
Class: Range

Constant Summary

::ActiveSupport::RangeWithFormat - Prepended


Instance Method Summary

  • #overlaps?(other) ⇒ Boolean

    Compare two ranges and see if they overlap each other (1..5).overlaps?(4..6) # => true (1..5).overlaps?(7..9) # => false.

::ActiveSupport::RangeWithFormat - Prepended

::ActiveSupport::CompareWithRange - Prepended


Extends the default Range#=== to support range comparisons.


Extends the default Range#cover? to support range comparisons.


Extends the default Range#include? to support range comparisons.

Instance Method Details

#overlaps?(other) ⇒ Boolean

Compare two ranges and see if they overlap each other

(1..5).overlaps?(4..6) # => true
(1..5).overlaps?(7..9) # => false
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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/range/overlaps.rb', line 7

def overlaps?(other)
  cover?(other.first) || other.cover?(first)