
Class: AbstractController::Base


Base is a low-level API. Nobody should be using it directly, and subclasses (like ::ActionController::Base) are expected to provide their own render method, since rendering means different things depending on the context.

Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

::ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker - Extended

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Attribute Details

.abstract? (readonly)

Alias for .abstract.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 54

alias_method :abstract?, :abstract

.config (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 49

class_attribute :config, instance_predicate: false, default: ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions.new

.supports_path?Boolean (readonly)

Returns true if the given controller is capable of rendering a path. A subclass of Base may return false. An Email controller for example does not support paths, only full URLs.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 204

def self.supports_path?

Class Method Details

.abstract (readonly) Also known as: .abstract?

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 53

attr_reader :abstract


Define a controller as abstract. See internal_methods for more details.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 57

def abstract!
  @abstract = true


A list of method names that should be considered actions. This includes all public instance methods on a controller, less any internal methods (see internal_methods), adding back in any methods that are internal, but still exist on the class itself.

#### Returns

  • Set - A set of all methods that should be considered actions.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 97

def action_methods
  @action_methods ||= begin
    # All public instance methods of this class, including ancestors except for
    # public instance methods of Base and its ancestors.
    methods = public_instance_methods(true) - internal_methods
    # Be sure to include shadowed public instance methods of this class.


action_methods are cached and there is sometimes a need to refresh them. .clear_action_methods! allows you to do that, so next time you run action_methods, they will be recalculated.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 112

def clear_action_methods!
  @action_methods = nil

.configure {|config| ... }

This method is for internal use only.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 131

def configure # :nodoc:
  yield config


Returns the full controller name, underscored, without the ending Controller.

class MyApp::MyPostsController < AbstractController::Base


MyApp::MyPostsController.controller_path # => "my_app/my_posts"

#### Returns

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 127

def controller_path
  @controller_path ||= name.delete_suffix("Controller").underscore unless anonymous?


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 141

def eager_load! # :nodoc:


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 61

def inherited(klass) # :nodoc:
  # Define the abstract ivar on subclasses so that we don't get uninitialized ivar
  # warnings
  unless klass.instance_variable_defined?(:@abstract)
    klass.instance_variable_set(:@abstract, false)
  klass.config = ActiveSupport::InheritableOptions.new(config)


A list of all internal methods for a controller. This finds the first abstract superclass of a controller, and gets a list of all public instance methods on that abstract class. Public instance methods of a controller would normally be considered action methods, so methods declared on abstract classes are being removed. (ActionController::Metal and ::ActionController::Base are defined as abstract)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 77

def internal_methods
  controller = self
  methods = []

  until controller.abstract?
    methods += controller.public_instance_methods(false)
    controller = controller.superclass

  controller.public_instance_methods(true) - methods


Refresh the cached action_methods when a new action_method is added.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 136

def method_added(name)

Instance Attribute Details

#action_name (rw)

Returns the name of the action this controller is processing.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 43

attr_internal :action_name

#config (rw)

This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 208

class_attribute :config, instance_predicate: false, default: ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions.new

#config= (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 49

class_attribute :config, instance_predicate: false, default: ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions.new

#formats (rw)

Returns the formats that can be processed by the controller.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 47

attr_internal :formats

#performed?Boolean (readonly)

Tests if a response body is set. Used to determine if the #process_action callback needs to be terminated in Callbacks.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 197

def performed?

#response_body (rw)

Returns the body of the HTTP response sent by the controller.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 39

attr_internal :response_body

Instance Method Details

#_find_action_name(action_name) (private)

Takes an action name and returns the name of the method that will handle the action.

It checks if the action name is valid and returns false otherwise.

See method_for_action for more information.

#### Parameters

#### Returns

  • string - The name of the method that handles the action

  • false - No valid method name could be found.

Raise ActionNotFound.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 266

def _find_action_name(action_name)
  _valid_action_name?(action_name) && method_for_action(action_name)

#_handle_action_missing(*args) (private)

If the action name was not found, but a method called “action_missing” was found, #method_for_action will return “_handle_action_missing”. This method calls #action_missing with the current action name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 246

def _handle_action_missing(*args)
  action_missing(@_action_name, *args)

#_valid_action_name?(action_name) ⇒ Boolean (private)

Checks if the action name is valid and returns false otherwise.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 303

def _valid_action_name?(action_name)
  !action_name.to_s.include? File::SEPARATOR

#action_method?(name) ⇒ Boolean (private)

Returns true if the name can be considered an action because it has a method defined in the controller.

#### Parameters

  • name - The name of an action to be tested

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 223

def action_method?(name)


Delegates to the class’s .action_methods.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 176

def action_methods

#available_action?(action_name) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if a method for the action is available and can be dispatched, false otherwise.

Notice that action_methods.include?("foo") may return false and available_action?("foo") returns true because this method considers actions that are also available through other means, for example, implicit render ones.

#### Parameters

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 191

def available_action?(action_name)


Delegates to the class’s .controller_path.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 171

def controller_path


This method is for internal use only.
[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 212

def inspect # :nodoc:
  "#<#{self.class.name}:#{'%#016x' % (object_id << 1)}>"

#method_for_action(action_name) (private)

Takes an action name and returns the name of the method that will handle the action. In normal cases, this method returns the same name as it receives. By default, if #method_for_action receives a name that is not an action, it will look for an #action_missing method and return “_handle_action_missing” if one is found.

Subclasses may override this method to add additional conditions that should be considered an action. For instance, an HTTP controller with a template matching the action name is considered to exist.

If you override this method to handle additional cases, you may also provide a method (like _handle_method_missing) to handle the case.

If none of these conditions are true, and method_for_action returns nil, an ActionNotFound exception will be raised.

#### Parameters

#### Returns

  • string - The name of the method that handles the action

  • nil - No method name could be found.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 294

def method_for_action(action_name)
  if action_method?(action_name)
  elsif respond_to?(:action_missing, true)


Calls the action going through the entire Action Dispatch stack.

The actual method that is called is determined by calling #method_for_action. If no method can handle the action, then an ActionNotFound error is raised.

#### Returns

  • self

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 158

def process(action, ...)
  @_action_name = action.to_s

  unless action_name = _find_action_name(@_action_name)
    raise ActionNotFound.new("The action '#{action}' could not be found for #{self.class.name}", self, action)

  @_response_body = nil

  process_action(action_name, ...)

#process_action (private)

Call the action. Override this in a subclass to modify the behavior around processing an action. This, and not #process, is the intended way to override action dispatching.

Notice that the first argument is the method to be dispatched which is not necessarily the same as the action name.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 233

def process_action(...)

#send_action (private)

Actually call the method associated with the action. Override this method if you wish to change how action methods are called, not to add additional behavior around it. For example, you would override #send_action if you want to inject arguments into the method.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb', line 241

alias send_action send