
Class: ActionText::Attachables::ContentAttachment

Class Method Summary

::ActiveModel::Naming - self


Returns string to use for params names.


Returns the plural class name of a record or class.


Returns string to use while generating route names.


Returns the singular class name of a record or class.


Returns string to use while generating route names.


Identifies whether the class name of a record or class is uncountable.

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

::ActiveModel::Model - Included


Initializes a new model with the given params.

::ActiveModel::Conversion - Included


Returns an ::Array of all key attributes if any of the attributes is set, whether or not the object is persisted.


If your object is already designed to implement all of the Active Model you can use the default :to_model implementation, which simply returns self.


Returns a string representing the object’s key suitable for use in URLs, or nil if persisted? is false.


Returns a string identifying the path associated with the object.

::ActiveModel::Validations - Included


Returns the Errors object that holds all information about attribute error messages.


Performs the opposite of valid?.


Hook method defining how an attribute value should be retrieved.


Runs all the specified validations and returns true if no errors were added otherwise false.


Runs all the validations within the specified context.


Passes the record off to the class or classes specified and allows them to add errors based on more complex conditions.


::ActiveModel::AttributeAssignment - Included


Allows you to set all the attributes by passing in a hash of attributes with keys matching the attribute names.

Class Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/action_text/attachables/content_attachment.rb', line 8

def self.from_node(node)
  if node["content-type"]
    if matches = node["content-type"].match(/vnd\.rubyonrails\.(.+)\.html/)
      attachment = new(name: matches[1])
      attachment if attachment.valid?

Instance Attribute Details

#name (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/action_text/attachables/content_attachment.rb', line 17

attr_accessor :name

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/action_text/attachables/content_attachment.rb', line 20

def attachable_plain_text_representation(caption)
  case name
  when "horizontal-rule"
    " "


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/action_text/attachables/content_attachment.rb', line 29

def to_partial_path


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actiontext/lib/action_text/attachables/content_attachment.rb', line 33

def to_trix_content_attachment_partial_path