
Class: PG::TextEncoder::Bytea

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: PG::SimpleEncoder
Defined in: ext/pg_text_encoder.c


This is an encoder class for the PostgreSQL bytea type.

The binary String is converted to hexadecimal representation for transmission in text format. For query bind parameters it is recommended to use PG::BinaryEncoder::Bytea or the hash form {value: binary_string, format: 1} instead, in order to decrease network traffic and CPU usage. See Connection#exec_params for using the hash form.

This encoder is particular useful when CopyRow is used with the COPY command. In this case there’s no way to change the format of a single column to binary, so that the data have to be converted to bytea hex representation.

Constant Summary

::PG::Coder - Inherited


Class Method Summary

::PG::Coder - Inherited


Create a new coder object based on the attribute Hash.

Instance Attribute Summary

::PG::Coder - Inherited


Get current bitwise OR-ed coder flags.


Set coder specific bitwise OR-ed flags.


The format code that is sent alongside with an encoded query parameter value.


Specifies the format code that is sent alongside with an encoded query parameter value.


Name of the coder or the corresponding data type.


The type OID that is sent alongside with an encoded query parameter value.


Specifies the type OID that is sent alongside with an encoded query parameter value.

Instance Method Summary

::PG::Coder - Inherited

#==, #dup, #inspect, #inspect_short, #marshal_dump, #marshal_load,

Returns coder attributes as Hash.

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from PG::Coder