
Exception: Mongo::Error::LintError

Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ::Mongo::Error, StandardError
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Mongo::Error
Defined in: lib/mongo/error/lint_error.rb


Raised when the driver is used incorrectly.

Normally the driver passes certain data to the server and lets the server return an error if the data is invalid. This makes it possible for the server to add functionality in the future and for older driver versions to support such functionality transparently, but also complicates debugging.

Setting the environment variable MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_LINT to 1, true or yes will make the driver perform additional checks on data it passes to the server, to flag failures sooner. This exception is raised on such failures.


  • 2.6.1

Constant Summary

::Mongo::Error - Inherited


Class Method Summary

::Mongo::Error - Inherited

Instance Attribute Summary

::Mongo::Error - Inherited


Can the change stream on which this error occurred be resumed, provided the operation that triggered this error was a getMore?

ChangeStreamResumable - Included


Can the change stream on which this error occurred be resumed, provided the operation that triggered this error was a getMore?

WriteRetryable - Included

Notable - Included


Returns global id of the connection on which the error occurred.


Returns connection pool generation for the connection on which the error occurred.


Returns service id for the connection on which the error occurred.

Instance Method Summary

::Mongo::Error - Inherited


Does the write concern error have the given label?


The set of error labels associated with the write concern error.

Labelable - Included


Adds the specified label to the error instance, if the label is not already in the set of labels.


Does the error have the given label?


Gets the set of labels associated with the error.

Notable - Included


Allows multiple notes to be added in a single call, for convenience.


Returns an array of strings with additional information about the exception.

#to_s, #notes_tail

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Mongo::Error