
Class: Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser

Relationships & Source Files
Namespace Children
Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance Descendants
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/nokogiri/xml/sax/parser.rb,


This parser is a ::Nokogiri::XML::SAX style parser that reads its input as it deems necessary. The parser takes a Document, an optional encoding, then given an ::Nokogiri::XML input, sends messages to the Document.

Here is an example of using this parser:

# Create a subclass of Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document and implement
# the events we care about:
class MyHandler < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document
  def start_element name, attrs = []
    puts "starting: #{name}"

  def end_element name
    puts "ending: #{name}"

parser = Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser.new(MyHandler.new)

# Hand an IO object to the parser, which will read the XML from the IO.
File.open(path_to_xml) do |f|

For more information about SAX parsers, see ::Nokogiri::XML::SAX.

Also see Document for the available events.

For HTML documents, use the subclass ::Nokogiri::HTML4::SAX::Parser.

Constant Summary

  • ENCODINGS = Internal use only
    # File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/sax/parser.rb', line 46
    { # :nodoc:
      "NONE" => 0, # No char encoding detected
      "UTF-8" => 1, # UTF-8
      "UTF16LE" => 2, # UTF-16 little endian
      "UTF16BE" => 3, # UTF-16 big endian
      "UCS4LE" => 4, # UCS-4 little endian
      "UCS4BE" => 5, # UCS-4 big endian
      "EBCDIC" => 6, # EBCDIC uh!
      "UCS4-2143" => 7, # UCS-4 unusual ordering
      "UCS4-3412" => 8, # UCS-4 unusual ordering
      "UCS2" => 9, # UCS-2
      "ISO-8859-1" => 10, # ISO-8859-1 ISO Latin 1
      "ISO-8859-2" => 11, # ISO-8859-2 ISO Latin 2
      "ISO-8859-3" => 12, # ISO-8859-3
      "ISO-8859-4" => 13, # ISO-8859-4
      "ISO-8859-5" => 14, # ISO-8859-5
      "ISO-8859-6" => 15, # ISO-8859-6
      "ISO-8859-7" => 16, # ISO-8859-7
      "ISO-8859-8" => 17, # ISO-8859-8
      "ISO-8859-9" => 18, # ISO-8859-9
      "ISO-2022-JP" => 19, # ISO-2022-JP
      "SHIFT-JIS" => 20, # Shift_JIS
      "EUC-JP" => 21, # EUC-JP
      "ASCII" => 22, # pure ASCII
  • REVERSE_ENCODINGS = Internal use only

    pure ASCII

    # File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/sax/parser.rb', line 71

::Nokogiri::ClassResolver - Included


Class Method Summary

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

.new(⇒ SAX::Parser) ⇒ Parser .new(handler) ⇒ SAX::Parser) ⇒ Parser .new(handler, encoding) ⇒ SAX::Parser) ⇒ Parser

Create a new Parser.

  • handler (optional Document) The document that will receive events. Will create a new Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document if not given, which is accessible through the #document attribute.

  • #encoding (optional Encoding, String, nil) An Encoding or encoding name to use when parsing the input. (default nil for auto-detection)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/sax/parser.rb', line 95

def initialize(doc = Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document.new, encoding = nil)
  @encoding = encoding
  @document = doc
  @warned   = false

  initialize_native unless Nokogiri.jruby?

Instance Attribute Details

#document (rw)

The Document where events will be sent.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/sax/parser.rb', line 75

attr_accessor :document

#encoding (rw)

The encoding beings used for this document.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/sax/parser.rb', line 78

attr_accessor :encoding

Instance Method Details

#initialize_native (private)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/nokogiri/xml_sax_parser.c', line 328

static VALUE
noko_xml_sax_parser__initialize_native(VALUE self)
  xmlSAXHandlerPtr handler = noko_xml_sax_parser_unwrap(self);

  handler->startDocument = noko_xml_sax_parser_start_document_callback;
  handler->endDocument = noko_xml_sax_parser_end_document_callback;
  handler->startElement = noko_xml_sax_parser_start_element_callback;
  handler->endElement = noko_xml_sax_parser_end_element_callback;
  handler->startElementNs = noko_xml_sax_parser_start_element_ns_callback;
  handler->endElementNs = noko_xml_sax_parser_end_element_ns_callback;
  handler->characters = noko_xml_sax_parser_characters_callback;
  handler->comment = noko_xml_sax_parser_comment_callback;
  handler->warning = noko_xml_sax_parser_warning_callback;
  handler->error = noko_xml_sax_parser_error_callback;
  handler->cdataBlock = noko_xml_sax_parser_cdata_block_callback;
  handler->processingInstruction = noko_xml_sax_parser_processing_instruction_callback;
  handler->reference = noko_xml_sax_parser_reference_callback;

  /* use some of libxml2's default callbacks to managed DTDs and entities */
  handler->getEntity = xmlSAX2GetEntity;
  handler->internalSubset = xmlSAX2InternalSubset;
  handler->externalSubset = xmlSAX2ExternalSubset;
  handler->isStandalone = xmlSAX2IsStandalone;
  handler->hasInternalSubset = xmlSAX2HasInternalSubset;
  handler->hasExternalSubset = xmlSAX2HasExternalSubset;
  handler->resolveEntity = xmlSAX2ResolveEntity;
  handler->getParameterEntity = xmlSAX2GetParameterEntity;
  handler->entityDecl = xmlSAX2EntityDecl;
  handler->unparsedEntityDecl = xmlSAX2UnparsedEntityDecl;

  handler->initialized = XML_SAX2_MAGIC;

  return self;

#parse(input) {|parser_context| ... }

Parse the input, sending events to the Document at #document.

  • input (String, IO) The input to parse.

If input quacks like a readable IO object, this method forwards to #parse_io, otherwise it forwards to #parse_memory.


If a block is given, the underlying ParserContext object will be yielded. This can be used to set options on the parser context before parsing begins.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/sax/parser.rb', line 119

def parse(input, &block)
  if input.respond_to?(:read) && input.respond_to?(:close)
    parse_io(input, &block)
    parse_memory(input, &block)

#parse_file(filename) {|parser_context| ... } #parse_file(filename, encoding) {|parser_context| ... }

Parse a file.

  • filename (String) The path to the file to be parsed.

  • #encoding (optional Encoding, String, nil) An Encoding or encoding name to use when parsing the input, or nil for auto-detection. (default #encoding)


If a block is given, the underlying ParserContext object will be yielded. This can be used to set options on the parser context before parsing begins.


  • (ctx)


  • (ArgumentError)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/sax/parser.rb', line 187

def parse_file(filename, encoding = @encoding)
  raise ArgumentError, "no filename provided" unless filename
  raise Errno::ENOENT unless File.exist?(filename)
  raise Errno::EISDIR if File.directory?(filename)

  ctx = related_class("ParserContext").file(filename, encoding)
  yield ctx if block_given?

#parse_io(io) {|parser_context| ... } #parse_io(io, encoding) {|parser_context| ... }

Parse an input stream.

  • io (IO) The readable IO object from which to read input

  • #encoding (optional Encoding, String, nil) An Encoding or encoding name to use when parsing the input, or nil for auto-detection. (default #encoding)


If a block is given, the underlying ParserContext object will be yielded. This can be used to set options on the parser context before parsing begins.


  • (ctx)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/sax/parser.rb', line 143

def parse_io(io, encoding = @encoding)
  ctx = related_class("ParserContext").io(io, encoding)
  yield ctx if block_given?

#parse_memory(input) {|parser_context| ... } #parse_memory(input, encoding) {|parser_context| ... }

Parse an input string.

  • input (String) The input string to be parsed.

  • #encoding (optional Encoding, String, nil) An Encoding or encoding name to use when parsing the input, or nil for auto-detection. (default #encoding)


If a block is given, the underlying ParserContext object will be yielded. This can be used to set options on the parser context before parsing begins.


  • (ctx)
[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/nokogiri/xml/sax/parser.rb', line 165

def parse_memory(input, encoding = @encoding)
  ctx = related_class("ParserContext").memory(input, encoding)
  yield ctx if block_given?