
Class: ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Store
Instance Chain:
self, Store
Inherits: ActiveSupport::Cache::Store
Defined in: activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb


A cache store implementation which stores everything on the filesystem.

FileStore implements the Strategy::LocalCache strategy which implements an in-memory cache inside of a block.

Constant Summary

Class Attribute Summary

Store - Inherited






Class Method Summary

Store - Inherited


Create a new cache.

Instance Attribute Summary

Store - Inherited

Instance Method Summary

Store - Inherited


Cleanup the cache by removing expired entries.


Clear the entire cache.


Decrement an integer value in the cache.


Deletes an entry in the cache.


Delete all entries with keys matching the pattern.


Returns true if the cache contains an entry for the given key.


Fetches data from the cache, using the given key.


Fetches data from the cache, using the given keys.


Increment an integer value in the cache.


Silence the logger within a block.


Fetches data from the cache, using the given key.


Read multiple values at once from the cache.


Silence the logger.


Writes the value to the cache, with the key.

Constructor Details

.new(cache_path, options = nil) ⇒ FileStore

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb', line 20

def initialize(cache_path, options = nil)
  @cache_path = cache_path.to_s
  extend Strategy::LocalCache

Instance Attribute Details

#cache_path (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb', line 13

attr_reader :cache_path

Instance Method Details

#cleanup(options = nil)

Preemptively iterates through all stored keys and removes the ones which have expired.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb', line 35

def cleanup(options = nil)
  options = merged_options(options)
  search_dir(cache_path) do |fname|
    key = file_path_key(fname)
    entry = read_entry(key, options)
    delete_entry(key, options) if entry && entry.expired?

#clear(options = nil)

Deletes all items from the cache. In this case it deletes all the entries in the specified file store directory except for .gitkeep. Be careful which directory is specified in your config file when using FileStore because everything in that directory will be deleted.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb', line 29

def clear(options = nil)
  root_dirs = Dir.entries(cache_path).reject {|f| (EXCLUDED_DIRS + [".gitkeep"]).include?(f)}
  FileUtils.rm_r(root_dirs.collect{|f| File.join(cache_path, f)})

#decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil)

Decrements an already existing integer value that is stored in the cache. If the key is not found nothing is done.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb', line 52

def decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil)
  modify_value(name, -amount, options)

#delete_matched(matcher, options = nil)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb', line 56

def delete_matched(matcher, options = nil)
  options = merged_options(options)
  instrument(:delete_matched, matcher.inspect) do
    matcher = key_matcher(matcher, options)
    search_dir(cache_path) do |path|
      key = file_path_key(path)
      delete_entry(key, options) if key.match(matcher)

#increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil)

Increments an already existing integer value that is stored in the cache. If the key is not found nothing is done.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb', line 46

def increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil)
  modify_value(name, amount, options)