
Class: ActionCable::Channel::TestCase


Superclass for Action Cable channel functional tests.

Basic example

Functional tests are written as follows:

  1. First, one uses the subscribe method to simulate subscription creation.

  2. Then, one asserts whether the current state is as expected. “State” can be anything: transmitted messages, subscribed streams, etc.

For example:

class ChatChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
  def test_subscribed_with_room_number
    # Simulate a subscription creation
    subscribe room_number: 1

    # Asserts that the subscription was successfully created
    assert subscription.confirmed?

    # Asserts that the channel subscribes connection to a stream
    assert_has_stream "chat_1"

    # Asserts that the channel subscribes connection to a specific
    # stream created for a model
    assert_has_stream_for Room.find(1)

  def test_does_not_stream_with_incorrect_room_number
    subscribe room_number: -1

    # Asserts that not streams was started

  def test_does_not_subscribe_without_room_number

    # Asserts that the subscription was rejected
    assert subscription.rejected?

You can also perform actions:

def test_perform_speak
  subscribe room_number: 1

  perform :speak, message: "Hello, Rails!"

  assert_equal "Hello, Rails!", transmissions.last["text"]

Special methods

TestCase will also automatically provide the following instance methods for use in the tests:

connection : An ConnectionStub, representing the current HTTP


subscription : An instance of the current channel, created when you call subscribe.

transmissions : A list of all messages that have been transmitted into the channel.

Channel is automatically inferred

TestCase will automatically infer the channel under test from the test class name. If the channel cannot be inferred from the test class name, you can explicitly set it with tests.

class SpecialEdgeCaseChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
  tests SpecialChannel

Specifying connection identifiers

You need to set up your connection manually to provide values for the identifiers. To do this just use:

stub_connection(user: users(:john))

Testing broadcasting

TestCase enhances ::ActionCable::TestHelper assertions (e.g. assert_broadcasts) to handle broadcasting to models:

# in your channel
def speak(data)
  broadcast_to room, text: data["message"]

def test_speak
  subscribe room_id: rooms(:chat).id

  assert_broadcast_on(rooms(:chat), text: "Hello, Rails!") do
    perform :speak, message: "Hello, Rails!"

Constant Summary

::ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions - Included


::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited


Behavior - Included


Behavior - Attributes & Methods

Class Attribute Summary

::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited

.file_fixture_path, .file_fixture_path?,

Returns the order in which test cases are run.


Sets the order in which test cases are run.

Class Method Summary

::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited


Returns the ::ActiveRecord::FixtureSet collection.


Sets the given path to the fixture set.


Parallelizes the test suite.


Set up hook for parallel testing.


Clean up hook for parallel testing.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative - Extended


Helper to define a test method using a ::String.

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Behavior - Included


Enhance TestHelper assertions to handle non-String broadcastings.


Asserts that the specified stream has not been started.


Asserts that the specified stream for a model has not started.


Asserts that the specified stream has been started.


Asserts that the specified stream for a model has started.


Asserts that no streams have been started.


Perform action on a channel.


Set up test connection with the specified identifiers:


Subscribe to the channel under test.


Returns messages transmitted into channel.


Unsubscribe the subscription under test.

#broadcasting_for, #check_subscribed!

::ActionCable::TestHelper - Included


Asserts that the specified message has been sent to the stream.


Asserts that the number of broadcasted messages to the stream matches the given number.


Asserts that no messages have been sent to the stream.


Returns the messages that are broadcasted in the block.

#new_broadcasts_from, #after_teardown, #before_setup, #pubsub_adapter

::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited

::ActiveSupport::Testing::FileFixtures - Included


Returns a ::Pathname to the fixture file named fixture_name.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers - Included


Calls travel_to with date_or_time, which defaults to Time.now.


Changes current time to the time in the future or in the past by a given time difference by stubbing Time.now, Date.today, and DateTime.now.


Returns the current time back to its original state, by removing the stubs added by travel, travel_to, and freeze_time.


Changes current time to the given time by stubbing Time.now, Time.new, Date.today, and DateTime.now to return the time or date passed into this method.


::ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantStubbing - Included


Changes the value of a constant for the duration of a block.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::Deprecation - Included


Asserts that a matching deprecation warning was emitted by the given deprecator during the execution of the yielded block.


Asserts that no deprecation warnings are emitted by the given deprecator during the execution of the yielded block.


Returns the return value of the block and an array of all the deprecation warnings emitted by the given ActionCable.deprecator during the execution of the yielded block.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::NotificationAssertions - Included


Assert no notifications were emitted for a given pattern.


Assert a notification was emitted with a given pattern and optional payload.


Assert the number of notifications emitted with a given pattern.


Capture emitted notifications, optionally filtered by a pattern.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::ErrorReporterAssertions - Included


Assertion that the block should cause at least one exception to be reported to Rails.error.


Assertion that the block should not cause an exception to be reported to Rails.error.


Captures reported errors from within the block that match the given error class.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions - Included


Assertion that the result of evaluating an expression is changed before and after invoking the passed in block.


Test numeric difference between the return value of an expression as a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block.


Assertion that the result of evaluating an expression is not changed before and after invoking the passed in block.


Assertion that the numeric result of evaluating an expression is not changed before and after invoking the passed in block.


Asserts that an expression is not truthy.


Assertion that the block should not raise an exception.


Asserts that a block raises one of exp.

#_assert_nothing_raised_or_warn, #_callable_to_source_string

::ActiveSupport::Testing::TestsWithoutAssertions - Included

::ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown - Included

::ActiveSupport::Testing::TaggedLogging - Included

Class Attribute Details

._channel_class (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb', line 200

class_attribute :_channel_class

._channel_class?Boolean (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb', line 200

class_attribute :_channel_class

Instance Attribute Details

#_channel_class (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb', line 200

class_attribute :_channel_class

#_channel_class?Boolean (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb', line 200

class_attribute :_channel_class

#connection (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb', line 202

attr_reader :connection, :subscription

#subscription (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actioncable/lib/action_cable/channel/test_case.rb', line 202

attr_reader :connection, :subscription