
Class: ActiveModel::Type::DateTime


Active Model DateTime Type

::ActiveModel::Attribute type to represent dates and times. It is registered under the :datetime key.

class Event
  include ActiveModel::Attributes

  attribute :start, :datetime

event = Event.new
event.start = "Wed, 04 Sep 2013 03:00:00 EAT"

event.start.class # => Time
event.start.year  # => 2013
event.start.month # => 9
event.start.day   # => 4
event.start.hour  # => 3
event.start.min   # => 0
event.start.sec   # => 0
event.start.zone  # => "EAT"

String values are parsed using the ISO 8601 datetime format. Partial time-only formats are also accepted.

event.start = "06:07:08+09:00"
event.start.utc # => 1999-12-31 21:07:08 UTC

The degree of sub-second precision can be customized when declaring an attribute:

class Event
  include ActiveModel::Attributes

  attribute :start, :datetime, precision: 4

Constant Summary

Helpers::TimeValue - Included


Class Method Summary

Value - Inherited


Initializes a type with three basic configuration settings: precision, limit, and scale.

Instance Attribute Summary

Helpers::Timezone - Included

Value - Inherited

#limit, #precision, #scale,

These predicates are not documented, as I need to look further into their use, and see if they can be removed entirely.

#mutable?, #serialized?

Instance Method Summary

Helpers::TimeValue - Included

#apply_seconds_precision, #serialize_cast_value, #type_cast_for_schema, #user_input_in_time_zone,

BUG: Wrapping the Time object with Time.at because Time.new with in: in Ruby 3.2.0 used to return an invalid Time object see: bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19292.


Helpers::Timezone - Included

Value - Inherited

#==, #as_json, #assert_valid_value,

::ActiveModel::Type casts a value from user input (e.g. from a setter).


Determines whether a value has changed for dirty checking.


Determines whether the mutable value has been modified since it was read.


Converts a value from database input to the appropriate ruby type.


Alias for Value#==.


Returns true if this type can convert value to a type that is usable by the database.


Casts a value from the ruby type to a type that the database knows how to understand.


Returns the unique type name as a ::Symbol.


Convenience method for types which do not need separate type casting behavior for user and database inputs.

#force_equality?, #map,

::ActiveModel::Type casts a value for schema dumping.


SerializeCastValue - Included

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActiveModel::Type::Value

Instance Attribute Details

#mutable?Boolean (readonly)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb', line 53

def mutable? # :nodoc:
  # Time#zone can be mutated by #utc or #localtime
  # However when serializing the time zone will always
  # be coerced and even if the zone was mutated Time instances
  # remain equal, so we don't need to implement `#changed_in_place?`

Instance Method Details

#cast_value(value) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb', line 62

def cast_value(value)
  return apply_seconds_precision(value) unless value.is_a?(::String)
  return if value.empty?

  fast_string_to_time(value) || fallback_string_to_time(value)

#fallback_string_to_time(string) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb', line 75

def fallback_string_to_time(string)
  time_hash = begin
  rescue ArgumentError
  return unless time_hash

  time_hash[:sec_fraction] = microseconds(time_hash)

  new_time(*time_hash.values_at(:year, :mon, :mday, :hour, :min, :sec, :sec_fraction, :offset))

#microseconds(time) (private)

‘0.123456’ -> 123456 ‘1.123456’ -> 123456

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb', line 71

def microseconds(time)
  time[:sec_fraction] ? (time[:sec_fraction] * 1_000_000).to_i : 0


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb', line 49

def type

#value_from_multiparameter_assignment(values_hash) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activemodel/lib/active_model/type/date_time.rb', line 87

def value_from_multiparameter_assignment(values_hash)
  missing_parameters = [1, 2, 3].delete_if { |key| values_hash.key?(key) }
  unless missing_parameters.empty?
    raise ArgumentError, "Provided hash #{values_hash} doesn't contain necessary keys: #{missing_parameters}"