
Class: ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.


The MailDeliveryJob class is used when you want to send emails outside of the request-response cycle. It supports sending either parameterized or normal mail.

Exceptions are rescued and handled by the mailer class.

Constant Summary

::ActiveSupport::Callbacks - Included


::ActiveJob::Exceptions - Included


Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

::ActiveJob::Base - Inherited

::ActiveJob::Logging - Included

::ActiveJob::Callbacks - Included

::ActiveJob::Execution - Included

::ActiveJob::Core - Included


Job arguments.


Track any exceptions raised by the backend so callers can inspect the errors.


Track when a job was enqueued.


::Hash that contains the number of times this job handled errors for each specific retry_on declaration.


Number of times this job has been executed (which increments on every retry, like after an exception).


Job Identifier.


I18n.locale to be used during the job.


Priority that the job will have (lower is more priority).


ID optionally provided by adapter.


Queue in which the job will reside.


::Time when the job should be performed.

#serialized_arguments=, #successfully_enqueued?,

Timezone to be used during the job.


Track whether the adapter received the job successfully.

Instance Method Summary

::ActiveJob::ExecutionState - Included

::ActiveJob::Logging - Included

::ActiveJob::Instrumentation - Included

::ActiveJob::Exceptions - Included

::ActiveSupport::Callbacks - Included


Runs the callbacks for the given event.


A hook invoked every time a before callback is halted.

::ActiveJob::Execution - Included


Performs the job immediately.


::ActiveSupport::Rescuable - Included


Delegates to the class method, but uses the instance as the subject for rescue_from handlers (method calls, instance_exec blocks).


Internal handler lookup.

::ActiveJob::Enqueuing - Included


Enqueues the job to be performed by the queue adapter.


::ActiveJob::QueuePriority - Included


Returns the priority that the job will be created with.

::ActiveJob::QueueName - Included


Returns the name of the queue the job will be run on.

::ActiveJob::Core - Included


Attaches the stored job data to the current instance.


Creates a new job instance.


Returns a hash with the job data that can safely be passed to the queuing adapter.

#deserialize_arguments, #deserialize_arguments_if_needed, #serialize_arguments, #serialize_arguments_if_needed,

Configures the job with the given options.

Instance Method Details

#handle_exception_with_mailer_class(exception) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/mail_delivery_job.rb', line 40

def handle_exception_with_mailer_class(exception)
  if klass = mailer_class
    klass.handle_exception exception
    raise exception

#mailer_class (private)

“Deserialize” the mailer class name by hand in case another argument (like a Global ID reference) raised DeserializationError.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/mail_delivery_job.rb', line 34

def mailer_class
  if mailer = Array(@serialized_arguments).first || Array(arguments).first

#perform(mailer, mail_method, delivery_method, args:, kwargs: nil, params: nil)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/mail_delivery_job.rb', line 21

def perform(mailer, mail_method, delivery_method, args:, kwargs: nil, params: nil)
  mailer_class = params ? mailer.constantize.with(params) : mailer.constantize
  message = if kwargs
    mailer_class.public_send(mail_method, *args, **kwargs)
    mailer_class.public_send(mail_method, *args)