Class: ActiveJob::TestCase
Relationships & Source Files | |
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance | |
Class Chain:
::ActiveSupport::TestCase ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative ,
Instance Chain:
TestHelper ,
::ActiveSupport::TestCase ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::FileFixtures ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantStubbing ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::Deprecation ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::NotificationAssertions ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::ErrorReporterAssertions ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::TestsWithoutAssertions ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown ,
::ActiveSupport::Testing::TaggedLogging ,
Inherits: |
Defined in: | activejob/lib/active_job/test_case.rb |
Constant Summary
- Included
- Inherited
Class Attribute Summary
- Inherited
.file_fixture_path, .file_fixture_path?, | |
.test_order | Returns the order in which test cases are run. |
.test_order= | Sets the order in which test cases are run. |
Class Method Summary
- Inherited
.fixture_paths | Returns the |
.fixture_paths= | Sets the given path to the fixture set. |
.parallelize | Parallelizes the test suite. |
.parallelize_setup | Set up hook for parallel testing. |
.parallelize_teardown | Clean up hook for parallel testing. |
- Extended
Instance Attribute Summary
- Included
- Inherited
- Included
- Included
Instance Method Summary
- Included
#assert_enqueued_jobs | Asserts that the number of enqueued jobs matches the given number. |
#assert_enqueued_with | Asserts that the job has been enqueued with the given arguments. |
#assert_no_enqueued_jobs | Asserts that no jobs have been enqueued. |
#assert_no_performed_jobs | Asserts that no jobs have been performed. |
#assert_performed_jobs | Asserts that the number of performed jobs matches the given number. |
#assert_performed_with | Asserts that the job has been performed with the given arguments. |
#perform_enqueued_jobs | Performs all enqueued jobs. |
#queue_adapter | Accesses the queue_adapter set by |
#queue_adapter_for_test | Returns a queue adapter instance to use with all Active Job test helpers. |
#clear_enqueued_jobs, #clear_performed_jobs, #deserialize_args_for_assertion, #enqueued_jobs_with, #filter_as_proc, #flush_enqueued_jobs, #instantiate_job, #jobs_with, #performed_jobs_with, #prepare_args_for_assertion, #queue_adapter_changed_jobs, #require_active_job_test_adapter!, #validate_option, #after_teardown, #before_setup |
- Inherited
#assert_no_match | Alias for: refute_match. |
#assert_not_empty | Alias for: refute_empty. |
#assert_not_equal | Alias for: refute_equal. |
#assert_not_in_delta | Alias for: refute_in_delta. |
#assert_not_in_epsilon | Alias for: refute_in_epsilon. |
#assert_not_includes | Alias for: refute_includes. |
#assert_not_instance_of | Alias for: refute_instance_of. |
#assert_not_kind_of | Alias for: refute_kind_of. |
#assert_not_nil | Alias for: refute_nil. |
#assert_not_operator | Alias for: refute_operator. |
#assert_not_predicate | Alias for: refute_predicate. |
#assert_not_respond_to | Alias for: refute_respond_to. |
#assert_not_same | Alias for: refute_same. |
#method_name, #inspect |
- Included
#file_fixture | Returns a |
- Included
#after_teardown, | |
#freeze_time | Calls |
#travel | Changes current time to the time in the future or in the past by a given time difference by stubbing |
#travel_back | Returns the current time back to its original state, by removing the stubs added by |
#travel_to | Changes current time to the given time by stubbing |
#unfreeze_time | |
#simple_stubs |
- Included
#stub_const | Changes the value of a constant for the duration of a block. |
- Included
#assert_deprecated | Asserts that a matching deprecation warning was emitted by the given deprecator during the execution of the yielded block. |
#assert_not_deprecated | Asserts that no deprecation warnings are emitted by the given deprecator during the execution of the yielded block. |
#collect_deprecations | Returns the return value of the block and an array of all the deprecation warnings emitted by the given deprecator during the execution of the yielded block. |
- Included
#assert_no_notifications | Assert no notifications were emitted for a given |
#assert_notification | Assert a notification was emitted with a given |
#assert_notifications_count | Assert the number of notifications emitted with a given |
#capture_notifications | Capture emitted notifications, optionally filtered by a |
- Included
#assert_error_reported | Assertion that the block should cause at least one exception to be reported to Rails.error. |
#assert_no_error_reported | Assertion that the block should not cause an exception to be reported to Rails.error. |
#capture_error_reports | Captures reported errors from within the block that match the given error class. |
- Included
#assert_changes | Assertion that the result of evaluating an expression is changed before and after invoking the passed in block. |
#assert_difference | Test numeric difference between the return value of an expression as a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block. |
#assert_no_changes | Assertion that the result of evaluating an expression is not changed before and after invoking the passed in block. |
#assert_no_difference | Assertion that the numeric result of evaluating an expression is not changed before and after invoking the passed in block. |
#assert_not | Asserts that an expression is not truthy. |
#assert_nothing_raised | Assertion that the block should not raise an exception. |
#assert_raise | |
#assert_raises | Asserts that a block raises one of |
#_assert_nothing_raised_or_warn, #_callable_to_source_string |