
Class: Mysql2::Result

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
self, Enumerable
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/mysql2/result.rb,

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance Attribute Details

#server_flags (readonly)

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mysql2/result.rb', line 3

attr_reader :server_flags

Instance Method Details


Alias for #size.


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/mysql2/result.c', line 1058

static VALUE rb_mysql_result_each(int argc, VALUE * argv, VALUE self) {
  result_each_args args;
  VALUE defaults, opts, (*fetch_row_func)(VALUE, MYSQL_FIELD *fields, const result_each_args *args);
  ID db_timezone, app_timezone, dbTz, appTz;
  int symbolizeKeys, asArray, castBool, cacheRows, cast;


  if (wrapper->stmt_wrapper && wrapper->stmt_wrapper->closed) {
    rb_raise(cMysql2Error, "Statement handle already closed");

  defaults = rb_ivar_get(self, intern_query_options);
  Check_Type(defaults, T_HASH);

  // A block can be passed to this method, but since we don't call the block directly from C,
  // we don't need to capture it into a variable here with the "&" scan arg.
  if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &opts) == 1) {
    opts = rb_funcall(defaults, intern_merge, 1, opts);
  } else {
    opts = defaults;

  symbolizeKeys = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_symbolize_keys));
  asArray       = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_as) == sym_array;
  castBool      = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_cast_booleans));
  cacheRows     = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_cache_rows));
  cast          = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_cast));

  if (wrapper->is_streaming && cacheRows) {
    rb_warn(":cache_rows is ignored if :stream is true");

  if (wrapper->stmt_wrapper && !cacheRows && !wrapper->is_streaming) {
    rb_warn(":cache_rows is forced for prepared statements (if not streaming)");
    cacheRows = 1;

  if (wrapper->stmt_wrapper && !cast) {
    rb_warn(":cast is forced for prepared statements");

  dbTz = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_database_timezone);
  if (dbTz == sym_local) {
    db_timezone = intern_local;
  } else if (dbTz == sym_utc) {
    db_timezone = intern_utc;
  } else {
    if (!NIL_P(dbTz)) {
      rb_warn(":database_timezone option must be :utc or :local - defaulting to :local");
    db_timezone = intern_local;

  appTz = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_application_timezone);
  if (appTz == sym_local) {
    app_timezone = intern_local;
  } else if (appTz == sym_utc) {
    app_timezone = intern_utc;
  } else {
    app_timezone = Qnil;

  if (wrapper->rows == Qnil && !wrapper->is_streaming) {
    wrapper->numberOfRows = wrapper->stmt_wrapper ? mysql_stmt_num_rows(wrapper->stmt_wrapper->stmt) : mysql_num_rows(wrapper->result);
    wrapper->rows = rb_ary_new2(wrapper->numberOfRows);
  } else if (wrapper->rows && !cacheRows) {
    if (wrapper->resultFreed) {
      rb_raise(cMysql2Error, "Result set has already been freed");
    mysql_data_seek(wrapper->result, 0);
    wrapper->lastRowProcessed = 0;
    wrapper->rows = rb_ary_new2(wrapper->numberOfRows);

  // Backward compat
  args.symbolizeKeys = symbolizeKeys;
  args.asArray = asArray;
  args.castBool = castBool;
  args.cacheRows = cacheRows;
  args.cast = cast;
  args.db_timezone = db_timezone;
  args.app_timezone = app_timezone;
  args.block_given = rb_block_given_p();

  if (wrapper->stmt_wrapper) {
    fetch_row_func = rb_mysql_result_fetch_row_stmt;
  } else {
    fetch_row_func = rb_mysql_result_fetch_row;

  return rb_mysql_result_each_(self, fetch_row_func, &args);


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/mysql2/result.c', line 948

static VALUE rb_mysql_result_fetch_field_types(VALUE self) {
  unsigned int i = 0;


  if (wrapper->fieldTypes == Qnil) {
    wrapper->numberOfFields = mysql_num_fields(wrapper->result);
    wrapper->fieldTypes = rb_ary_new2(wrapper->numberOfFields);

  if ((my_ulonglong)RARRAY_LEN(wrapper->fieldTypes) != wrapper->numberOfFields) {
    for (i=0; i<wrapper->numberOfFields; i++) {
      rb_mysql_result_fetch_field_type(self, i);

  return wrapper->fieldTypes;


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/mysql2/result.c', line 921

static VALUE rb_mysql_result_fetch_fields(VALUE self) {
  unsigned int i = 0;
  short int symbolizeKeys = 0;
  VALUE defaults;


  defaults = rb_ivar_get(self, intern_query_options);
  Check_Type(defaults, T_HASH);
  if (rb_hash_aref(defaults, sym_symbolize_keys) == Qtrue) {
    symbolizeKeys = 1;

  if (wrapper->fields == Qnil) {
    wrapper->numberOfFields = mysql_num_fields(wrapper->result);
    wrapper->fields = rb_ary_new2(wrapper->numberOfFields);

  if ((my_ulonglong)RARRAY_LEN(wrapper->fields) != wrapper->numberOfFields) {
    for (i=0; i<wrapper->numberOfFields; i++) {
      rb_mysql_result_fetch_field(self, i, symbolizeKeys);

  return wrapper->fields;


[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/mysql2/result.c', line 176

static VALUE rb_mysql_result_free_(VALUE self) {
  return Qnil;

#size Also known as: #count

[ GitHub ]

# File 'ext/mysql2/result.c', line 1152

static VALUE rb_mysql_result_count(VALUE self) {

  if (wrapper->is_streaming) {
    /* This is an unsigned long per result.h */
    return ULONG2NUM(wrapper->numberOfRows);

  if (wrapper->resultFreed) {
    /* Ruby arrays have platform signed long length */
    return LONG2NUM(RARRAY_LEN(wrapper->rows));
  } else {
    /* MySQL returns an unsigned 64-bit long here */
    if (wrapper->stmt_wrapper) {
      return ULL2NUM(mysql_stmt_num_rows(wrapper->stmt_wrapper->stmt));
    } else {
      return ULL2NUM(mysql_num_rows(wrapper->result));