
Module: Mongoid::Factory

Relationships & Source Files
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Defined in: lib/mongoid/factory.rb


Instantiates documents that came from the database.

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Details

#build(klass, attributes = nil) ⇒ Document

Builds a new Document from the supplied attributes.

This method either instantiates klass or a descendant of klass if the attributes include klass’ discriminator key.

If the attributes contain the discriminator key (which is _type by default) and the discriminator value does not correspond to a descendant of klass then this method would create an instance of klass.


Build the document.

Mongoid::Factory.build(Person, { "name" => "Durran" })


  • klass (Class)

    The class to instantiate from if _type is not present.

  • attributes (Hash) (defaults to: nil)

    The document attributes.

  • options (Hash)

    a customizable set of options


  • (Document)

    The instantiated document.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/factory.rb', line 154

def build(klass, attributes = nil)
  execute_build(klass, attributes)

#execute_build(klass, attributes = nil, options = {}) ⇒ Document

This method is for internal use only.

A Ruby 2.x bug prevents the options hash from being keyword arguments. Once we drop support for Ruby 2.x, we can reimplement the options hash as keyword arguments. See bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/15753

Execute the build.


  • klass (Class)

    The class to instantiate from if _type is not present.

  • attributes (Hash) (defaults to: nil)

    The document attributes.

  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})

    The options to use.

Options Hash (options):

  • :execute_callbacks (true | false)

    Flag specifies whether callbacks should be run.


  • (Document)

    The instantiated document.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/factory.rb', line 175

def execute_build(klass, attributes = nil, options = {})
  attributes ||= {}
  dvalue = attributes[klass.discriminator_key] || attributes[klass.discriminator_key.to_sym]
  type = klass.get_discriminator_mapping(dvalue)
  if type
    type.construct_document(attributes, options)
    klass.construct_document(attributes, options)

#execute_from_db(klass, attributes = nil, criteria = nil, selected_fields = nil, execute_callbacks: Threaded.execute_callbacks?) ⇒ Document

This method is for internal use only.

Execute from_db.


  • klass (Class)

    The class to instantiate from if _type is not present.

  • attributes (Hash) (defaults to: nil)

    The document attributes.

  • criteria (Criteria) (defaults to: nil)

    Optional criteria object.

  • selected_fields (Hash) (defaults to: nil)

    Fields which were retrieved via #only. If selected_fields are specified, fields not listed in it will not be accessible in the returned document.

  • execute_callbacks (true | false)

    Whether this method should invoke the callbacks. If true, the callbacks will be invoked normally. If false, the callbacks will be stored in the pending_callbacks list and caller is responsible for invoking run_pending_callbacks at a later time. Use this option to defer callback execution until the entire object graph containing embedded associations is constructed.


  • (Document)

    The instantiated document.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/factory.rb', line 234

def execute_from_db(klass, attributes = nil, criteria = nil,
                    selected_fields = nil,
                    execute_callbacks: Threaded.execute_callbacks?)
  Instantiator.new(klass, attributes, criteria, selected_fields)
              .instance(execute_callbacks: execute_callbacks)

#from_db(klass, attributes = nil, criteria = nil, selected_fields = nil) ⇒ Document

Builds a new Document from the supplied attributes loaded from the database.

If the attributes contain the discriminator key (which is _type by default) and the discriminator value does not correspond to a descendant of klass then this method raises an UnknownModel error.

If a criteria object is given, it is used in two ways:

  1. If the criteria has a list of fields specified via #only, only those fields are populated in the returned document.

  2. If the criteria has a referencing association (i.e., this document is being instantiated as an association of another document), the other document is also populated in the returned document’s reverse association, if one exists.


Build the document.

Mongoid::Factory.from_db(Person, { "name" => "Durran" })


  • klass (Class)

    The class to instantiate from if _type is not present.

  • attributes (Hash) (defaults to: nil)

    The document attributes.

  • criteria (Criteria) (defaults to: nil)

    Optional criteria object.

  • selected_fields (Hash) (defaults to: nil)

    Fields which were retrieved via #only. If selected_fields are specified, fields not listed in it will not be accessible in the returned document.


  • (Document)

    The instantiated document.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/factory.rb', line 212

def from_db(klass, attributes = nil, criteria = nil, selected_fields = nil)
  execute_from_db(klass, attributes, criteria, selected_fields)