Please add your presentations/slides/videos about Rack here.
- Introducing Rack, by Christian Neukirchen at EuRuKo 2007.
- rack: rolling your own, tiny like, web thingoes, slides by Ryan Allen (October 2007).
- 8 Minutes on Rack (MOV), by Dan Webb at RubyManor 2008.
- Rack (MOV), by Matt Todd at ATLRUG (January 2009).
- Rack Middleware (MOV) at Railscasts (March 2009) (also available as Asciicasts).
- In a World of Middleware, Who Needs Monolithic Applications?, by Jon Crosby at MountainWest RubyConf 2009.
- Was ist Rack?, German talk by Christian Neukirchen at Munich on Rails (April 2009).
- Off The Rails Talk and notes with sample code by Alex Chaffee (December 2010).
- Rack: HTTP 200 OK Nick Quaranto (January 2012).
- Using and scaling Rack and Rack-based middleware by alony (October 2012).