
Class: ActiveSupport::Inflector::Inflections::Uncountables

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ::Array
Instance Chain:
self, ::Array
Inherits: Array
  • ::Object
Defined in: activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/inflections.rb

Class Method Summary

::Array - Inherited


Wraps its argument in an array unless it is already an array (or array-like).

Instance Method Summary

::Array - Inherited


The human way of thinking about adding stuff to the end of a list is with append.


An array is blank if it’s empty:


Returns a deep copy of array.


Extracts options from a set of arguments.


Equal to self[4].


Equal to self[41].


Equal to self[3].


Returns the tail of the array from position.


Splits or iterates over the array in number of groups, padding any remaining slots with fill_with unless it is false.


Splits or iterates over the array in groups of size number, padding any remaining slots with fill_with unless it is false.


Wraps the array in an ::ActiveSupport::ArrayInquirer object, which gives a friendlier way to check its string-like contents.


The human way of thinking about adding stuff to the beginning of a list is with prepend.


Equal to self[1].


Equal to self[-2].


Divides the array into one or more subarrays based on a delimiting value or the result of an optional block.


Equal to self[2].


Equal to self[-3].


Returns the beginning of the array up to position.


Extends Array#to_s to convert a collection of elements into a comma separated id list if :db argument is given as the format.


Calls to_param on all its elements and joins the result with slashes.


Converts an array into a string suitable for use as a URL query string, using the given key as the param name.


Converts the array to a comma-separated sentence where the last element is joined by the connector word.


Returns a string that represents the array in XML by invoking to_xml on each element.


Returns a copy of the ::Array without the specified elements.

Constructor Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/inflections.rb', line 35

def initialize
  @regex_array = []

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/inflections.rb', line 45

def <<(*word)


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/inflections.rb', line 49

def add(words)
  words = words.flatten.map(&:downcase)
  @regex_array += words.map { |word| to_regex(word) }


[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/inflections.rb', line 40

def delete(entry)
  super entry

#uncountable?(str) ⇒ Boolean

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/inflections.rb', line 56

def uncountable?(str)
  @regex_array.any? { |regex| regex.match? str }