
Class: ActionText::Generators::InstallGenerator

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ::Rails::Generators::Base, Thor::Group
Instance Chain:
self, ::Rails::Generators::Base, ::Rails::Generators::Actions, Thor::Actions, Thor::Group
Inherits: Rails::Generators::Base
Defined in: actiontext/lib/generators/action_text/install/install_generator.rb

Class Method Summary

::Rails::Generators::Base - Inherited


Returns the base root for a common set of generators.


Returns the default source root for a given generator.


Tries to get the description from a USAGE file one folder above the source root otherwise uses a default description.


Convenience method to hide this generator from the available ones when running rails generator command.


Invoke a generator based on the value supplied by the user to the given option named “name”.


Convenience method to get the namespace from the class name.


Remove a previously added hook.


Returns the source root for this generator using default_source_root as default.


Small macro to add ruby as an option to the generator with proper default value plus an instance helper method called shebang.


Use Rails default banner.


Sets the base_name taking into account the current class namespace.


Returns default aliases for the option name given doing a lookup in Rails::Generators.aliases.


Returns default for the option name given doing a lookup in config.


Returns the default value for the option name given doing a lookup in Rails::Generators.options.


Removes the namespaces and get the generator name.


Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

::Rails::Generators::Base - Inherited


Takes in an array of nested modules and extracts the last module.


Wrap block with namespace of current application if namespace exists and is not skipped.

#namespace, #namespaced_path, #wrap_with_namespace

::Rails::Generators::Actions - Included


Add the given source to Gemfile


Adds configuration code to a Rails runtime environment.


Adds a gem declaration to the Gemfile for the specified gem.


Wraps gem entries inside a group.


Runs another generator.


Runs one or more git commands.


Creates an initializer file in config/initializers/.


Creates a file in lib/.


Runs the specified Rails command.


Runs the specified Rake task.


Creates a Rake tasks file in lib/tasks/.


Reads the given file at the source root and prints it in the console.


Make an entry in Rails routing file config/routes.rb.


Creates a file in vendor/.


Runs the supplied command using either “rake …” or “rails …” based on the executor parameter provided.


Indent the Gemfile to the depth of @indentation.


Define log for backwards compatibility.


Returns optimized string with indentation.


Always returns value in double quotes.


Manage Gemfile indentation for a DSL action block.

Instance Attribute Details

#using_bun?Boolean (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/generators/action_text/install/install_generator.rb', line 75

def using_bun?
  # Cannot assume yarn.lock has been generated yet so we look for
  # a file known to be generated by the jsbundling-rails gem
  @using_bun ||= using_js_runtime? && Pathname(destination_root).join("bun.config.js").exist?

#using_js_runtime?Boolean (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/generators/action_text/install/install_generator.rb', line 71

def using_js_runtime?
  @using_js_runtime ||= Pathname(destination_root).join("package.json").exist?

#using_node?Boolean (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/generators/action_text/install/install_generator.rb', line 81

def using_node?
  # Bun is the only runtime that _isn't_ node.
  @using_node ||= using_js_runtime? && !Pathname(destination_root).join("bun.config.js").exist?

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/generators/action_text/install/install_generator.rb', line 20

def append_javascript_dependencies
  destination = Pathname(destination_root)

  if (application_javascript_path = destination.join("app/javascript/application.js")).exist?
    insert_into_file application_javascript_path.to_s, %(\nimport "trix"\nimport "@rails/actiontext"\n)
    say <<~INSTRUCTIONS, :green
      You must import the @rails/actiontext and trix JavaScript modules in your application entrypoint.

  if (importmap_path = destination.join("config/importmap.rb")).exist?
    append_to_file importmap_path.to_s, %(pin "trix"\npin "@rails/actiontext", to: "actiontext.esm.js"\n)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/generators/action_text/install/install_generator.rb', line 36

def create_actiontext_files
  destination = Pathname(destination_root)

  template "actiontext.css", "app/assets/stylesheets/actiontext.css"

  unless destination.join("app/assets/application.css").exist?
    if (stylesheets = Dir.glob "#{destination_root}/app/assets/stylesheets/application.*.{scss,css}").length > 0
      insert_into_file stylesheets.first.to_s, %(@import 'actiontext.css';)
      say <<~INSTRUCTIONS, :green
        To use the Trix editor, you must require 'app/assets/stylesheets/actiontext.css' in your base stylesheet.

  gem_root = "#{__dir__}/../../../.."

  copy_file "#{gem_root}/app/views/active_storage/blobs/_blob.html.erb",

  copy_file "#{gem_root}/app/views/layouts/action_text/contents/_content.html.erb",


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/generators/action_text/install/install_generator.rb', line 67

def create_migrations
  rails_command "railties:install:migrations FROM=active_storage,action_text", inline: true


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/generators/action_text/install/install_generator.rb', line 60

def enable_image_processing_gem
  if (gemfile_path = Pathname(destination_root).join("Gemfile")).exist?
    say "Ensure image_processing gem has been enabled so image uploads will work (remember to bundle!)"
    uncomment_lines gemfile_path, /gem "image_processing"/


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/generators/action_text/install/install_generator.rb', line 11

def install_javascript_dependencies
  say "Installing JavaScript dependencies", :green
  if using_bun?
    run "bun add @rails/actiontext trix"
  elsif using_node?
    run "yarn add @rails/actiontext trix"