
Class: ActionView::TestCase

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
self, Behavior, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup, RoutingUrlFor, Helpers, Helpers::TranslationHelper, Helpers::RenderingHelper, Helpers::NumberHelper, Helpers::JavaScriptHelper, Helpers::FormOptionsHelper, Helpers::FormHelper, RecordIdentifier, ModelNaming, Helpers::FormTagHelper, Helpers::TextHelper, Helpers::SanitizeHelper, Helpers::UrlHelper, Helpers::DebugHelper, Helpers::DateHelper, Helpers::CsrfHelper, Helpers::CspHelper, Helpers::ControllerHelper, Helpers::ContentExfiltrationPreventionHelper, Helpers::CacheHelper, Helpers::AtomFeedHelper, Helpers::AssetTagHelper, Helpers::TagHelper, Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper, Helpers::CaptureHelper, Helpers::AssetUrlHelper, Helpers::ActiveModelHelper, ::ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable, ::AbstractController::Helpers, ::ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes, Context, ::ActionController::TemplateAssertions, Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions, ::ActionDispatch::Assertions, Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions, ::ActionDispatch::Assertions::RoutingAssertions, ::ActionDispatch::Assertions::ResponseAssertions, ::ActionDispatch::TestProcess, ::ActionDispatch::TestProcess::FixtureFile, ::ActiveSupport::TestCase, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::FileFixtures, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantStubbing, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::Deprecation, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::NotificationAssertions, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::ErrorReporterAssertions, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::TestsWithoutAssertions, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown, ::ActiveSupport::Testing::TaggedLogging, Minitest::Test
Inherits: ActiveSupport::TestCase
Defined in: actionview/lib/action_view/test_case.rb


Read more about TestCase in Testing Rails Applications in the guides.

Constant Summary

::ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions - Included


::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited


::ActionDispatch::Assertions::ResponseAssertions - Included


Helpers::AssetUrlHelper - Included


Helpers::TagHelper - Included


Helpers::AssetTagHelper - Included


Helpers::ContentExfiltrationPreventionHelper - Included


Helpers::ControllerHelper - Included


Helpers::DateHelper - Included


Helpers::UrlHelper - Included


RecordIdentifier - Included


Helpers::JavaScriptHelper - Included


Helpers::TranslationHelper - Included


Behavior - Included


Behavior - Attributes & Methods

Class Attribute Summary

::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited

.file_fixture_path, .file_fixture_path?,

Returns the order in which test cases are run.


Sets the order in which test cases are run.

Class Method Summary

::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited


Returns the ::ActiveRecord::FixtureSet collection.


Sets the given path to the fixture set.


Parallelizes the test suite.


Set up hook for parallel testing.


Clean up hook for parallel testing.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative - Extended


Helper to define a test method using a ::String.

Instance Attribute Summary

Behavior - Included

#_helper_methods, #_helper_methods?, #controller, #lookup_context, #output_buffer,

Returns the content rendered by the last render call.


RoutingUrlFor - Included

Helpers - Included

Helpers::TranslationHelper - Included


Specify whether an error should be raised for missing translations.

Helpers::JavaScriptHelper - Included

Helpers::FormHelper - Included

Helpers::FormTagHelper - Included

Helpers::SanitizeHelper - Included

Helpers::UrlHelper - Included

Helpers::ControllerHelper - Included

Helpers::ContentExfiltrationPreventionHelper - Included

Helpers::CacheHelper - Included


Returns whether the current view fragment is within a cache block.

Helpers::AssetTagHelper - Included

Context - Included

::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited

::ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers - Included

::ActiveSupport::Testing::TaggedLogging - Included

Instance Method Summary

Behavior - Included

#_routes, #_user_defined_ivars,

Alias for Behavior#view.

#config, #method_missing, #render, #rendered_views, #respond_to_missing?, #setup_with_controller,

The instance of Base that is used by render.


Returns a ::Hash of instance variables and their values, as defined by the user in the test case, which are then assigned to the view being rendered.


Need to experiment if this priority is the best one: rendered => output_buffer.

RoutingUrlFor - Included


Returns the URL for the set of options provided.

#_generate_paths_by_default, #_routes_context, #ensure_only_path_option, #url_options

Helpers::TranslationHelper - Included


Delegates to I18n.localize with no additional functionality.


Delegates to I18n#translate but also performs three additional functions.

#missing_translation, #scope_key_by_partial

Helpers::RenderingHelper - Included


Overrides _layout_for in the context object so it supports the case a block is passed to a partial.


Renders a template and returns the result.

Helpers::NumberHelper - Included

Helpers::JavaScriptHelper - Included


Escapes carriage returns and single and double quotes for JavaScript segments.


Returns a JavaScript tag with the content inside.


Helpers::FormOptionsHelper - Included


Returns check box tags for the collection of existing return values of method for object‘s class.


Returns radio button tags for the collection of existing return values of method for object‘s class.


Returns <select> and <option> tags for the collection of existing return values of method for object‘s class.


Returns <select>, <optgroup> and <option> tags for the collection of existing return values of method for object‘s class.


Returns a string of <option> tags, like #options_for_select, but wraps them with <optgroup> tags:


Returns a string of <option> tags, like #options_from_collection_for_select, but groups them by <optgroup> tags based on the object relationships of the arguments.


Accepts a container (hash, array, enumerable, your type) and returns a string of option tags.


Returns a string of option tags that have been compiled by iterating over the collection and assigning the result of a call to the value_method as the option value and the text_method as the option text.


Create a select tag and a series of contained option tags for the provided object and method.


Returns a string of option tags for pretty much any time zone in the world.


Returns select and option tags for the given object and method, using #time_zone_options_for_select to generate the list of option tags.


Returns a string of option tags for the days of the week.


Returns select and option tags for the given object and method, using #weekday_options_for_select to generate the list of option tags.

#extract_selected_and_disabled, #extract_values_from_collection, #option_html_attributes, #option_text_and_value, #option_value_selected?, #prompt_text, #value_for_collection

Helpers::FormHelper - Included


Returns a checkbox tag tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Returns a text_field of type “color”.


Returns a text_field of type “date”.


Returns a text_field of type “datetime-local”.


Returns a text_field of type “email”.


Scopes input fields with either an explicit scope or model.


Creates a scope around a specific model object like #form_with, but doesn’t create the form tags themselves.


Returns a file upload input tag tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Creates a form that allows the user to create or update the attributes of a specific model object.


Creates a form tag based on mixing URLs, scopes, or models.


Returns a hidden input tag tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Returns a label tag tailored for labelling an input field for a specified attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Returns a text_field of type “month”.


Returns an input tag of type “number”.


Returns an input tag of the “password” type tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Returns a radio button tag for accessing a specified attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Returns an input tag of type “range”.


Returns an input of type “search” for accessing a specified attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object_name).


Returns a text_field of type “tel”.


Returns an input tag of the “text” type tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Returns a textarea opening and closing tag set tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Returns a text_field of type “time”.


Returns a text_field of type “url”.


Returns a text_field of type “week”.

#default_form_builder_class, #html_options_for_form_with, #instantiate_builder, #_object_for_form_builder, #apply_form_for_options!

RecordIdentifier - Included


The DOM class convention is to use the singular form of an object or class.


The DOM id convention is to use the singular form of an object or class with the id following an underscore.


Returns a string representation of the key attribute(s) that is suitable for use in an HTML DOM id.

ModelNaming - Included


Converts the given object to an Active Model compliant one.


Helpers::FormTagHelper - Included


Creates a button element that defines a submit button, reset button or a generic button which can be used in JavaScript, for example.


Creates a check box form input tag.


Creates a text field of type “color”.


Creates a text field of type “date”.


Creates a text field of type “datetime-local”.


Creates a text field of type “email”.


Generate an HTML id attribute value for the given name and field combination.


Generate an HTML name attribute value for the given name and field combination.


Creates a field set for grouping HTML form elements.


Creates a file upload field.


Starts a form tag that points the action to a URL configured with url_for_options just like ActionController::Base#url_for.


Creates a hidden form input field used to transmit data that would be lost due to HTTP’s statelessness or data that should be hidden from the user.


Displays an image which when clicked will submit the form.


Creates a label element.


Creates a text field of type “month”.


Creates a number field.


Creates a password field, a masked text field that will hide the users input behind a mask character.


Creates a radio button; use groups of radio buttons named the same to allow users to select from a group of options.


Creates a range form element.


Creates a text field of type “search”.


Creates a dropdown selection box, or if the :multiple option is set to true, a multiple choice selection box.


Creates a submit button with the text value as the caption.


Creates a text field of type “tel”.


Creates a standard text field; use these text fields to input smaller chunks of text like a username or a search query.


Creates a text input area; use a textarea for longer text inputs such as blog posts or descriptions.


Creates a text field of type “time”.


Creates a text field of type “url”.


Creates the hidden UTF-8 enforcer tag.


Creates a text field of type “week”.

#convert_direct_upload_option_to_url, #extra_tags_for_form, #form_tag_html, #form_tag_with_body, #html_options_for_form,

Helpers::TextHelper - Included


The preferred method of outputting text in your views is to use the <%= "text" %> eRuby syntax.


Returns the current cycle string after a cycle has been started.


Creates a Cycle object whose to_s method cycles through elements of an array every time it is called.


Extracts the first occurrence of phrase plus surrounding text from text.


Highlights occurrences of phrases in text by formatting them with a highlighter string.


Attempts to pluralize the singular word unless count is 1.


Resets a cycle so that it starts from the first element the next time it is called.


Returns text transformed into HTML using simple formatting rules.


Truncates text if it is longer than a specified :length.


Wraps the text into lines no longer than line_width width.


The cycle helpers need to store the cycles in a place that is guaranteed to be reset every time a page is rendered, so it uses an instance variable of Base.

#set_cycle, #split_paragraphs

Helpers::SanitizeHelper - Included


Sanitizes HTML input, stripping all but known-safe tags and attributes.


Sanitizes a block of CSS code.


Strips all link tags from html leaving just the link text.


Strips all HTML tags from html, including comments and special characters.

Helpers::UrlHelper - Included


Generates a form containing a single button that submits to the URL created by the set of options.


True if the current request URI was generated by the given options.


Creates an anchor element of the given name using a URL created by the set of options.


Creates a link tag of the given name using a URL created by the set of options if condition is true, otherwise only the name is returned.


Creates a link tag of the given name using a URL created by the set of options unless condition is true, in which case only the name is returned.


Creates a link tag of the given name using a URL created by the set of options unless the current request URI is the same as the links, in which case only the name is returned (or the given block is yielded, if one exists).


Creates a mailto link tag to the specified email_address, which is also used as the name of the link unless name is specified.


Creates a TEL anchor link tag to the specified phone_number.


Creates an SMS anchor link tag to the specified phone_number.

#add_method_to_attributes!, #convert_options_to_data_attributes, #link_to_remote_options?, #method_for_options, #method_not_get_method?, #method_tag, #remove_trailing_slash!,

Returns an array of hashes each containing :name and :value keys suitable for use as the names and values of form input fields:

#token_tag, #url_target,

Basic implementation of url_for to allow use helpers without routes existence.

#_back_url, #_filtered_referrer

Helpers::DebugHelper - Included


Returns a YAML representation of object wrapped with <pre> and </pre>.

Helpers::DateHelper - Included


Returns a set of select tags (one for year, month, and day) pre-selected for accessing a specified date-based attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Returns a set of select tags (one for year, month, day, hour, and minute) pre-selected for accessing a specified datetime-based attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Reports the approximate distance in time between two ::Time, ::Date, or ::DateTime objects or integers as seconds.


Returns a set of HTML select-tags (one for year, month, and day) pre-selected with the date.


Returns a set of HTML select-tags (one for year, month, day, hour, minute, and second) pre-selected with the datetime.


Returns a select tag with options for each of the days 1 through 31 with the current day selected.


Returns a select tag with options for each of the hours 0 through 23 with the current hour selected.


Returns a select tag with options for each of the minutes 0 through 59 with the current minute selected.


Returns a select tag with options for each of the months January through December with the current month selected.


Returns a select tag with options for each of the seconds 0 through 59 with the current second selected.


Returns a set of HTML select-tags (one for hour and minute).


Returns a select tag with options for each of the five years on each side of the current, which is selected.


Like distance_of_time_in_words, but where to_time is fixed to Time.now.


Returns a set of select tags (one for hour, minute, and optionally second) pre-selected for accessing a specified time-based attribute (identified by method) on an object assigned to the template (identified by object).


Returns an HTML time tag for the given date or time.


Helpers::CsrfHelper - Included


Returns meta tags “csrf-param” and “csrf-token” with the name of the cross-site request forgery protection parameter and token, respectively.

Helpers::CspHelper - Included


Returns a meta tag “csp-nonce” with the per-session nonce value for allowing inline <script> tags.

Helpers::ControllerHelper - Included

Helpers::ContentExfiltrationPreventionHelper - Included

Helpers::CacheHelper - Included


This helper exposes a method for caching fragments of a view rather than an entire action or page.


This helper returns the name of a cache key for a given fragment cache call.


Cache fragments of a view if condition is true.


Cache fragments of a view unless condition is true.


Raises UncacheableFragmentError when called from within a cache block.

#fragment_for, #fragment_name_with_digest, #read_fragment_for, #write_fragment_for, #digest_path_from_template

Helpers::AtomFeedHelper - Included


Adds easy defaults to writing Atom feeds with the Builder template engine (this does not work on ::ERB or any other template languages).

Helpers::AssetTagHelper - Included


Returns an HTML audio tag for the sources.


Returns a link tag that browsers and feed readers can use to auto-detect an RSS, Atom, or JSON feed.


Returns a link tag for a favicon managed by the asset pipeline.


Returns an HTML image tag for the source.


Returns an HTML script tag for each of the sources provided.


Returns an HTML picture tag for the sources.


Returns a link tag that browsers can use to preload the source.


Returns a stylesheet link tag for the sources specified as arguments.


Returns an HTML video tag for the sources.

#check_for_image_tag_errors, #extract_dimensions, #multiple_sources_tag_builder, #resolve_asset_source, #resolve_link_as, #send_preload_links_header

Helpers::TagHelper - Included


Returns a CDATA section with the given content.


Returns an HTML block tag of type name surrounding the content.


Returns an escaped version of html without affecting existing escaped entities.


Returns an HTML tag.


Returns a string of tokens built from args.

#build_tag_values, #ensure_valid_html5_tag_name, #tag_builder

Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper - Included


This method outputs without escaping a string.


This method returns an HTML safe string similar to what Array#join would return.


Converts the array to a comma-separated sentence where the last element is joined by the connector word.

Helpers::CaptureHelper - Included


The capture method extracts part of a template as a string object.


Calling content_for stores a block of markup in an identifier for later use.


content_for? checks whether any content has been captured yet using content_for.


The same as content_for but when used with streaming flushes straight back to the layout.


Use an alternate output buffer for the duration of the block.

Helpers::AssetUrlHelper - Included


This is the entry point for all assets.


Computes the full URL to an asset in the public directory.


Computes the path to an audio asset in the public audios directory.


Computes the full URL to an audio asset in the public audios directory.


Compute extname to append to asset path.


Pick an asset host for this source.


Computes asset path to public directory.


Computes the path to a font asset.


Computes the full URL to a font asset.


Computes the path to an image asset.


Computes the full URL to an image asset.


Computes the path to a JavaScript asset in the public javascripts directory.


Computes the full URL to a JavaScript asset in the public javascripts directory.


Computes the path to a stylesheet asset in the public stylesheets directory.


Computes the full URL to a stylesheet asset in the public stylesheets directory.


Computes the path to a video asset in the public videos directory.


Computes the full URL to a video asset in the public videos directory.

::ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable - Included


Allows you to measure the execution time of a block in a template and records the result to the log.

::AbstractController::Helpers - Included

::ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes - Included


Returns the path component of a URL for the given record.


Constructs a call to a named RESTful route for the given record and returns the resulting URL string.

#polymorphic_mapping, #polymorphic_path_for_action, #polymorphic_url_for_action

Context - Included


Encapsulates the interaction with the view flow so it returns the correct buffer on yield.


Prepares the context by setting the appropriate instance variables.

::ActionController::TemplateAssertions - Included

::ActionDispatch::Assertions - Included

::ActionDispatch::Assertions::RoutingAssertions - Included


Asserts that the provided options can be used to generate the provided path.


Asserts that the routing of the given path was handled correctly and that the parsed options (given in the expected_options hash) match path.


Asserts that path and options match both ways; in other words, it verifies that path generates options and then that options generates path.


ROUTES TODO: These assertions should really work in an integration context.


A helper to make it easier to test different route configurations.

#create_routes, #fail_on,

Recognizes the route for a given path.

#reset_routes, #setup

::ActionDispatch::Assertions::ResponseAssertions - Included


Asserts that the response is a redirect to a URL matching the given options.


Asserts that the response is one of the following types:

#code_with_name, #exception_if_present, #generate_response_message, #location_if_redirected, #normalize_argument_to_redirection,

Proxy to to_param if the object will respond to it.


::ActionDispatch::TestProcess - Included

::ActionDispatch::TestProcess::FixtureFile - Included


Shortcut for ‘Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(File.join(ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest.file_fixture_path, path), type)`:


::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited

::ActiveSupport::Testing::FileFixtures - Included


Returns a ::Pathname to the fixture file named fixture_name.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers - Included


Calls travel_to with date_or_time, which defaults to Time.now.


Changes current time to the time in the future or in the past by a given time difference by stubbing Time.now, Date.today, and DateTime.now.


Returns the current time back to its original state, by removing the stubs added by travel, travel_to, and freeze_time.


Changes current time to the given time by stubbing Time.now, Time.new, Date.today, and DateTime.now to return the time or date passed into this method.


::ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantStubbing - Included


Changes the value of a constant for the duration of a block.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::Deprecation - Included


Asserts that a matching deprecation warning was emitted by the given deprecator during the execution of the yielded block.


Asserts that no deprecation warnings are emitted by the given deprecator during the execution of the yielded block.


Returns the return value of the block and an array of all the deprecation warnings emitted by the given deprecator during the execution of the yielded block.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::NotificationAssertions - Included


Assert no notifications were emitted for a given pattern.


Assert a notification was emitted with a given pattern and optional payload.


Assert the number of notifications emitted with a given pattern.


Capture emitted notifications, optionally filtered by a pattern.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::ErrorReporterAssertions - Included


Assertion that the block should cause at least one exception to be reported to Rails.error.


Assertion that the block should not cause an exception to be reported to Rails.error.


Captures reported errors from within the block that match the given error class.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions - Included


Assertion that the result of evaluating an expression is changed before and after invoking the passed in block.


Test numeric difference between the return value of an expression as a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block.


Assertion that the result of evaluating an expression is not changed before and after invoking the passed in block.


Assertion that the numeric result of evaluating an expression is not changed before and after invoking the passed in block.


Asserts that an expression is not truthy.


Assertion that the block should not raise an exception.


Asserts that a block raises one of exp.

#_assert_nothing_raised_or_warn, #_callable_to_source_string

::ActiveSupport::Testing::TestsWithoutAssertions - Included

::ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown - Included

::ActiveSupport::Testing::TaggedLogging - Included

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class ActionView::TestCase::Behavior

Class Attribute Details

.content_class (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/test_case.rb', line 249

class_attribute :content_class, instance_accessor: false, default: RenderedViewContent

.content_class?Boolean (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionview/lib/action_view/test_case.rb', line 249

class_attribute :content_class, instance_accessor: false, default: RenderedViewContent