
Class: Rack::Events

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/rack/events.rb


This middleware provides hooks to certain places in the request / response lifecycle. This is so that middleware that don’t need to filter the response data can safely leave it alone and not have to send messages down the traditional “rack stack”.

The events are:

  • on_start(request, response)

    This event is sent at the start of the request, before the next middleware in the chain is called. This method is called with a request object, and a response object. Right now, the response object is always nil, but in the future it may actually be a real response object.

  • on_commit(request, response)

    The response has been committed. The application has returned, but the response has not been sent to the webserver yet. This method is always called with a request object and the response object. The response object is constructed from the rack triple that the application returned. Changes may still be made to the response object at this point.

  • on_send(request, response)

    The webserver has started iterating over the response body and presumably has started sending data over the wire. This method is always called with a request object and the response object. The response object is constructed from the rack triple that the application returned. Changes SHOULD NOT be made to the response object as the webserver has already started sending data. Any mutations will likely result in an exception.

  • on_finish(request, response)

    The webserver has closed the response, and all data has been written to the response socket. The request and response object should both be read-only at this point. The body MAY NOT be available on the response object as it may have been flushed to the socket.

  • on_error(request, response, error)

    An exception has occurred in the application or an ‘on_commit` event. This method will get the request, the response (if available) and the exception that was raised.


#on_start is called on the handlers in the order that they were passed to the constructor. #on_commit, on_send`, #on_finish, and #on_error are called in the reverse order. #on_finish handlers are called inside an ensure block, so they are guaranteed to be called even if something raises an exception. If something raises an exception in a #on_finish method, then nothing is guaranteed.

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(app, handlers) ⇒ Events

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rack/events.rb', line 106

def initialize(app, handlers)
  @app      = app
  @handlers = handlers

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rack/events.rb', line 111

def call(env)
  request = make_request env
  on_start request, nil

    status, headers, body = @app.call request.env
    response = make_response status, headers, body
    on_commit request, response
  rescue StandardError => e
    on_error request, response, e
    on_finish request, response

  body = EventedBodyProxy.new(body, request, response, @handlers) do
    on_finish request, response
  [response.status, response.headers, body]

#make_request(env) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rack/events.rb', line 149

def make_request(env)
  Rack::Request.new env

#make_response(status, headers, body) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rack/events.rb', line 153

def make_response(status, headers, body)
  BufferedResponse.new status, headers, body

#on_commit(request, response) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rack/events.rb', line 137

def on_commit(request, response)
  @handlers.reverse_each { |handler| handler.on_commit request, response }

#on_error(request, response, e) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rack/events.rb', line 133

def on_error(request, response, e)
  @handlers.reverse_each { |handler| handler.on_error request, response, e }

#on_finish(request, response) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rack/events.rb', line 145

def on_finish(request, response)
  @handlers.reverse_each { |handler| handler.on_finish request, response }

#on_start(request, response) (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/rack/events.rb', line 141

def on_start(request, response)
  @handlers.each { |handler| handler.on_start request, nil }