
Exception: Octokit::ServerError

Relationships & Source Files
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, Error, StandardError
Instance Chain:
self, Error, StandardError
Inherits: Octokit::Error
Defined in: lib/octokit/error.rb


Raised on errors in the 500-599 range

Class Method Summary

Error - Inherited


Returns most appropriate error for 401 HTTP status code.


Returns most appropriate error for 403 HTTP status code.


Return most appropriate error for 404 HTTP status code.


Return most appropriate error for 422 HTTP status code.


Returns the appropriate Error subclass based on status and response message.


Instance Attribute Summary

Error - Inherited

Instance Method Summary

Error - Inherited


Documentation URL returned by the API for some errors.


Array of validation errors.


Body returned by the GitHub server.


Headers returned by the GitHub server.


Status code returned by the GitHub server.

#build_error_message, #data, #redact_url, #response_error, #response_error_summary, #response_message

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Octokit::Error