Class: ActionView::TestCase
Constant Summary
::ActiveSupport::Callbacks - Inherited
::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited
::ActionController::TemplateAssertions - Included
Helpers::AssetUrlHelper - Included
Helpers::TagHelper - Included
Helpers::DateHelper - Included
Helpers::UrlHelper - Included
Helpers::JavaScriptHelper - Included
RecordIdentifier - Included
Behavior - Included
Class Attribute Summary
::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited
.config, .config?, .fixture_class_names, .fixture_class_names?, .fixture_path, .fixture_path?, .fixture_table_names, .fixture_table_names?, .pre_loaded_fixtures, .pre_loaded_fixtures?, | |
.test_order | Returns the order in which test cases are run. |
.test_order= | Sets the order in which test cases are run. |
.use_instantiated_fixtures, .use_instantiated_fixtures?, .use_transactional_fixtures, .use_transactional_fixtures? |
Class Method Summary
::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited
::ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker - Inherited
clear, descendants, direct_descendants, | |
store_inherited | This is the only method that is not thread safe, but is only ever called during the eager loading phase. |
::ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative - Extended
Instance Attribute Summary
Behavior - Included
#_helper_methods, #_helper_methods?, #_helpers, #_helpers?, #controller, #lookup_context, #output_buffer, #rendered |
Helpers::FormTagHelper - Included
Context - Included
::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited
::ActiveRecord::TestFixtures - Included
Instance Method Summary
Behavior - Included
#_routes, #_user_defined_ivars, | |
#_view | Alias for Behavior#view. |
#config, #method_missing, #render, #rendered_views, #setup_with_controller, | |
#view | The instance of Base that is used by |
#view_assigns | Returns a ::Hash of instance variables and their values, as defined by the user in the test case, which are then assigned to the view being rendered. |
RoutingUrlFor - Included
#url_for | Returns the URL for the set of |
Helpers::TranslationHelper - Included
#l | Alias for Helpers::TranslationHelper#localize. |
#localize | Delegates to |
#t | Alias for Helpers::TranslationHelper#translate. |
#translate | Delegates to |
Helpers::RenderingHelper - Included
#_layout_for | Overwrites _layout_for in the context object so it supports the case a block is passed to a partial. |
#render | Returns the result of a render that's dictated by the options hash. |
Helpers::RecordTagHelper - Included
#content_tag_for | content_tag_for creates an HTML element with id and class parameters that relate to the specified Active Record object. |
#div_for | Produces a wrapper DIV element with id and class parameters that relate to the specified Active Record object. |
RecordIdentifier - Included
#dom_class | The DOM class convention is to use the singular form of an object or class. |
#dom_id | The DOM id convention is to use the singular form of an object or class with the id following an underscore. |
Helpers::NumberHelper - Included
#number_to_currency | Formats a |
#number_to_human | Pretty prints (formats and approximates) a number in a way it is more readable by humans (eg.: 1200000000 becomes “1.2 Billion”). |
#number_to_human_size | Formats the bytes in |
#number_to_percentage | Formats a |
#number_to_phone | Formats a |
#number_with_delimiter | Formats a |
#number_with_precision | Formats a |
Helpers::JavaScriptHelper - Included
#escape_javascript | Escapes carriage returns and single and double quotes for JavaScript segments. |
#j | Alias for Helpers::JavaScriptHelper#escape_javascript. |
#javascript_tag | Returns a JavaScript tag with the |
Helpers::FormOptionsHelper - Included
#collection_check_boxes | Returns check box tags for the collection of existing return values of |
#collection_radio_buttons | Returns radio button tags for the collection of existing return values of |
#collection_select | Returns |
#grouped_collection_select | Returns |
#grouped_options_for_select | Returns a string of |
#option_groups_from_collection_for_select | Returns a string of |
#options_for_select | Accepts a container (hash, array, enumerable, your type) and returns a string of option tags. |
#options_from_collection_for_select | Returns a string of option tags that have been compiled by iterating over the |
#select | Create a select tag and a series of contained option tags for the provided object and method. |
#time_zone_options_for_select | Returns a string of option tags for pretty much any time zone in the world. |
#time_zone_select | Returns select and option tags for the given object and method, using |
Helpers::FormHelper - Included
#check_box | Returns a checkbox tag tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by |
#color_field | Returns a text_field of type “color”. |
#date_field | Returns a text_field of type “date”. |
#datetime_field | Returns a text_field of type “datetime”. |
#datetime_local_field | Returns a text_field of type “datetime-local”. |
#email_field | Returns a text_field of type “email”. |
#fields_for | Creates a scope around a specific model object like form_for, but doesn't create the form tags themselves. |
#file_field | Returns a file upload input tag tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by |
#form_for | Creates a form that allows the user to create or update the attributes of a specific model object. |
#hidden_field | Returns a hidden input tag tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by |
#label | Returns a label tag tailored for labelling an input field for a specified attribute (identified by |
#month_field | Returns a text_field of type “month”. |
#number_field | Returns an input tag of type “number”. |
#password_field | Returns an input tag of the “password” type tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by |
#phone_field | Alias for Helpers::FormHelper#telephone_field. |
#radio_button | Returns a radio button tag for accessing a specified attribute (identified by |
#range_field | Returns an input tag of type “range”. |
#search_field | Returns an input of type “search” for accessing a specified attribute (identified by |
#telephone_field | Returns a text_field of type “tel”. |
#text_area | Returns a textarea opening and closing tag set tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by |
#text_field | Returns an input tag of the “text” type tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by |
#time_field | Returns a text_field of type “time”. |
#url_field | Returns a text_field of type “url”. |
#week_field | Returns a text_field of type “week”. |
ModelNaming - Included
#convert_to_model | Converts the given object to an ::ActiveModel compliant one. |
#model_name_from_record_or_class |
Helpers::FormTagHelper - Included
#button_tag | Creates a button element that defines a |
#check_box_tag | Creates a check box form input tag. |
#color_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “color”. |
#date_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “date”. |
#datetime_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “datetime”. |
#datetime_local_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “datetime-local”. |
#email_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “email”. |
#field_set_tag | Creates a field set for grouping HTML form elements. |
#file_field_tag | Creates a file upload field. |
#form_tag | Starts a form tag that points the action to an url configured with |
#hidden_field_tag | Creates a hidden form input field used to transmit data that would be lost due to HTTP's statelessness or data that should be hidden from the user. |
#image_submit_tag | Displays an image which when clicked will submit the form. |
#label_tag | Creates a label element. |
#month_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “month”. |
#number_field_tag | Creates a number field. |
#password_field_tag | Creates a password field, a masked text field that will hide the users input behind a mask character. |
#phone_field_tag | Alias for Helpers::FormTagHelper#telephone_field_tag. |
#radio_button_tag | Creates a radio button; use groups of radio buttons named the same to allow users to select from a group of options. |
#range_field_tag | Creates a range form element. |
#search_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “search”. |
#select_tag | Creates a dropdown selection box, or if the |
#submit_tag | Creates a submit button with the text |
#telephone_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “tel”. |
#text_area_tag | Creates a text input area; use a textarea for longer text inputs such as blog posts or descriptions. |
#text_field_tag | Creates a standard text field; use these text fields to input smaller chunks of text like a username or a search query. |
#time_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “time”. |
#url_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “url”. |
#utf8_enforcer_tag | Creates the hidden UTF8 enforcer tag. |
#week_field_tag | Creates a text field of type “week”. |
Helpers::TextHelper - Included
#concat | The preferred method of outputting text in your views is to use the <%= “text” %> eRuby syntax. |
#current_cycle | Returns the current cycle string after a cycle has been started. |
#cycle | Creates a Cycle object whose to_s method cycles through elements of an array every time it is called. |
#excerpt | Extracts an excerpt from |
#highlight | Highlights one or more |
#pluralize | Attempts to pluralize the |
#reset_cycle | Resets a cycle so that it starts from the first element the next time it is called. |
#safe_concat, | |
#simple_format | Returns |
#truncate | Truncates a given |
#word_wrap | Wraps the |
Helpers::SanitizeHelper - Included
#sanitize | Sanitizes HTML input, stripping all tags and attributes that aren't whitelisted. |
#sanitize_css | Sanitizes a block of CSS code. |
#strip_links | Strips all link tags from |
#strip_tags | Strips all HTML tags from |
Helpers::UrlHelper - Included
#button_to | Generates a form containing a single button that submits to the URL created by the set of |
#current_page? | True if the current request ::URI was generated by the given |
#link_to | Creates a link tag of the given |
#link_to_if | Creates a link tag of the given |
#link_to_unless | Creates a link tag of the given |
#link_to_unless_current | Creates a link tag of the given |
#mail_to | Creates a mailto link tag to the specified |
Helpers::DebugHelper - Included
#debug | Returns a YAML representation of |
Helpers::DateHelper - Included
#date_select | Returns a set of select tags (one for year, month, and day) pre-selected for accessing a specified date-based attribute (identified by |
#datetime_select | Returns a set of select tags (one for year, month, day, hour, and minute) pre-selected for accessing a specified datetime-based attribute (identified by |
#distance_of_time_in_words | Reports the approximate distance in time between two ::Time, ::Date or ::DateTime objects or integers as seconds. |
#distance_of_time_in_words_to_now | Alias for Helpers::DateHelper#time_ago_in_words. |
#select_date | Returns a set of HTML select-tags (one for year, month, and day) pre-selected with the |
#select_datetime | Returns a set of HTML select-tags (one for year, month, day, hour, minute, and second) pre-selected with the |
#select_day | Returns a select tag with options for each of the days 1 through 31 with the current day selected. |
#select_hour | Returns a select tag with options for each of the hours 0 through 23 with the current hour selected. |
#select_minute | Returns a select tag with options for each of the minutes 0 through 59 with the current minute selected. |
#select_month | Returns a select tag with options for each of the months January through December with the current month selected. |
#select_second | Returns a select tag with options for each of the seconds 0 through 59 with the current second selected. |
#select_time | Returns a set of HTML select-tags (one for hour and minute). |
#select_year | Returns a select tag with options for each of the five years on each side of the current, which is selected. |
#time_ago_in_words | Like |
#time_select | Returns a set of select tags (one for hour, minute and optionally second) pre-selected for accessing a specified time-based attribute (identified by |
#time_tag | Returns an HTML time tag for the given date or time. |
Helpers::CsrfHelper - Included
#csrf_meta_tag | Alias for Helpers::CsrfHelper#csrf_meta_tags. |
#csrf_meta_tags | Returns meta tags “csrf-param” and “csrf-token” with the name of the cross-site request forgery protection parameter and token, respectively. |
Helpers::CacheHelper - Included
#cache | This helper exposes a method for caching fragments of a view rather than an entire action or page. |
#cache_fragment_name | This helper returns the name of a cache key for a given fragment cache call. |
#cache_if | Cache fragments of a view if |
#cache_unless | Cache fragments of a view unless |
Helpers::AtomFeedHelper - Included
#atom_feed | Adds easy defaults to writing Atom feeds with the Builder template engine (this does not work on ::ERB or any other template languages). |
Helpers::AssetTagHelper - Included
#audio_tag | Returns an HTML audio tag for the |
#auto_discovery_link_tag | Returns a link tag that browsers and feed readers can use to auto-detect an RSS or Atom feed. |
#favicon_link_tag | Returns a link tag for a favicon managed by the asset pipeline. |
#image_alt | Returns a string suitable for an HTML image tag alt attribute. |
#image_tag | Returns an HTML image tag for the |
#javascript_include_tag | Returns an HTML script tag for each of the |
#stylesheet_link_tag | Returns a stylesheet link tag for the sources specified as arguments. |
#video_tag | Returns an HTML video tag for the |
Helpers::TagHelper - Included
#cdata_section | Returns a CDATA section with the given |
#content_tag | Returns an HTML block tag of type |
#escape_once | Returns an escaped version of |
#tag | Returns an empty HTML tag of type |
Helpers::CaptureHelper - Included
#capture | The capture method allows you to extract part of a template into a variable. |
#content_for | Calling content_for stores a block of markup in an identifier for later use. |
#content_for? | content_for? checks whether any content has been captured yet using |
#provide | The same as |
Helpers::AssetUrlHelper - Included
#asset_path | Computes the path to asset in public directory. |
#asset_url | Computes the full URL to an asset in the public directory. |
#audio_path | Computes the path to an audio asset in the public audios directory. |
#audio_url | Computes the full URL to an audio asset in the public audios directory. |
#compute_asset_extname | Compute extname to append to asset path. |
#compute_asset_host | Pick an asset host for this source. |
#compute_asset_path | Computes asset path to public directory. |
#font_path | Computes the path to a font asset. |
#font_url | Computes the full URL to a font asset. |
#image_path | Computes the path to an image asset. |
#image_url | Computes the full URL to an image asset. |
#javascript_path | Computes the path to a JavaScript asset in the public javascripts directory. |
#javascript_url | Computes the full URL to a JavaScript asset in the public javascripts directory. |
#path_to_asset | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#asset_path. |
#path_to_audio | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#audio_path. |
#path_to_font | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#font_path. |
#path_to_image | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#image_path. |
#path_to_javascript | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#javascript_path. |
#path_to_stylesheet | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#stylesheet_path. |
#path_to_video | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#video_path. |
#stylesheet_path | Computes the path to a stylesheet asset in the public stylesheets directory. |
#stylesheet_url | Computes the full URL to a stylesheet asset in the public stylesheets directory. |
#url_to_asset | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#asset_url. |
#url_to_audio | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#audio_url. |
#url_to_font | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#font_url. |
#url_to_image | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#image_url. |
#url_to_javascript | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#javascript_url. |
#url_to_stylesheet | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#stylesheet_url. |
#url_to_video | Alias for Helpers::AssetUrlHelper#video_url. |
#video_path | Computes the path to a video asset in the public videos directory. |
#video_url | Computes the full URL to a video asset in the public videos directory. |
::ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable - Included
#benchmark | Allows you to measure the execution time of a block in a template and records the result to the log. |
::ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes - Included
#polymorphic_path | Returns the path component of a URL for the given record. |
#polymorphic_url | Constructs a call to a named RESTful route for the given record and returns the resulting URL string. |
::ActionController::ModelNaming - Included
#convert_to_model | Converts the given object to an ::ActiveModel compliant one. |
#model_name_from_record_or_class |
Context - Included
#_layout_for | Encapsulates the interaction with the view flow so it returns the correct buffer on |
#_prepare_context | Prepares the context by setting the appropriate instance variables. |
::ActionController::TemplateAssertions - Included
#assert_template | Asserts that the request was rendered with the appropriate template file or partials. |
#process, #reset_template_assertion, #setup_subscriptions, #teardown_subscriptions |
::ActionDispatch::Assertions - Included
::ActionDispatch::Assertions::RoutingAssertions - Included
#assert_generates | Asserts that the provided options can be used to generate the provided path. |
#assert_recognizes | Asserts that the routing of the given |
#assert_routing | Asserts that path and options match both ways; in other words, it verifies that |
#method_missing | ROUTES TODO: These assertions should really work in an integration context. |
#with_routing | A helper to make it easier to test different route configurations. |
::ActionDispatch::Assertions::ResponseAssertions - Included
#assert_redirected_to | Assert that the redirection options passed in match those of the redirect called in the latest action. |
#assert_response | Asserts that the response is one of the following types: |
::ActionDispatch::TestProcess - Included
#assigns, #cookies, | |
#fixture_file_upload | Shortcut for |
#flash, #redirect_to_url, #session |
::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited
#assert_no_match, #assert_not_empty, #assert_not_equal, #assert_not_in_delta, #assert_not_in_epsilon, #assert_not_includes, #assert_not_instance_of, #assert_not_kind_of, #assert_not_nil, #assert_not_operator, #assert_not_predicate, #assert_not_respond_to, #assert_not_same, | |
#assert_nothing_raised | Fails if the block raises an exception. |
#assert_raise | test/unit backwards compatibility methods. |
#method_name |
::ActiveRecord::TestFixtures - Included
::ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers - Included
#travel | Changes current time to the time in the future or in the past by a given time difference by stubbing |
#travel_back | Returns the current time back to its original state, by removing the stubs added by |
#travel_to | Changes current time to the given time by stubbing |
::ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions - Included
#assert_difference | Test numeric difference between the return value of an expression as a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block. |
#assert_no_difference | Assertion that the numeric result of evaluating an expression is not changed before and after invoking the passed in block. |
#assert_not | Assert that an expression is not truthy. |
::ActiveSupport::Callbacks - Inherited
#run_callbacks | Runs the callbacks for the given event. |
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class ActionView::TestCase::Behavior