
Class: Mongoid::Association::Referenced::HasMany::Binding

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Object
Defined in: lib/mongoid/association/referenced/has_many/binding.rb


Binding class for has_many associations.

Instance Attribute Summary

::Mongoid::Association::Bindable - Included

::Mongoid::Threaded::Lifecycle - Included


Begin the assignment of attributes.


Is the current thread in assigning mode?


Execute a block in binding mode.


Is the current thread in binding mode?


Execute a block in building mode.


Is the current thread in building mode?


Is the current thread in creating mode?


Execute a block in loading mode.


Is the current thread in loading mode?

Instance Method Summary

::Mongoid::Association::Bindable - Included


Execute the provided block inside a binding.


Create the new binding.


::Set the id of the related document in the foreign key field on the keyed document.


Bind the provided document with the base from the parent association.


Bind the inverse document to the child document so that the in memory instances are the same.


::Set the type of the related document on the foreign type field, used when associations are polymorphic.


::Set the type of the related document on the foreign type field, used when associations are polymorphic.


Check if the inverse is properly defined.


Remove the associated document from the inverse’s association.


Remove the associated document from the inverse’s association.


Remove the associated document from the inverse’s association.


Ensure that the association on the base is correct, for the cases where we have multiple belongs to definitions and were are setting different parents in memory in order.


Convenience method to perform #try but return nil if the method argument is nil.


Bind the provided document with the base from the parent association.

Instance Method Details


Binds a single document with the inverse association. Used specifically when appending to the proxy.


Bind one document.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/association/referenced/has_many/binding.rb', line 18

def bind_one(doc)
  binding do


Unbind a single document.


Unbind the document.

[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongoid/association/referenced/has_many/binding.rb', line 28

def unbind_one(doc)
  binding do