
Class: ActionCable::Connection::TestCookieJar

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
Defined in: actioncable/lib/action_cable/connection/test_case.rb


We don’t want to use the whole “encryption stack” for connection unit-tests, but we want to make sure that users test against the correct types of cookies (i.e. signed or encrypted or plain)

Class Method Summary

::ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess - Inherited

::Hash - Inherited


Builds a ::Hash from XML just like Hash.from_xml, but also allows ::Symbol and YAML.


Returns a ::Hash containing a collection of pairs when the key is the node name and the value is its content.

Instance Attribute Summary

::ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess - Inherited


Returns true so that Array#extract_options! finds members of this class.

::Hash - Inherited


By default, only instances of ::Hash itself are extractable.

Instance Method Summary

::ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess - Inherited


Same as Hash#[] where the key passed as argument can be either a string or a symbol:


Assigns a new value to the hash:


Same as Hash#assoc where the key passed as argument can be either a string or a symbol:

#compact, #deep_stringify_keys, #deep_stringify_keys!, #deep_symbolize_keys,

Same as Hash#default where the key passed as argument can be either a string or a symbol:


Removes the specified key from the hash.


Same as Hash#dig where the key passed as argument can be either a string or a symbol:


Returns a shallow copy of the hash.


Returns a hash with indifferent access that includes everything except given keys.


Same as Hash#fetch where the key passed as argument can be either a string or a symbol:


Returns an array of the values at the specified indices, but also raises an exception when one of the keys can’t be found.


Checks the hash for a key matching the argument passed in:


This method has the same semantics of update, except it does not modify the receiver but rather returns a new hash with indifferent access with the result of the merge.

#nested_under_indifferent_access, #regular_update, #regular_writer, #reject,

Replaces the contents of this hash with other_hash.


Like merge but the other way around: Merges the receiver into the argument and returns a new hash with indifferent access as result:


Same semantics as reverse_merge but modifies the receiver in-place.

#select, #slice, #slice!,
#stringify_keys, #stringify_keys!, #symbolize_keys,

Convert to a regular hash with string keys.

#to_options!, #transform_keys, #transform_keys!, #transform_values,

Updates the receiver in-place, merging in the hashes passed as arguments:


Returns an array of the values at the specified indices:


::Hash - Inherited


Validates all keys in a hash match *valid_keys, raising ArgumentError on a mismatch.


A hash is blank if it’s empty:


Removes all blank values from the ::Hash in place and returns self.


Returns a deep copy of hash.


Returns a new hash with self and other_hash merged recursively.


Same as #deep_merge, but modifies self.


Returns a new hash with all keys converted to strings.


Destructively converts all keys to strings.


Returns a new hash with all keys converted to symbols, as long as they respond to to_sym.


Destructively converts all keys to symbols, as long as they respond to to_sym.


Returns a new hash with all keys converted by the block operation.


Destructively converts all keys by using the block operation.


Returns a new hash with all values converted by the block operation.


Destructively converts all values by using the block operation.


Returns a hash that includes everything except given keys.


Removes the given keys from hash and returns it.


Removes and returns the key/value pairs matching the given keys.


Merges the caller into other_hash.


Destructive reverse_merge.


Replaces the hash with only the given keys.


Returns a new hash with all keys converted to strings.


Destructively converts all keys to strings.


Returns a new hash with all keys converted to symbols, as long as they respond to to_sym.


Destructively converts all keys to symbols, as long as they respond to to_sym.


Alias for Hash#to_query.


Returns a string representation of the receiver suitable for use as a URL query string:


Returns a string containing an XML representation of its receiver:


Returns an ::ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess out of its receiver:

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actioncable/lib/action_cable/connection/test_case.rb', line 38

def encrypted
  self[:encrypted] ||= {}.with_indifferent_access


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actioncable/lib/action_cable/connection/test_case.rb', line 34

def signed
  self[:signed] ||= {}.with_indifferent_access