
Module: ActiveRecord::Type

Constant Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Class Method Details

.register(type_name, klass = nil, **options, &block)

Add a new type to the registry, allowing it to be referenced as a symbol by {ActiveRecord::Base.attribute}. If your type is only meant to be used with a specific database adapter, you can do so by passing adapter: :postgresql. If your type has the same name as a native type for the current adapter, an exception will be raised unless you specify an :override option. override: true will cause your type to be used instead of the native type. override: false will cause the native type to be used over yours if one exists.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activerecord/lib/active_record/type.rb', line 37

def register(type_name, klass = nil, **options, &block)
  registry.register(type_name, klass, **options, &block)

Instance Attribute Details

#add_modifier (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activerecord/lib/active_record/type.rb', line 27

delegate :add_modifier, to: :registry