
Class: SourceAnnotationExtractor

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Inherits: Object
Defined in: railties/lib/rails/source_annotation_extractor.rb


Implements the logic behind the rake tasks for annotations like

rake notes
rake notes:optimize

and friends. See rake -T notes and railties/lib/tasks/annotations.rake.

Annotation objects are triplets :line, :tag, :text that represent the line where the annotation lives, its tag, and its text. Note the filename is not stored.

Annotations are looked for in comments and modulus whitespace they have to start with the tag optionally followed by a colon. Everything up to the end of the line (or closing ::ERB comment tag) is considered to be their text.

Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

  • #display(results, options = {})

    Prints the mapping from filenames to annotations in results ordered by filename.

  • #extract_annotations_from(file, pattern)

    If file is the filename of a file that contains annotations this method returns a hash with a single entry that maps file to an array of its annotations.

  • #find(dirs)

    Returns a hash that maps filenames under dirs (recursively) to arrays with their annotations.

  • #find_in(dir)

    Returns a hash that maps filenames under dir (recursively) to arrays with their annotations.

Constructor Details

.new(tag) ⇒ SourceAnnotationExtractor

[ GitHub ]

# File 'railties/lib/rails/source_annotation_extractor.rb', line 71

def initialize(tag)
  @tag = tag

Class Method Details

.enumerate(tag, options = {})

Prints all annotations with tag #tag under the root directories app, config, db, lib, and test (recursively).

Additional directories may be added using a comma-delimited list set using ENV['SOURCE_ANNOTATION_DIRECTORIES'].

Directories may also be explicitly set using the :dirs key in options.

SourceAnnotationExtractor.enumerate 'TODO|FIXME', dirs: %w(app lib), tag: true

If options has a :tag flag, it will be passed to each annotation's to_s.

See #find_in for a list of file extensions that will be taken into account.

This class method is the single entry point for the rake tasks.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'railties/lib/rails/source_annotation_extractor.rb', line 63

def self.enumerate(tag, options={})
  extractor = new(tag)
  dirs = options.delete(:dirs) || Annotation.directories
  extractor.display(extractor.find(dirs), options)

Instance Attribute Details

#tag (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'railties/lib/rails/source_annotation_extractor.rb', line 69

attr_reader :tag

Instance Method Details

#display(results, options = {})

Prints the mapping from filenames to annotations in results ordered by filename. The options hash is passed to each annotation's to_s.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'railties/lib/rails/source_annotation_extractor.rb', line 123

def display(results, options={})
  options[:indent] = results.flat_map { |f, a| a.map(&:line) }.max.to_s.size
  results.keys.sort.each do |file|
    puts "#{file}:"
    results[file].each do |note|
      puts "  * #{note.to_s(options)}"

#extract_annotations_from(file, pattern)

If file is the filename of a file that contains annotations this method returns a hash with a single entry that maps file to an array of its annotations. Otherwise it returns an empty hash.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'railties/lib/rails/source_annotation_extractor.rb', line 111

def extract_annotations_from(file, pattern)
  lineno = 0
  result = File.readlines(file).inject([]) do |list, line|
    lineno += 1
    next list unless line =~ pattern
    list << Annotation.new(lineno, $1, $2)
  result.empty? ? {} : { file => result }


Returns a hash that maps filenames under dirs (recursively) to arrays with their annotations.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'railties/lib/rails/source_annotation_extractor.rb', line 77

def find(dirs)
  dirs.inject({}) { |h, dir| h.update(find_in(dir)) }


Returns a hash that maps filenames under dir (recursively) to arrays with their annotations. Only files with annotations are included. Files with extension .builder, .rb, .rake, .yml, .yaml, .ruby, .css, .js and .erb are taken into account.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'railties/lib/rails/source_annotation_extractor.rb', line 85

def find_in(dir)
  results = {}

  Dir.glob("#{dir}/*") do |item|
    next if File.basename(item)[0] == ?.

    if File.directory?(item)
      extension = Annotation.extensions.detect do |regexp, _block|

      if extension
        pattern = extension.last.call(tag)
        results.update(extract_annotations_from(item, pattern)) if pattern
