::DateAndTime::Calculations - Included


::Time - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

::Time - Inherited


Returns the TimeZone for the current request, if this has been set (via Time.zone=).


Sets Time.zone to a TimeZone object for the current request/thread.


Class Method Summary

::Time - Inherited


Overriding case equality method so that it returns true for ::ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances.


Layers additional behavior on Time.at so that ::ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone and ::ActiveRecord::Type::DateTime instances can be used when called with a single argument.


Returns Time.zone.now when Time.zone or config.time_zone are set, otherwise just returns Time.now.


Returns the number of days in the given month.


Returns the number of days in the given year.


Returns a TimeZone instance matching the time zone provided.


Returns a TimeZone instance matching the time zone provided.


Creates a ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time instance from an RFC 3339 string.


Allows override of Time.zone locally inside supplied block; resets Time.zone to existing value when done.

Instance Attribute Summary

::Time - Inherited


Duck-types as a Time-like class.


No Time is blank:


::DateAndTime::Compatibility - Included

::DateAndTime::Calculations - Included


Returns true if the date/time is in the future.


Returns true if the date/time does not fall on a Saturday or Sunday.


Returns true if the date/time falls on a Saturday or Sunday.


Returns true if the date/time is in the past.


Returns true if the date/time is today.


Returns a new date/time representing tomorrow.


Returns true if the date/time is tomorrow.


Returns a new date/time representing yesterday.


Returns true if the date/time is yesterday.

Instance Method Summary

::Time - Inherited


Uses Date to provide precise ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time calculations for years, months, and days according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.


Returns a new ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time representing the time a number of seconds ago, this is basically a wrapper around the ::Numeric extension.


Alias for Time#end_of_day.


Alias for Time#end_of_hour.


Returns a new ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time representing the start of the day (0:00).


Returns a new ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time representing the start of the hour (x:00).


Returns a new ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time representing the start of the minute (x:xx:00).


Returns a new ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time where one or more of the elements have been changed according to the options parameter.


Layers additional behavior on Time#<=> so that ::ActiveRecord::Type::DateTime and ::ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances can be chronologically compared with a ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time.


Returns a new ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time representing the end of the day, 23:59:59.999999.


Returns a new ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time representing the end of the hour, x:59:59.999999.


Returns a new ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time representing the end of the minute, x:xx:59.999999.


Layers additional behavior on Time#eql? so that ::ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances can be eql? to an equivalent ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time.


Returns a formatted string of the offset from UTC, or an alternative string if the time zone is already UTC.


Alias for Time#since.


Returns a new ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time representing the middle of the day (12:00).


Time#- can also be used to determine the number of seconds between two ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time instances.


Alias for Time#-.


Returns a new time the specified number of days in the future.


Returns a new time the specified number of months in the future.


Returns a new time the specified number of years in the future.


Returns a new time the specified number of days ago.


Returns a new time the specified number of months ago.


Returns a new time the specified number of years ago.


Aliased to xmlschema for compatibility with ::ActiveRecord::Type::DateTime


Returns the fraction of a second as a Rational


Returns the number of seconds since 00:00:00.


Returns the number of seconds until 23:59:59.


Returns a new ::ActiveRecord::Type::Time representing the time a number of seconds since the instance time.


Alias for Time#to_fs.


Converts to a formatted string.


Returns self.

#as_json, #minus_with_duration, #plus_with_duration

::DateAndTime::Calculations - Included


Returns true if the date/time falls after date_or_time.


Returns a ::Range representing the whole day of the current date/time.


Returns a ::Range representing the whole month of the current date/time.


Returns a ::Range representing the whole quarter of the current date/time.


Returns a ::Range representing the whole week of the current date/time.


Returns a ::Range representing the whole year of the current date/time.


Returns true if the date/time falls before date_or_time.


Returns a new date/time at the start of the month.


Returns a new date/time at the start of the quarter.


Returns a new date/time representing the start of this week on the given day.


Returns a new date/time at the beginning of the year.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of days ago.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of days in the future.


Returns the number of days to the start of the week on the given day.


Returns a new date/time representing the end of the month.


Returns a new date/time at the end of the quarter.


Returns a new date/time representing the end of this week on the given day.


Returns a new date/time representing the end of the year.


Short-hand for months_ago(1).


Short-hand for years_ago(1).


Returns Monday of this week assuming that week starts on Monday.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of months ago.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of months in the future.


Returns a new date/time representing the next occurrence of the specified day of week.


Short-hand for months_since(3).


Returns a new date/time representing the given day in the next week.


Returns a new date/time representing the next weekday.


Returns a new date/time representing the previous occurrence of the specified day of week.


Short-hand for months_ago(3).


Returns a new date/time representing the given day in the previous week.


Returns a new date/time representing the previous weekday.


Returns the quarter for a date/time.


Returns Sunday of this week assuming that week starts on Monday.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of weeks ago.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of weeks in the future.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of years ago.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of years in the future.

#copy_time_to, #days_span, #first_hour, #last_hour

::DateAndTime::Zones - Included


Returns the simultaneous time in Time.zone if a zone is given or if Time.zone_default is set.
