
Class: PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries::BinaryData

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, String
Instance Chain:
self, String
Inherits: String
  • ::Object
Defined in: lib/pg/basic_type_map_for_queries.rb


Helper class for submission of binary strings into bytea columns.

Since ::PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries chooses the encoder to be used by the class of the submitted value, it’s necessary to send binary strings as BinaryData. That way they’re distinct from text strings. Please note however that ::PG::BasicTypeMapForResults delivers bytea columns as plain String with binary encoding.

conn.type_map_for_queries = PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries.new(conn)
conn.exec("CREATE TEMP TABLE test (data bytea)")
bd = PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries::BinaryData.new("ab\xff\0cd")
conn.exec_params("INSERT INTO test (data) VALUES ($1)", [bd])