
Class: Time

Constant Summary

::DateAndTime::Calculations - Included


Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

::DateAndTime::Compatibility - Included

::DateAndTime::Calculations - Included


Returns true if the date/time is in the future.


Returns true if the date/time does not fall on a Saturday or Sunday.


Returns true if the date/time falls on a Saturday or Sunday.


Returns true if the date/time is in the past.


Returns true if the date/time is today.

Instance Method Summary

::DateAndTime::Calculations - Included


Returns a ::Range representing the whole day of the current date/time.


Returns a ::Range representing the whole month of the current date/time.


Returns a ::Range representing the whole quarter of the current date/time.


Returns a ::Range representing the whole week of the current date/time.


Returns a ::Range representing the whole year of the current date/time.


Returns a new date/time at the start of the month.


Returns a new date/time at the start of the quarter.


Returns a new date/time representing the start of this week on the given day.


Returns a new date/time at the beginning of the year.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of days ago.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of days in the future.


Returns the number of days to the start of the week on the given day.


Returns a new date/time representing the end of the month.


Returns a new date/time at the end of the quarter.


Returns a new date/time representing the end of this week on the given day.


Returns a new date/time representing the end of the year.


Short-hand for months_ago(1).


Short-hand for years_ago(1).


Returns Monday of this week assuming that week starts on Monday.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of months ago.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of months in the future.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of days in the future.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of months in the future.


Returns a new date/time representing the next occurrence of the specified day of week.


Short-hand for months_since(3).


Returns a new date/time representing the given day in the next week.


Returns a new date/time representing the next weekday.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of years in the future.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of days ago.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of months ago.


Returns a new date/time representing the previous occurrence of the specified day of week.


Short-hand for months_ago(3).


Returns a new date/time representing the given day in the previous week.


Returns a new date/time representing the previous weekday.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of years ago.


Returns Sunday of this week assuming that week starts on Monday.


Returns a new date/time representing tomorrow.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of weeks ago.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of weeks in the future.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of years ago.


Returns a new date/time the specified number of years in the future.


Returns a new date/time representing yesterday.

::DateAndTime::Zones - Included


Returns the simultaneous time in .zone if a zone is given or if .zone_default is set.

Class Attribute Details

.zone (rw)

Returns the TimeZone for the current request, if this has been set (via .zone=). If zone has not been set for the current request, returns the TimeZone specified in config.time_zone.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/zones.rb', line 14

def zone
  Thread.current[:time_zone] || zone_default

.zone=(time_zone) (rw)

Sets .zone to a TimeZone object for the current request/thread.

This method accepts any of the following:

  • A Rails TimeZone object.

  • An identifier for a ::Rails TimeZone object (e.g., “Eastern Time (US & Canada)”, -5.hours).

  • A TZInfo::Timezone object.

  • An identifier for a TZInfo::Timezone object (e.g., “America/New_York”).

Here’s an example of how you might set .zone on a per request basis and reset it when the request is done. current_user.time_zone just needs to return a string identifying the user’s preferred time zone:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  around_action :set_time_zone

  def set_time_zone
    if logged_in?
      Time.use_zone(current_user.time_zone) { yield }
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/zones.rb', line 41

def zone=(time_zone)
  Thread.current[:time_zone] = find_zone!(time_zone)

.zone_default (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/zones.rb', line 10

attr_accessor :zone_default

Class Method Details


Overriding case equality method so that it returns true for ::ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 17

def ===(other)
  super || (self == Time && other.is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone))


Alias for .at_with_coercion.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 57

alias_method :at, :at_with_coercion

.at_with_coercion(*args) Also known as: .at

Layers additional behavior on .at so that ::ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone and ::DateTime instances can be used when called with a single argument

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 44

def at_with_coercion(*args)
  return at_without_coercion(*args) if args.size != 1

  # Time.at can be called with a time or numerical value
  time_or_number = args.first

  if time_or_number.is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) || time_or_number.is_a?(DateTime)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 56

alias_method :at_without_coercion, :at


Returns Time.zone.now when .zone or config.time_zone are set, otherwise just returns Time.now.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 38

def current
  ::Time.zone ? ::Time.zone.now : ::Time.now

.days_in_month(month, year = current.year)

Returns the number of days in the given month. If no year is specified, it will use the current year.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 23

def days_in_month(month, year = current.year)
  if month == 2 && ::Date.gregorian_leap?(year)

.days_in_year(year = current.year)

Returns the number of days in the given year. If no year is specified, it will use the current year.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 33

def days_in_year(year = current.year)
  days_in_month(2, year) + 337


Returns a TimeZone instance matching the time zone provided. Accepts the time zone in any format supported by .zone=. Returns nil for invalid time zones.

Time.find_zone "America/New_York" # => #<ActiveSupport::TimeZone @name="America/New_York" ...>
Time.find_zone "NOT-A-TIMEZONE"   # => nil
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/zones.rb', line 109

def find_zone(time_zone)
  find_zone!(time_zone) rescue nil


Returns a TimeZone instance matching the time zone provided. Accepts the time zone in any format supported by .zone=. Raises an ArgumentError for invalid time zones.

Time.find_zone! "America/New_York" # => #<ActiveSupport::TimeZone @name="America/New_York" ...>
Time.find_zone! "EST"              # => #<ActiveSupport::TimeZone @name="EST" ...>
Time.find_zone! -5.hours           # => #<ActiveSupport::TimeZone @name="Bogota" ...>
Time.find_zone! nil                # => nil
Time.find_zone! false              # => false
Time.find_zone! "NOT-A-TIMEZONE"   # => ArgumentError: Invalid Timezone: NOT-A-TIMEZONE
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/zones.rb', line 82

def find_zone!(time_zone)
  if !time_zone || time_zone.is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeZone)
    # Look up the timezone based on the identifier (unless we've been
    # passed a TZInfo::Timezone)
    unless time_zone.respond_to?(:period_for_local)
      time_zone = ActiveSupport::TimeZone[time_zone] || TZInfo::Timezone.get(time_zone)

    # Return if a TimeZone instance, or wrap in a TimeZone instance if a TZInfo::Timezone
    if time_zone.is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeZone)
      ActiveSupport::TimeZone.create(time_zone.name, nil, time_zone)
rescue TZInfo::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier
  raise ArgumentError, "Invalid Timezone: #{time_zone}"


Creates a Time instance from an RFC 3339 string.

Time.rfc3339('1999-12-31T14:00:00-10:00') # => 2000-01-01 00:00:00 -1000

If the time or offset components are missing then an ArgumentError will be raised.

Time.rfc3339('1999-12-31') # => ArgumentError: invalid date


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 66

def rfc3339(str)
  parts = Date._rfc3339(str)

  raise ArgumentError, "invalid date" if parts.empty?

    parts.fetch(:sec) + parts.fetch(:sec_fraction, 0),


Allows override of .zone locally inside supplied block; resets .zone to existing value when done.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  around_action :set_time_zone


  def set_time_zone
    Time.use_zone(current_user.timezone) { yield }

NOTE: This won’t affect any ::ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone objects that have already been created, e.g. any model timestamp attributes that have been read before the block will remain in the application’s default timezone.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/zones.rb', line 62

def use_zone(time_zone)
  new_zone = find_zone!(time_zone)
    old_zone, ::Time.zone = ::Time.zone, new_zone
    ::Time.zone = old_zone

Instance Attribute Details

#acts_like_time?Boolean (readonly)

Duck-types as a Time-like class. See Object#acts_like?.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/acts_like.rb', line 7

def acts_like_time?

Instance Method Details


Alias for #plus_with_duration.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 269

alias_method :+, :plus_with_duration

#-(other) Also known as: #minus_without_coercion

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 279

alias_method :-, :minus_with_duration


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# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 304

alias_method :<=>, :compare_with_coercion


Uses Date to provide precise Time calculations for years, months, and days according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar. The options parameter takes a hash with any of these keys: :years, :months, :weeks, :days, :hours, :minutes, :seconds.

Time.new(2015, 8, 1, 14, 35, 0).advance(seconds: 1) # => 2015-08-01 14:35:01 -0700
Time.new(2015, 8, 1, 14, 35, 0).advance(minutes: 1) # => 2015-08-01 14:36:00 -0700
Time.new(2015, 8, 1, 14, 35, 0).advance(hours: 1)   # => 2015-08-01 15:35:00 -0700
Time.new(2015, 8, 1, 14, 35, 0).advance(days: 1)    # => 2015-08-02 14:35:00 -0700
Time.new(2015, 8, 1, 14, 35, 0).advance(weeks: 1)   # => 2015-08-08 14:35:00 -0700
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 162

def advance(options)
  unless options[:weeks].nil?
    options[:weeks], partial_weeks = options[:weeks].divmod(1)
    options[:days] = options.fetch(:days, 0) + 7 * partial_weeks

  unless options[:days].nil?
    options[:days], partial_days = options[:days].divmod(1)
    options[:hours] = options.fetch(:hours, 0) + 24 * partial_days

  d = to_date.advance(options)
  d = d.gregorian if d.julian?
  time_advanced_by_date = change(year: d.year, month: d.month, day: d.day)
  seconds_to_advance = \
    options.fetch(:seconds, 0) +
    options.fetch(:minutes, 0) * 60 +
    options.fetch(:hours, 0) * 3600

  if seconds_to_advance.zero?


Returns a new Time representing the time a number of seconds ago, this is basically a wrapper around the ::Numeric extension

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 189

def ago(seconds)


Alias for #beginning_of_day.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 207

alias :at_beginning_of_day :beginning_of_day


Alias for #beginning_of_hour.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 234

alias :at_beginning_of_hour :beginning_of_hour


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 250

alias :at_beginning_of_minute :beginning_of_minute


Alias for #end_of_day.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 228

alias :at_end_of_day :end_of_day


Alias for #end_of_hour.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 244

alias :at_end_of_hour :end_of_hour


Alias for #end_of_minute.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 259

alias :at_end_of_minute :end_of_minute


Alias for #middle_of_day.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 215

alias :at_midday :middle_of_day


Alias for #middle_of_day.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 217

alias :at_middle_of_day :middle_of_day


Alias for #beginning_of_day.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 206

alias :at_midnight :beginning_of_day


Alias for #middle_of_day.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 216

alias :at_noon :middle_of_day

#beginning_of_day Also known as: #midnight, #at_midnight, #at_beginning_of_day

Returns a new Time representing the start of the day (0:00)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 202

def beginning_of_day
  change(hour: 0)

#beginning_of_hour Also known as: #at_beginning_of_hour

Returns a new Time representing the start of the hour (x:00)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 231

def beginning_of_hour
  change(min: 0)

#beginning_of_minute Also known as: #at_beginning_of_minute

Returns a new Time representing the start of the minute (x:xx:00)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 247

def beginning_of_minute
  change(sec: 0)


Returns a new Time where one or more of the elements have been changed according to the options parameter. The time options (:hour, :min, :sec, :usec, :nsec) reset cascadingly, so if only the hour is passed, then minute, sec, usec and nsec is set to 0. If the hour and minute is passed, then sec, usec and nsec is set to 0. The options parameter takes a hash with any of these keys: :year, :month, :day, :hour, :min, :sec, :usec, :nsec, :offset. Pass either :usec or :nsec, not both.

Time.new(2012, 8, 29, 22, 35, 0).change(day: 1)              # => Time.new(2012, 8, 1, 22, 35, 0)
Time.new(2012, 8, 29, 22, 35, 0).change(year: 1981, day: 1)  # => Time.new(1981, 8, 1, 22, 35, 0)
Time.new(2012, 8, 29, 22, 35, 0).change(year: 1981, hour: 0) # => Time.new(1981, 8, 29, 0, 0, 0)


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 120

def change(options)
  new_year   = options.fetch(:year, year)
  new_month  = options.fetch(:month, month)
  new_day    = options.fetch(:day, day)
  new_hour   = options.fetch(:hour, hour)
  new_min    = options.fetch(:min, options[:hour] ? 0 : min)
  new_sec    = options.fetch(:sec, (options[:hour] || options[:min]) ? 0 : sec)
  new_offset = options.fetch(:offset, nil)

  if new_nsec = options[:nsec]
    raise ArgumentError, "Can't change both :nsec and :usec at the same time: #{options.inspect}" if options[:usec]
    new_usec = Rational(new_nsec, 1000)
    new_usec = options.fetch(:usec, (options[:hour] || options[:min] || options[:sec]) ? 0 : Rational(nsec, 1000))

  raise ArgumentError, "argument out of range" if new_usec >= 1000000

  new_sec += Rational(new_usec, 1000000)

  if new_offset
    ::Time.new(new_year, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec, new_offset)
  elsif utc?
    ::Time.utc(new_year, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec)
  elsif zone
    ::Time.local(new_year, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec)
    ::Time.new(new_year, new_month, new_day, new_hour, new_min, new_sec, utc_offset)

#compare_with_coercion(other) Also known as: #<=>

Layers additional behavior on #<=> so that ::DateTime and ::ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances can be chronologically compared with a Time

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 293

def compare_with_coercion(other)
  # we're avoiding Time#to_datetime and Time#to_time because they're expensive
  if other.class == Time
  elsif other.is_a?(Time)
    to_datetime <=> other


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 303

alias_method :compare_without_coercion, :<=>

#end_of_day Also known as: #at_end_of_day

Returns a new Time representing the end of the day, 23:59:59.999999

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 220

def end_of_day
    hour: 23,
    min: 59,
    sec: 59,
    usec: Rational(999999999, 1000)

#end_of_hour Also known as: #at_end_of_hour

Returns a new Time representing the end of the hour, x:59:59.999999

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 237

def end_of_hour
    min: 59,
    sec: 59,
    usec: Rational(999999999, 1000)

#end_of_minute Also known as: #at_end_of_minute

Returns a new Time representing the end of the minute, x:xx:59.999999

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 253

def end_of_minute
    sec: 59,
    usec: Rational(999999999, 1000)


Alias for #eql_with_coercion.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 314

alias_method :eql?, :eql_with_coercion

#eql_with_coercion(other) Also known as: #eql?

Layers additional behavior on #eql? so that ::ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances can be eql? to an equivalent Time

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 308

def eql_with_coercion(other)
  # if other is an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, coerce a Time instance from it so we can do eql? comparison
  other = other.comparable_time if other.respond_to?(:comparable_time)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 313

alias_method :eql_without_coercion, :eql?

#formatted_offset(colon = true, alternate_utc_string = nil)

Returns a formatted string of the offset from UTC, or an alternative string if the time zone is already UTC.

Time.local(2000).formatted_offset        # => "-06:00"
Time.local(2000).formatted_offset(false) # => "-0600"
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/conversions.rb', line 66

def formatted_offset(colon = true, alternate_utc_string = nil)
  utc? && alternate_utc_string || ActiveSupport::TimeZone.seconds_to_utc_offset(utc_offset, colon)


Alias for #since.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 199

alias :in :since


Alias for #middle_of_day.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 213

alias :midday :middle_of_day

#middle_of_day Also known as: #midday, #noon, #at_midday, #at_noon, #at_middle_of_day

Returns a new Time representing the middle of the day (12:00)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 210

def middle_of_day
  change(hour: 12)


Alias for #beginning_of_day.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 205

alias :midnight :beginning_of_day

#minus_with_coercion(other) Also known as: #-

#- can also be used to determine the number of seconds between two Time instances. We’re layering on additional behavior so that ::ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances are coerced into values that #- will recognize

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 284

def minus_with_coercion(other)
  other = other.comparable_time if other.respond_to?(:comparable_time)
  other.is_a?(DateTime) ? to_f - other.to_f : minus_without_coercion(other)


Alias for #-.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 288

alias_method :minus_without_coercion, :-


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 278

alias_method :minus_without_duration, :-


Alias for #middle_of_day.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 214

alias :noon :middle_of_day


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 268

alias_method :plus_without_duration, :+


Aliased to xmlschema for compatibility with ::DateTime

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/conversions.rb', line 71

alias_method :rfc3339, :xmlschema


Returns the fraction of a second as a ::Rational

Time.new(2012, 8, 29, 0, 0, 0.5).sec_fraction # => (1/2)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 104

def sec_fraction


Returns the number of seconds since 00:00:00.

Time.new(2012, 8, 29,  0,  0,  0).seconds_since_midnight # => 0.0
Time.new(2012, 8, 29, 12, 34, 56).seconds_since_midnight # => 45296.0
Time.new(2012, 8, 29, 23, 59, 59).seconds_since_midnight # => 86399.0
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 88

def seconds_since_midnight
  to_i - change(hour: 0).to_i + (usec / 1.0e+6)


Returns the number of seconds until 23:59:59.

Time.new(2012, 8, 29,  0,  0,  0).seconds_until_end_of_day # => 86399
Time.new(2012, 8, 29, 12, 34, 56).seconds_until_end_of_day # => 41103
Time.new(2012, 8, 29, 23, 59, 59).seconds_until_end_of_day # => 0
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 97

def seconds_until_end_of_day
  end_of_day.to_i - to_i

#since(seconds) Also known as: #in

Returns a new Time representing the time a number of seconds since the instance time

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb', line 194

def since(seconds)
  self + seconds


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/conversions.rb', line 58

alias_method :to_default_s, :to_s

#to_formatted_s(format = :default) Also known as: #to_s

Converts to a formatted string. See DATE_FORMATS for built-in formats.

This method is aliased to #to_s.

time = Time.now                    # => 2007-01-18 06:10:17 -06:00

time.to_formatted_s(:time)         # => "06:10"
time.to_s(:time)                   # => "06:10"

time.to_formatted_s(:db)           # => "2007-01-18 06:10:17"
time.to_formatted_s(:number)       # => "20070118061017"
time.to_formatted_s(:short)        # => "18 Jan 06:10"
time.to_formatted_s(:long)         # => "January 18, 2007 06:10"
time.to_formatted_s(:long_ordinal) # => "January 18th, 2007 06:10"
time.to_formatted_s(:rfc822)       # => "Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:10:17 -0600"
time.to_formatted_s(:iso8601)      # => "2007-01-18T06:10:17-06:00"

Adding your own time formats to to_formatted_s

You can add your own formats to the DATE_FORMATS hash. Use the format name as the hash key and either a strftime string or Proc instance that takes a time argument as the value.

# config/initializers/time_formats.rb
Time::DATE_FORMATS[:month_and_year] = '%B %Y'
Time::DATE_FORMATS[:short_ordinal]  = ->(time) { time.strftime("%B #{time.day.ordinalize}") }
[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/conversions.rb', line 51

def to_formatted_s(format = :default)
  if formatter = DATE_FORMATS[format]
    formatter.respond_to?(:call) ? formatter.call(self).to_s : strftime(formatter)

#to_s(format = :default)

Alias for #to_formatted_s.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/conversions.rb', line 59

alias_method :to_s, :to_formatted_s


Either return self or the time in the local system timezone depending on the setting of ActiveSupport.to_time_preserves_timezone.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/time/compatibility.rb', line 13

def to_time
  preserve_timezone ? self : getlocal