
Class: ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest


An integration test spans multiple controllers and actions, tying them all together to ensure they work together as expected. It tests more completely than either unit or functional tests do, exercising the entire stack, from the dispatcher to the database.

At its simplest, you simply extend IntegrationTest and write your tests using the get/post methods:

require "test_helper"

class ExampleTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
  fixtures :people

    # get the login page
    get "/login"
    assert_equal 200, status

    # post the login and follow through to the home page
    post "/login", username: people(:jamis).username,
      password: people(:jamis).password
    assert_equal 200, status
    assert_equal "/home", path

However, you can also have multiple session instances open per test, and even extend those instances with assertions and methods to create a very powerful testing DSL that is specific for your application. You can even reference any named routes you happen to have defined.

require "test_helper"

class AdvancedTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
  fixtures :people, :rooms

  def test_login_and_speak
    jamis, david = login(:jamis), login(:david)
    room = rooms(:office)

    jamis.speak(room, "anybody home?")

    david.speak(room, "hello!")


    module CustomAssertions
      def enter(room)
        # reference a named route, for maximum internal consistency!
        get(room_url(id: room.id))

      def speak(room, message)
        xml_http_request "/say/#{room.id}", message: message

    def login(who)
      open_session do |sess|
        who = people(who)
        sess.post "/login", username: who.username,
          password: who.password

Constant Summary

::ActiveSupport::Callbacks - Inherited


::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited


::ActionController::TemplateAssertions - Included


Routing::UrlFor - Attributes & Methods

Class Attribute Summary

Class Method Summary

::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited

::ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker - Inherited

clear, descendants, direct_descendants,

This is the only method that is not thread safe, but is only ever called during the eager loading phase.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative - Extended


Helper to define a test method using a ::String.

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Routing::UrlFor - Included


Generate a url based on the options provided, default_url_options and the routes defined in routes.rb.


Hook overridden in controller to add request information with .default_url_options.

Routing::PolymorphicRoutes - Included


Returns the path component of a URL for the given record.


Constructs a call to a named RESTful route for the given record and returns the resulting URL string.

::ActionController::ModelNaming - Included


Converts the given object to an ::ActiveModel compliant one.


::ActionController::TemplateAssertions - Included


Asserts that the request was rendered with the appropriate template file or partials.

#process, #reset_template_assertion, #setup_subscriptions, #teardown_subscriptions

Integration::Runner - Included


Delegate unhandled messages to the current session instance.


Open a new session instance.


Reset the current session.


Assertions - Included

Assertions::RoutingAssertions - Included


Asserts that the provided options can be used to generate the provided path.


Asserts that the routing of the given path was handled correctly and that the parsed options (given in the expected_options hash) match path.


Asserts that path and options match both ways; in other words, it verifies that path generates options and then that options generates path.


ROUTES TODO: These assertions should really work in an integration context.


A helper to make it easier to test different route configurations.

Assertions::ResponseAssertions - Included


Assert that the redirection options passed in match those of the redirect called in the latest action.


Asserts that the response is one of the following types:

::ActiveSupport::TestCase - Inherited

::ActiveRecord::TestFixtures - Included

::ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers - Included


Changes current time to the time in the future or in the past by a given time difference by stubbing Time.now, Date.today, and DateTime.now.


Returns the current time back to its original state, by removing the stubs added by travel and travel_to.


Changes current time to the given time by stubbing Time.now, Date.today, and DateTime.now to return the time or date passed into this method.

::ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions - Included


Test numeric difference between the return value of an expression as a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block.


Assertion that the numeric result of evaluating an expression is not changed before and after invoking the passed in block.


Assert that an expression is not truthy.

::ActiveSupport::Callbacks - Inherited


Runs the callbacks for the given event.

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner

Class Attribute Details

.app (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb', line 493

def self.app
  @@app || ActionDispatch.test_app

.app=(app) (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb', line 497

def self.app=(app)
  @@app = app

.default_url_options (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/url_for.rb', line 91

class_attribute :default_url_options

.default_url_options?Boolean (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/url_for.rb', line 91

class_attribute :default_url_options

Instance Attribute Details

#default_url_options (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/url_for.rb', line 91

class_attribute :default_url_options

#default_url_options?Boolean (rw)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/url_for.rb', line 91

class_attribute :default_url_options

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb', line 501

def app
  super || self.class.app


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb', line 510

def document_root_element


[ GitHub ]

# File 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb', line 505

def url_options
  reset! unless integration_session