
Class: Octokit::EnterpriseManagementConsoleClient

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/octokit/enterprise_management_console_client.rb,


EnterpriseManagementConsoleClient is only meant to be used by GitHub Enterprise Admins and provides access to the management console API endpoints.

Constant Summary

Authentication - Included


Connection - Included


Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Authentication - Included


Indicates if the client has OAuth Application client_id and secret credentials to make anonymous requests at a higher rate limit.


Indicates if the client was supplied Basic Auth username and password.


Indicates if the client was supplied a bearer token.


Indicates if the client was supplied an OAuth access token.


Indicates if the client was supplied an OAuth access token or Basic Auth username and password.

Configurable - Included

Instance Method Summary

ManagementConsole - Included


Add an authorized SSH keys on the Enterprise install.


Fetch the authorized SSH keys on the Enterprise install.


Get information about the Enterprise installation.


Modify the Enterprise settings.


Get information about the Enterprise maintenance status.


Removes an authorized SSH keys from the Enterprise install.


Start (or turn off) the Enterprise maintenance mode.


Get information about the Enterprise installation.


Start a configuration process.


Upgrade an Enterprise installation.


Uploads a license for the first time.

Warnable - Included


Wrapper around Kernel#warn to print warnings unless OCTOKIT_SILENT is set to true.

Connection - Included


Hypermedia agent for the GitHub API.


Make a HTTP DELETE request.


Make a HTTP GET request.


Make a HTTP HEAD request.


Response for last HTTP request.


Make one or more HTTP GET requests, optionally fetching the next page of results from URL in Link response header based on value in #auto_paginate.


Make a HTTP PATCH request.


Make a HTTP POST request.


Make a HTTP PUT request.


Fetch the root resource for the API.


Executes the request, checking if it was successful.

#parse_query_and_convenience_headers, #request, #reset_agent, #sawyer_options

Authentication - Included

Configurable - Included


Set configuration options using a block.


Reset configuration options to default values.


Compares client options to a Hash of requested options.

#fetch_client_id_and_secret, #options

Constructor Details

.new(options = {}) ⇒ EnterpriseManagementConsoleClient

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/octokit/enterprise_management_console_client.rb', line 21

def initialize(options = {})
  # Use options passed in, but fall back to module defaults
  # rubocop:disable Style/HashEachMethods
  # This may look like a `.keys.each` which should be replaced with `#each_key`, but
  # this doesn't actually work, since `#keys` is just a method we've defined ourselves.
  # The class doesn't fulfill the whole `Enumerable` contract.
  Octokit::Configurable.keys.each do |key|
    # rubocop:enable Style/HashEachMethods
    instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", options[key] || Octokit.instance_variable_get(:"@#{key}"))

Instance Method Details

#faraday_configuration (private)

We fall back to raw Faraday for handling the licenses because I'm suspicious that Sawyer isn't handling binary POSTs correctly: https://github.com/lostisland/sawyer/blob/03fca4c020f465ec42856d0486ec3991859b0aed/lib/sawyer/agent.rb#L85

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/octokit/enterprise_management_console_client/management_console.rb', line 160

def faraday_configuration
  @faraday_configuration ||= Faraday.new(url: @management_console_endpoint) do |http|
    http.headers[:user_agent] = user_agent
    http.request :multipart
    http.request :url_encoded

    # Disabling SSL is essential for certain self-hosted Enterprise instances
    if connection_options[:ssl] && !connection_options[:ssl][:verify]
      http.ssl[:verify] = false

    http.use Octokit::Response::RaiseError
    http.adapter Faraday.default_adapter

#password_hash (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/octokit/enterprise_management_console_client/management_console.rb', line 154

def password_hash
  { query: { api_key: @management_console_password } }