
Class: ActiveSupport::Deprecation


Deprecation specifies the API used by ::Rails to deprecate methods, instance variables, objects and constants.

Constant Summary

Reporting - Included


Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

  • #deprecation_horizon rw

    The version number in which the deprecated behavior will be removed, by default.

Disallowed - Included


Returns the configured criteria used to identify deprecation messages which should be treated as disallowed.


Sets the criteria used to identify deprecation messages which should be disallowed.

Reporting - Included


Name of gem where method is deprecated.


Whether to print a message (silent mode).

Behavior - Included


Returns the current behavior or if one isn’t set, defaults to :stderr.


Sets the behavior to the specified value.


Whether to print a backtrace along with the warning.


Returns the current behavior for disallowed deprecations or if one isn’t set, defaults to :raise.


Sets the behavior for disallowed deprecations (those configured by ActiveSupport::Deprecation.disallowed_warnings=) to the specified value.

Instance Method Summary

MethodWrapper - Included


Declare that a method has been deprecated.

Reporting - Included


Allow previously disallowed deprecation warnings within the block.


Silence deprecation warnings within the block.


Outputs a deprecation warning to the output configured by ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior.

Constructor Details

.new(deprecation_horizon = "7.0", gem_name = "Rails") ⇒ Deprecation

It accepts two parameters on initialization. The first is a version of library and the second is a library name.

ActiveSupport::Deprecation.new('2.0', 'MyLibrary')
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/deprecation.rb', line 41

def initialize(deprecation_horizon = "7.0", gem_name = "Rails")
  self.gem_name = gem_name
  self.deprecation_horizon = deprecation_horizon
  # By default, warnings are not silenced and debugging is off.
  self.silenced = false
  self.debug = false
  @silenced_thread = Concurrent::ThreadLocalVar.new(false)
  @explicitly_allowed_warnings = Concurrent::ThreadLocalVar.new(nil)

Instance Attribute Details

#deprecation_horizon (rw)

The version number in which the deprecated behavior will be removed, by default.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/deprecation.rb', line 35

attr_accessor :deprecation_horizon