
Exception: ActiveRecord::MismatchedForeignKey

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, StatementInvalid, ActiveRecordError, StandardError
Instance Chain:
self, StatementInvalid, ActiveRecordError, StandardError
Inherits: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid
Defined in: activerecord/lib/active_record/errors.rb


Raised when a foreign key constraint cannot be added because the column type does not match the referenced column type.

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Constructor Details

.new(message: nil, sql: nil, binds: nil, table: nil, foreign_key: nil, target_table: nil, primary_key: nil, primary_key_column: nil) ⇒ MismatchedForeignKey

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# File 'activerecord/lib/active_record/errors.rb', line 150

def initialize(
  message: nil,
  sql: nil,
  binds: nil,
  table: nil,
  foreign_key: nil,
  target_table: nil,
  primary_key: nil,
  primary_key_column: nil
  if table
    type = primary_key_column.bigint? ? :bigint : primary_key_column.type
    msg = <<~EOM.squish
      Column `#{foreign_key}` on table `#{table}` does not match column `#{primary_key}` on `#{target_table}`,
      which has type `#{primary_key_column.sql_type}`.
      To resolve this issue, change the type of the `#{foreign_key}` column on `#{table}` to be :#{type}.
      (For example `t.#{type} :#{foreign_key}`).
    msg = <<~EOM.squish
      There is a mismatch between the foreign key and primary key column types.
      Verify that the foreign key column type and the primary key of the associated table match types.
  if message
    msg << "\nOriginal message: #{message}"
  super(msg, sql: sql, binds: binds)