
Class: ActiveSupport::ArrayInquirer

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ::Array
Instance Chain:
self, ::Array
Inherits: Array
Defined in: activesupport/lib/active_support/array_inquirer.rb


Array Inquirer

Wrapping an array in an ArrayInquirer gives a friendlier way to check its string-like contents:

variants = ActiveSupport::ArrayInquirer.new([:phone, :tablet])

variants.phone?    # => true
variants.tablet?   # => true
variants.desktop?  # => false

Class Method Summary

::Array - Inherited


Wraps its argument in an array unless it is already an array (or array-like).

Instance Method Summary

::Array - Inherited


An array is blank if it’s empty:


Returns a deep copy of array.


Returns a copy of the ::Array excluding the specified elements.


Removes and returns the elements for which the block returns a true value.


Extracts options from a set of arguments.


Equal to self[4].


Equal to self[41].


Equal to self[3].


Returns the tail of the array from position.


Splits or iterates over the array in number of groups, padding any remaining slots with fill_with unless it is false.


Splits or iterates over the array in groups of size number, padding any remaining slots with fill_with unless it is false.


Returns a new array that includes the passed elements.


Wraps the array in an ArrayInquirer object, which gives a friendlier way to check its string-like contents.


Equal to self[1].


Equal to self[-2].


Divides the array into one or more subarrays based on a delimiting value or the result of an optional block.


Equal to self[2].


Equal to self[-3].


Returns the beginning of the array up to position.


Alias for Array#to_fs.


Extends Array#to_s to convert a collection of elements into a comma separated id list if :db argument is given as the format.


Calls to_param on all its elements and joins the result with slashes.


Converts an array into a string suitable for use as a URL query string, using the given key as the param name.


Converts the array to a comma-separated sentence where the last element is joined by the connector word.


Returns a string that represents the array in XML by invoking to_xml on each element.


Alias for Array#excluding.

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method

#method_missing(name, *args) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/array_inquirer.rb', line 42

def method_missing(name, *args)
  if name.end_with?("?")

Instance Method Details

#any?(*candidates) ⇒ Boolean

Passes each element of candidates collection to ArrayInquirer collection. The method returns true if any element from the ArrayInquirer collection is equal to the stringified or symbolized form of any element in the candidates collection.

If candidates collection is not given, method returns true.

variants = ActiveSupport::ArrayInquirer.new([:phone, :tablet])

variants.any?                      # => true
variants.any?(:phone, :tablet)     # => true
variants.any?('phone', 'desktop')  # => true
variants.any?(:desktop, :watch)    # => false
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/array_inquirer.rb', line 27

def any?(*candidates)
  if candidates.none?
    candidates.any? do |candidate|
      include?(candidate.to_sym) || include?(candidate.to_s)