
Class: Nokogiri::HTML5::Builder

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Nokogiri::XML::Builder
Defined in: lib/nokogiri/html5/builder.rb


::Nokogiri HTML5 builder is used for building ::Nokogiri::HTML documents. It is very similar to the ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder. In fact, you should go read the documentation for ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder before reading this documentation.

The construction behavior is identical to ::Nokogiri::HTML4::Builder, but ::Nokogiri::HTML5 documents implement the [HTML5 standard’s serialization algorithm](www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-html5-20080610/serializing.html).


Create an ::Nokogiri::HTML5 document with a body that has an onload attribute, and a span tag with a class of “bold” that has content of “Hello world”.

builder = Nokogiri::HTML5::Builder.new do |doc|
  doc.html {
    doc.body(:onload => 'some_func();') {
      doc.span.bold {
        doc.text "Hello world"
puts builder.to_html

The HTML5 builder inherits from the ::Nokogiri::XML builder, so make sure to read the ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder documentation.

Constant Summary

::Nokogiri::ClassResolver - Included


::Nokogiri::XML::Builder - Inherited


Class Method Summary

::Nokogiri::XML::Builder - Inherited


Create a new Builder object.


Create a builder with an existing root object.

Instance Attribute Summary

::Nokogiri::XML::Builder - Inherited


A context object for use when the block has no arguments.


The current Document object being built.


The parent of the current node being built.


Instance Method Summary

::Nokogiri::XML::Builder - Inherited


Append the given raw ::Nokogiri::XML string to the document.


Build a tag that is associated with namespace ns.


Create a CDATA Node with content of string


Create a Comment Node with content of string


Create a Text Node with content of string


Convert this Builder object to ::Nokogiri::XML.


Insert node as a child of the current Node.


::Nokogiri::ClassResolver - Included


Find a class constant within the.

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Nokogiri::XML::Builder

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Nokogiri::XML::Builder

Instance Method Details


Convert the builder to ::Nokogiri::HTML

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# File 'lib/nokogiri/html5/builder.rb', line 35

def to_html