
Class: Mongo::Crypt::ExplicitEncryptionExpressionContext Private

Do not use. This class is for internal use only.
Relationships & Source Files
Super Chains via Extension / Inclusion / Inheritance
Class Chain:
self, ExplicitEncryptionContext, Context, Forwardable
Instance Chain:
Inherits: Mongo::Crypt::ExplicitEncryptionContext
Defined in: lib/mongo/crypt/explicit_encryption_expression_context.rb


A Context object initialized for explicit expression encryption.

Class Method Summary

ExplicitEncryptionContext - Inherited


Create a new ExplicitEncryptionContext object.

Context - Inherited


Create a new Context object.

Instance Attribute Summary

Context - Inherited

Instance Method Summary

ExplicitEncryptionContext - Inherited

Context - Inherited


Runs the mongocrypt_ctx_t state machine and handles all I/O on behalf of libmongocrypt.


Returns the state of the mongocrypt_ctx_t.


Returns an Azure access token, retrieving it if necessary.


Retrieves a GCP access token.


Indicate that state machine is done feeding I/O responses back to libmongocrypt.


Feeds the result of a ::Mongo operation back to libmongocrypt.


Retrieves KMS credentials for providers that are configured for automatic credentials retrieval.

Instance Method Details


[ GitHub ]

# File 'lib/mongo/crypt/explicit_encryption_expression_context.rb', line 25

def init(doc)
  Binding.ctx_explicit_encrypt_expression_init(self, doc)