
Accessing stats

Stats can be accessed in two ways:

control server

$ pumactl stats or GET /stats

Read more about pumactl and the control server in the README..


Puma.stats produces a JSON string. Puma.stats_hash produces a ruby hash.

in single mode

Invoke Puma.stats anywhere in runtime, e.g. in a rails initializer:

# config/initializers/puma_stats.rb

Thread.new do
  loop do
    sleep 30
    puts Puma.stats

in cluster mode

Invoke Puma.stats from the master process

# config/puma.rb

before_fork do
  Thread.new do
    loop do
      puts Puma.stats
      sleep 30

Explanation of stats

Puma.stats returns different information and a different structure depending on if Puma is in single vs. cluster mode. There is one top-level attribute that is common to both modes:

single mode and individual workers in cluster mode

When Puma runs in single mode, these stats are available at the top level. When Puma runs in cluster mode, these stats are available within the worker_status array in a hash labeled last_status, in an array of hashes where one hash represents each worker.

cluster mode

worker status


Here are two example stats hashes produced by Puma.stats:


  "started_at": "2021-01-14T07:12:35Z",
  "backlog": 0,
  "running": 5,
  "pool_capacity": 5,
  "max_threads": 5,
  "requests_count": 3


  "started_at": "2021-01-14T07:09:17Z",
  "workers": 2,
  "phase": 0,
  "booted_workers": 2,
  "old_workers": 0,
  "worker_status": [
      "started_at": "2021-01-14T07:09:24Z",
      "pid": 64136,
      "index": 0,
      "phase": 0,
      "booted": true,
      "last_checkin": "2021-01-14T07:11:09Z",
      "last_status": {
        "backlog": 0,
        "running": 5,
        "pool_capacity": 5,
        "max_threads": 5,
        "requests_count": 2
      "started_at": "2021-01-14T07:09:24Z",
      "pid": 64137,
      "index": 1,
      "phase": 0,
      "booted": true,
      "last_checkin": "2021-01-14T07:11:09Z",
      "last_status": {
        "backlog": 0,
        "running": 5,
        "pool_capacity": 5,
        "max_threads": 5,
        "requests_count": 1